The score for The Traveling Swordsman will be 0 to 100, and will be represented as a percentage: Prologue: 5% Part 1: 30% Part 2: 30% Part 3: 30% Epilogue: 5% The important thing is to identify tasks that are essential to completing the area, figure out the number of points, and make sure the points are always awarded, and only once per task. When there aren't enough "tasks" in a chapter to distribute one point each, I'll give an extra point to tasks that are more complicated, or require some additional (or optional) steps that aren't awarded points. --------------- Prologue - 5% --------------- 1 - 1% Going ahead to the grassy patch. 2 - 2% Cutting down the grass. 3 - 2% Picking up the pendant. -------------- Part 1 - 30% -------------- 4 - 1% Arriving at the farm house for the first time. 5 - 1% Entering the barn for the first time. 6 - 1% Entering the loft for the first time. 7 - 1% Entering the orchard for the first time. 8 - 1% Going to the feeding hill for the first time. 9 - 1% Entering the cellar for the first time. 10 - 1% Lowering the ladder to the loft. 11 - 1% Dropping the beam from the loft. 12 - 1% Cutting rope off the hatch handle. 13 - 1% Opening the hatch and releasing the bees. 14 - 1% Taking the wheel off the machine. 15 - 2% Pulling the wheel up to the barn level. 16 - 1% Putting the wheel onto the wagon. 17 - 1% Discovering the grain in the bin. 18 - 1% Pouring the grain into the trough. 19 - 1% Blocking the barn's nw exit with the cart. 20 - 2% Closing the barn's sw exit the first time. 21 - 2% Barring the barn doors with the beam, first time. 22 - 1% Discovering or picking up the key to the gate. 23 - 1% Discovering the harness on the rack. 24 - 2% When the girl runs away the first time. 25 - 2% Giving the pendant to the girl (part 1 complete) 26 - 1% Putting the harness on the bull the first time. 27 - 1% Tying the rope to the wagon's hitch first time. 77 = 1% Tying the rope to the harness for the first time. -------------- Part 2 - 35% -------------- 28 - 2% Climbing up the big maple tree. 29 - 1% Climbing up the trawl net, onto the deck. 30 - 2% Defeating the red spider. 31 - 1% Defeating the black spider. 32 - 1% Attacking the gray spider's legs. 33 - 1% Attacking the gray spider's eyes. 34 - 1% Attacking the gray spider's mandibles. 35 - 2% Pushing the gray spider off the deck. 36 - 1% Enter the cabin for the first time. 37 - 1% Raising the rails so that spiders can't come back. 38 - 1% Returning to the cabin after raising the rails. 39 - 2% Stacking boxes beside the mast. 40 - 1% Climbing up the stacked boxes, first time only. 41 - 1% Lowering the rails for the first time. 42 - 1% Releasing the starboard wing. 43 - 1% Going down off the starboard side, the first time. 44 - 2% Getting the mill door unlocked (with bones or pipe). 45 - 1% Moving the starboard wing over to fix the mill steps. 46 - 1% Climbing up the mill steps for the first time. 47 - 1% Entering the windmill for the first time. 48 - 2% Jamming the gears inside (with the lock or pipe). 49 - 2% Cutting a sail arm off the mill, so that it falls. 50 - 2% Getting the sail arm off the mast (pushing, etc). 51 - 1% Putting the sail arm in the starboard wing slot. 52 - 2% Dumping the cargo and ending the chapter. 53 - 1% Returning to the cabin after lowering rails. Lands. -------------- Part 3 - 25% -------------- 54 - 1% Going down to the riverbed for the first time. 55 - 1% Getting the fishing net. 56 - 2% Hanging the fishing net on the hooks above the panel. 57 - 1% Arriving at the village for the first time. 58 - 1% Attaching the chain to the slab for the first time. 59 - 1% Lifting the slab off the well, for the first time only. 60 - 1% Detaching the chain from the slab, when the slab is off. 61 - 1% Climbing down to the east end of the tunnel. 62 - 1% Going to the west end of the tunnel. 63 - 1% Pushing the plate in the floor, for the first time. 64 - 1% Getting a rock *or* an extra point for throwing at the plate. 65 - 1% Getting another rock *or* an extra point for throwing at plate. 66 - 1% Entering the tyrant's chamber for the first time. 67 - 2% Points for the first time the flask is re-filled by tyrant. 68 - 1% Pouring water on the saplings for the first time. 69 - 2% Pouring water on saplings the second time, and getting speed. 70 - 1% Entering the tyrant's chamber the first time after we have speed. 71 - 2% For fighting the tyrant and defeating him. 72 - 2% The tyrant gets caught in the net, and the chapter ends. 73 - 1% As a base point for pushing the plate from afar (three total). --------------- Epilogue - 5% --------------- 74 - 1% Going down the hall to the back door. 75 - 2% For taking the umbrella. 76 - 2% For opening the door and finishing the game. (77 is used in Chapter 1)