------- VERSION 1.3 --------------------------------------------------------- x Woops, need an exclude_from_all on the NPCs (especially the tyrant). x At tyrant, "you leg" should be "your leg". x Handle "tie rope to lever" -- why isn't "distant" trapping working? It was because there was no xobject DoTie and DoStrap handlers, on distant check. x Also, double-check "throw rope at lever" -- what happens when you do it? It is too heavy, so you can't throw it high enough. I don't particularly like that (since there are other times we can throw stuff really high), but on this IFComp time crunch (two more days to go), it'll have to do. x Assuming there are no noun conflicts, add "wood" as a synonym for the beam. x Handle additional attempts to get the beam from the loft, based on beta. Drop Beam Over Gap (will be making a barn_below object in part1.hug). x You can "drop beam down" even if you're no longer in the loft. Woops! x Be able to drop other things over the edge of the loft, not just beam. Necessary for realism only, and as a possible clue to the players. x Support "tie bull to wagon" by doing both actions together. Wow, this turned out to be tough, because of all the conditions that I have to check. But, I did it and it now works! x Test and trap for "turning on" the cellar contraption. x When entering the barn (already visited) and bees go to girl inside, it's showing an extra blank line before the part where they swarm her. x "Your return to the feeding hill" should be "you return..." x Add "against" in the DoPush for xobject -> xobject handling. x Everybody is confused by the pulley when it's mentioned but not yet seen. Need to change those descriptions for closing the panel, to mention the pulley if it hasn't been seen by player (and probably girl didn't make a reference to it yet either, when she leaves for the first time). x If players have been to the hill and the wagon is still there and they're trying to put the beam in the windows, give an appropriate response. Otherwise, say that they have no need to do that. Handled for throwing and pushing the beam toward the windows, as well. x Handle "move tapestry" and "move pulley" in part1. Can re-route them. x Description for the pulley is blank. Need to check that, and add desc. x get apple while girl is in orchard, didn't work. Is message okay, though? Yes, the message says it's out of reach. Player needs to take an action. x attach wheel to wagon should work, but it doesn't. And attach it to axle. x Re-route "lift wagon" to be "right/move wagon". Testers have tried that. x add "hinge" as a synonym for the ladder's lever. x Add "stairs" as a synonym for the steps, in the barn and in the cellar. Check to make sure loft_ladder isn't "stairs", so there is no conflict. x If anything is successfully thrown at apple tree, the apple should fall. Also, this should get the girl's attention, and her movement will start. x Allow "follow captain" when he's not in your location, in Part 2. Can follow him from deck to cabin, and vice-versa. But that's all. x add "lever" as a verb synonym for DoPry. x Need to support "tie wheel to rope" and re-route it as necessary. x Trap trying to "cut" the apple. Many players are trying it. x When doing "drop rock into well" it did "rocks" and never left inventory. x Add "image" as a noun for "illusion" x When exiting to riverbed, the panel falls closed twice (once in shortdesc). x Fix the word "lightning" or "lightening" x Put pendant object after its components, to avoid the game thinking you mean the "plural" version when trying to do something with it and you are not holding it (i.e. trying to throw it if it's already on ground). Due to Hugo assuming the most recent version for the NotHeld checking. x When we need to move boxes to climb up to the mast and get the sail arm, it should start mentioning boxes in the short description for the room. x Instead of saying "if you want to USE you may need to rephrase it" give a totally customized message saying that "use" is too vague. Change the default description for "use" to be a little clearer. Done - there was a "use" defined in the verbstub (which I'm not using). I just added that, making sure I didn't mess up the DoAnswerQuestion handling too. x On barge, "attack" by itself said "(the gray spider)" twice in a row. Would also do it to black and red spiders, due to the DoAttack verb. Also happens on kick, punch, stab, cut, and others. Fixed all cases. x "go grass" a the very beginning should have worked. Also check other places that are allowed an "enter object" (the cabin, etc), and allow "go object" to work. I didn't realize that it was routing through DoGo, but it's an easy fix. x the tyrant "makes for a small target as (he) rushes at you. Fixed. x add "limb" and "branch" as synonyms for dark tree branches, in village. x she stops just long enough (to) work the pulley. Fixed text. x "if you want that way" should be "if you *went* that way". x "took the only on(e)" from the cabinet. Text fixed. x exit to sustain the enchan(t)ment - fixed. x Maybe allow "push wing to windmill" as an implied "to steps". Also, make "lean" a verb for "arrange" and allow leaning it as well. x Maybe for "talk" and "speak" say "you really can't" or something. Did this and added a few messages that help insist that it's really not working. x In windmill, can "stop" be made to work (recognized) on gears. x Also what about "break" ? Why is it not saying they're too far away? Argh, the gears weren't declared as "distant", but they should have been. x Touchs gears in the windmill doesn't appear to have a distance check. x Also, what about "put pipe in gears" -- can we throw the pipe at gears? x Make "ship" and "boat" a noun for the barge in part 2. x Players may want to examine the "sunlight" in the barn. Two testers did. x Handle trying to climb onto the bin (to reach the loft). And move bin? x Handle DoApproach when player is doing a "go to object" - for anything that ought to be enterable (the cabin, etc). x Allow "attach bull" or "harness bull" without an xobject, and give an appropriate response (instead of you "you can't harness the bull to anything" which is now misleading and incorrect). x "harness bull" says that you should start with a verb. Why's that? Because "harness" wasn't a verb. Equated to DoStrap, and now works. x If the player tries to "harness bull" and has the harness but not the rope, It would be better to equate it to "put harness on bull" instead of asking what you want to harness the bull to (confusing to some players). x Add an "exits" verb to the game, and list the available exits from room. x Woops, beta-tester caught that "wavey" should be spelled "wavy" instead. x Big bug (but easy to fix). Can cut sail arms off, even you're not on the steps. x Add an "approach" verb and change "go to object" to be an approach. Then we can handle DoApproach by default to say "you approach the object". We can trap for DoApproach in code, and allow an "enter" if necessary. x Should examining the wing on the barge also mention the lever? Yes, done. x Add "cup" and "plate" for the dishes in the kitchen. x When trying to push wagon, put the "wheel missing" on a line by itself. x "up" in village is giving a blank response. Was missing a handler on it. x Changes "embodies" to "envelops" when touching the tapestries. x Add startle/scare/frighten (for "scare girl") as verbs? Yes, that works. x "get chain" should get the pendant itself. And now it does (fixed it). x Add "attatch" as a verb (and add to attachable_verbs) due to some popular misspellings made by players. Also added "unattatch" for the other. x Add "walk towards x" as a DoApproach verb. Was there, but only "toward". x Add "slap" for "hit" -- but maybe make it a DoPunch verb. x When saying a smaller, simpler door is to the nw, also say "much closer". x "Stab windmill with sword" should have been handled in the DoAttack? For now, no. The message is "it's bigger and might win" which really only makes sense when "fighting" it. So for now, leave it alone. x Add "clamp" as a synonym for "slot" perhaps. x Re-route DoRelease clamp on both wings, to "release wings" instead. x add "wires" as a noun for the cords on the sail arms. x Was a spot where "windmill" was missing the second "i" but fixed now. x Missing the "invalid direction" handling when inside the windmill. Woops! x Remove "grain" as a synonym for the bag, after pouring the grain out. x It says "trapped" (a debugging message) when you "drop rocks on plate". x "put rope on harness" should be allowed, and tie it to the harness. x When harness is on the bull, "unstrap harness" says it's not strapped. x Allow "untie wagon/hitch" and "untie harness" and "untie bull" to remove the rope (untie from appropriate thing), to make things easier on player. x trap for "go to girl" and "walk to tree" in the orchard. She notices you. but, if player types "enter" then it doesn't work. That's invalid phrase. Also "approach girl" should work. This was actually hinted in the game text (which constantly says "as you approach her, she runs." Handled now. x When player does "detach chain" (or anything) allow it to imply one thing. Check to see if the same thing needs done for "untie" and others. Some of this may already be working for the rope. x Add "hook" and "unhook" as valid attach/detach verbs for the chain. x "much farther down *that* you would have expected (should be "than"). x add "contrapion" as a noun for "contraption" to allow a misspelling. x "cut side" while fighting the gray spider said "the windmill is too far away." Windmill shouldn't even have been in scope. Need to fix found_at. x "push spider off edge" didn't work. It should have worked. The xobject handling asked "the lip of the deck?" but it should have been handled. Probably "edge" and "deck" and "side" or whatever else. x Two testers show that you can't take the apple back, if put in trough. This was because I'd declared it as "quiet" to do custom listing. But I can do the same thing with a list_contents property, so I fixed it. x When on net, don't put the stream in scope until player has actually seen it somehow. Causes some confusion (maybe listed in a description while on the net, and it could be found_in the location at that point). x Add "bust" as a synonym for the "break" verb. x Don't change the default margins in Gargoyle. x There is a weird bug reported by one tester, where the status bar goes away before taking the first action in the epilogue. I should be able to fix it (even though I don't reproduce it) by forcing a status redraw. x Woops. Can still try cutting the components of the spiders when distant. Had to make components "part_of" conditional. Also gave "spider" as noun for plural spiders, once they become distant (helps the player a little). x Throw water at girl gives "assuming you mean to pour water on it". It should say "her" since the xobject is living. Trap for that too. Be sure that if spiders are living, they have appropriate "it" pronouns. x Add "bash" as a noun that means "hit". x Description of the bull is "wearning" a harness. Fix the spelling. x Add "my" as an adjective for the parchment (not just the flask and sword). x Possibly remove "water" as a synonym for the flask, whenever it's empty, and add it back when it's not empty. x Make sure "attach sail to slot" will work, when putting the new wing in. x Make sure "windmill" is a room object when inside the windmill. And then support being able to "leave" it. x Add a "ground" object in the village. x Handle trying to throw the wheel "up" or "out" of the cellar. x Add a "ledge" ground object, in the tapestry room. x Handle trying to "jump off" the ledge, when the ledge is in the chamber. x Equate climbing down the ledge to be "down" and handled as appropriate. x "x floor" in the cellar is giving a blank response. x viewing the crates from afar - there is an extra space between "chamber" and "from afar" -- it's the "d" handler in the hall, I think. x Handle "shake post" when trying to get the sail arm down off of it. x Handle trying to jump to the ladder or lever in the barn. x trap for "get blossoms" in the orchard, after making them a scenery obj. x If trying to water the dead trees, give a hint about watering saplings. x Do something more so players don't chase the girl around for half an hour. Every tester has done this, and gotten really confused and frustrated. Why? There is *no* indication in the game that you're supposed to chase her around, yet they do it over and over and over again. Argh. Okay, changed the messages some. It seems to have helped in phase two. x Handle trying to tie the rope to the doors or cleats. That won't work. x In the barn, in short_desc, mention whatever player doesn't have yet. In particular, mention the bin, if they have taken the rope and the harness already, but not the grain. x Throw rock into well didn't work. Probably can check for "in" and "into" x Should "village" be made a distant scenery, when at the wharf? Probably. x Handle showing the parchment to the old woman. Give a different response. x If barge's wing is on the ground at the mill, mention it in short_desc. x Trap for "look behind tapestry" -- maybe another form of "touch" on it? x Trap actions on the fleece_rug in "quarters" (right now, does nothing). Pretty much just trapped trying to move, pull, look under, and get it. x Add "roof" as distant scenery from the loft. x Move wing "under steps" and "against steps" should work. x Should probably add "frighten" and "startle" and "scare" as verbs. Too often, players have tried that. Maybe tell them to be more specific about what they want to do. Maybe "confront" as well, players are trying that. ------- VERSION 1.4 --------------------------------------------------------- x Fix "marvelling" (should be "marveling") in Part 2. x "northen gate" in part 1 should be "northern gate" x "the the open pasture" in part 1. Too many the's. x "shakey" should be "shaky" in the spider battle. x Some testing code to unset the flags that determine if you started chapter 3 with or without the burlap sack and the lead pipe was left in the walk- through (built-in version). As a result, players who kept the pipe from the prior chapter were being told to put rocks in the sack, and to go back into a hut to obtain the sack they already have. Woops. Fixed. x "respresent" on the tapestry should be "represent". x "familar" animals should be "familiar". x "understandbly" should be "understandably". x "trickets" should be "trinkets" for the treasure. x "unphased" should be "unfazed" in fighting spiders. x "fanagle" on the contraption should be "finagle". x Girl stops to work the "pully" should be "pulley". x X lock gives "the rust lock is now open". x Add "gown" as a noun syn for the girl's dress. ------- UNFINISHED ---------------------------------------------------------- * Go back and add linebreaks before content listings for containers. Make it easier to read, and more Inform-like. See where else linebreaks help. * Make it so that you can't "pour out" static things you're not holding. For instance "empty bin" might be okay, but "pour out bin" is senseless. * Add "Rip" and "Tear" and make it synonymous with "open" for the bag. This will have to behandled for specific objects (like the parchment), but the default can be "you can't [rip/tear] that". * Add "x air" to scenery definitions. Perhaps check location for each one. * In Part 2, make all the part 1 stuff out of scope so that things like "follow girl" won't work. Not sure how's the best way to do this. * Add "ground" objects for all rooms, which inherit from ground_class. * add "room" objects for all rooms - chamber, and hall, for two. * Make "direction listings" appear in all applicable locations for bad dirs. * "x rock" says "that doesn't make any sense." Is it taking "rock" as verb? * Trap for attempts to attach the harness to the beam (as a "crossbar"). * Handle more attempts to talk to the old woman, show her things, and point at things. She should react in some way to showing, pointing, giving. * If there is time before the comp deadline, add the "red cloth" for bull. * Handle custom component gets - widow's eyes (can't separate), and so on. * Add the "bonus" ability to count stuff. Count grass, count bees, etc. Should use the 69,105 gag, except on lesser things (non-plural items). * Fill in "look direction" wherever it's appropriate. * May need to implement "cling" as a verb, due to trying to "enter" trawl. * Handle trying to fill the flask in the stream/water. Don't really need. * In the loft, trap for more actions done to or with the dust. * Add "clean" as a verb - for apple, dust in the attic, and so forth. * Implement smile/grin and "smile at" / "grin at" (mentions: 5,16,2). * Check to see if there are any "action" responses that need linebreaks. * Add "look through" handling for barge windows, and anything else like it. * Handle "look up" (aka "x sky" everywhere, especially on barge (cloudy). x outside the mill. x inside, see the gears, etc. - on the deck of barge (flying or not). * Also, implement clouds as a distant, unholdable object, and make it say "you can't see the clouds from in here" whenever in a building. This is because the weather will get stormy, starting a little ways into in Part 2. Before that, we can say "not a cloud in the sky" or something. * Handle "look down" where it's appropriate: - steps of the windmill. - the deck of the barge, whenever airborne. - in the loft of the barn. - in the barn, when cellar door is open. - on the wharf. * Add "distant_response" and PrintMessage(18...) to applicable objects. * Need to add a "knock" verb, with "knock (x) down" maybe equiv to DoBreak. This will also be used for "knock on door" although nothing ever happens. * See if I need to add custom "sleepable" (15,7,obj) to anything else. * Add "(flying)" and "(landed)" to the deck and cabin descriptions. * Trap for "DoClimbUp" and "DoClimbDown" on objects where it doesn't apply. * Implement "cover" as a verb -- i.e. "cover well with slab" or whatever. * Prevent player from throwing stuff at something they're holding. * Handle "sit in chair/s" in the kitchen. Default response is bad. * Figure out a way to force ambiguity with "tapestry" after "tapestries" * allow player to try hitting or kicking the boulders on the hill. * allow player to lasso or rope the lever, in the barn. Pulls the ladder. * after "x blossoms" a "get them" assumes the animals. Blossoms not plural? Ah, I need to make "blossoms" its own scenery, instead of ground. * trap and handle trying to feed the apple to the bull (and "give" apple). * Probably make "feed" a verb and handle specific objects that are foods. Everything else gets a "not edible" message. Then, re-route "feed" to "give" in the "before" routines, for things that can actually work. * Can "apply" be a verb synonymous with "put x on..." or something like it? * Add "shout", "call", "yell", and "scream" handlers. Make "at" optional. * Implement "catch" as a verb. Maybe for "trap" ? Not sure. If it's a "living" object and not in this room, it could route "follow". * Maybe make "small door" in the barn, for sw exit. Player was confused. * Contradiction. Can't put wheel on contraption because it's broken, but you can't repair it because it's not yet broken. Best thing would probably be to re-word the first message and not call it broken at all. * Make sure it gives an appropriate message if trapping girl in the barn when you're not in there with her. * The "distant" description for the starboard wing was confusing to tester. He thought maybe it was describing the wing. Need to simplify that. * Allow player to throw stuff into the illusion, and it arrives in village. * Handle attempts to climb the fence in part 1 (in all rooms with a fence). * Do a CheckForNPC on a "DoShow" and a "DoGive" when no "xobject" has been specified. Auto-route the routine with the NPC, else give default message. * Do something to make player more aware that the riverbed has no water. * Show grain to the bull? Should there be a response? One tester didn't try that, exactly, but was trying to lead bull away with the grain. * Tester tried to "roll wheel" probably because it describes you doing it when moving from room to room. Is there time to trap for that verb now? * "put sail in slot" says "you're not holding those." Probably because the sail arms are compiled after the single arm (seen this problem before). ? "look at lights" wasn't working in the hall of tapestries. Why? Also, "put net on lights" said you hadn't encountered any lights (when the illusion was in effect), even though the player *had* encountered them. Not currently reproducing this one. * Can I do something to handle trying to "trap" the lights, and possibly trying to throw net on them or trap them with the net? * Implement bull's neck and bull's legs (currently, only "horns" is done). * Handle trying to drop the pendant, and then the girl arrives in the room where it is. Not sure how, though. How would she react to that? * One tester tried "whip bull". Should "whip" be a "hit" action somehow? * Do I need better clueing about the damaged wing? Players are having some trouble figuring out to release it from the slot. * can "bump" be added as a synonym for any existing verb? * Yikes, "talk to girl" gave a message "watches without compr., then shrugs. * Change "talk" messages, when the captain is on barge deck and spiders are attacking. Saying "he shrugs" isn't very helpful, and can be improved. * Handle "get water" and "search for water" in part 3. If the player didn't specify "flask" then they are probably *actually* looking for water. Is this possible/necessary now that "water" is removed as an adjective? * Find "a ways" (such as the loft, and the grass in prologue) and re-word. * Handle dropping the pendant on the ground around the girl. Give a message. * Can I add "door" as a noun to the southwest exit, without breaking things with ambiguity on the west barn door? Something maybe with parse_rank? * Can "dress" (for "put on") be aliased to an existing verb? Dress bull. * Add "splash" as a synonym for "pour water" - and maybe "splash with" as a reversed version of the verb. * Fix wheel to wagon: Can that grammar be made to work? * Handle trying to break/attack the pulley from outside (can't block exit). * How can I clue the players to touch the tapestries in the hall? * Can "put net over hooks" work the same as "put net on hooks"? Maybe. * Need a better clue about touching the "new" tapestry and/or watering saps. * EXPORT THE TEXT AND RUN IT THROUGH A SPELL-CHECKER! * Is there any way to better address the unresponsive NPC issues? In particular, the widow is the first NPC encountered, so she should be a lot less lame. I want her to seem weird and distant, though, but there are probably ways I can make her a little better. * Handle "jump up" in general. Figure out where all it should be trapped. * Handle trying to jump up to the loft, inside the barn. * Handle trying to jump to the apple, or to the tree/limbs in orchard. * Handle showing every inventory item to all NPCs and give better response. Maybe "imply" what their general reaction is. * Trap for "enter wagon" - if that's the word used, then diff response. * Be able to show parchment to captain, after you pick it up. * Add a "wall" to the hall of tapestries. South wall. * Player may want to "look inside hatch" before going into the cellar. * Should player be able to tie the rope to themselves? Pulling wheel up. * "give girl pendant" be supported? Maybe reverse if object is living. Several testers have tried this, and it probably needs handled. ? Don't do "exclude_from_all" on the parchment in the last chapter. Weird. The coding for the parchment is right. Why's it not working? * Trap for trying to "stand on" platforms - tyrant's table, etc. Already did it for the storage bin. Correct verb to check is DoStandOn. * Trap "exit door" in the windmill, and equate it to going east. * Tester didn't realize the bin was closed, so didn't try opening it. * Be sure we can point at wing and stuff, on the barge, to the captain. * Handle trying to attach the harness to the hitch. Redirect the player. ? When bull leaves, it said "instinctively you let go" for one tester, even though he wasn't holding onto the rope. Try to track that down. For now, skipping. The code is right to check for player containing the rope. * It should say "it's blocked by rails" for port lever too, but if barge is currently flying, then it gives that message instead. * Also, implement interacting with the cask - cutting it, getting liquid. * Players may try to move the cask again, to block the door. Handle it. * Handle "throwing" and "pushing" things in certain directions. Maybe say you have to do that "at" something, not a direction. Maybe DoPushDirection and DoMoveDirection would work. Right now, "throw object west" says that the object "hits the west" and falls. Bad, bad. Not good. * Give a little more feedback in the tyrant battle. Mention sword skill, and maybe looking at what the tyrant is actually doing, for a hint. * Add DoSniff checking (13,obj,1) to as many things as have smells. In particular, add the smell of the casserole, in the kitchen and oven. * In the orchard, it should be possible to "lower panel" yet it isn't. * Make sure the girl is described as opening the panel and the barn door, at least one time, for the player to see. * If you look a the mill door from inside, it tells you it's to the west. * If you try to go south from the yard, gate is locked, it says so twice. * Reported during ifcomp voting - trying to "enter window" says it's too far away (for barn). Maybe give a hint about wagon? Consider changing msg. * Support "push wing " at the windmill. * Add "dual" "edged" and "dual-edged" as adjectives for the sword. * Change description of pulling the wheel up. Make sure players know it's in their inventory afterwards. * Let "pull sword" work the same as "pull sword from sheath" * allow the player to "wait" at the beginning, and reach the taller grass. * Problem with putting things in mill basin. Says "momentarily" by mistake. NOTE -- this is moderately acceptable, so may not need changed. * allow "get on plate" same as "stand on" in part 3 * "welcomed change" reportedly should be "welcome change". * Hit Lock (no xobject) gives a default response, reportedly. * Some players still missed that there *was* a panel outside the barn. Maybe do more to clarify that *before* mentioning that it's being raised. * X Shadow in Part 2 says it's approaching from "the east" even if the back dir is to the west. Either that, or the initial room description is wrong.