!\--------------------------------------------------------------------------- GBNOTE.HUG Footnoting routines for Guilty Bastards by Kent Tessman (c) 1998 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\! constant MAXFOOTNOTES 30 array footnote_printed[MAXFOOTNOTES] global footnote_mode = 1 global changing_footnote_counter ! for footnote 1 routine PrintFootnote(n) { if footnote_mode = 0 ! if footnote-printing is off return if not footnote_printed[n-1] or footnote_mode = 2 print "\n\I(Footnote "; number n; ")\i" footnote_printed[n-1] = true } routine DoFootnoteMode { if word[2] = "on", "normal" { "\I(Normal footnote printing.)\i" footnote_mode = 1 } elseif word[2] = "off", "never" { "\I(Footnote printing off.)\i" footnote_mode = 0 } elseif word[2] = "always" { "\I(Footnote printing always enabled.)\i" footnote_mode = 2 } else "Try \"footnote (number)\" to read a particular footnote. \ Normally the indication of a footnote is printed only once; to make sure it is always printed, use \"footnotes always\". Use \"footnotes never\" to turn footnote printing off or \"footnotes normal\" to restore the default mode." } routine DoFootnote { if object <= 0 { "Try \"footnote (number)\"." return } select object case 1 { "Milt Walker, the head of Rocket Pictures, is one of those people you've met in passing (since you don't exactly run in the same social circles) and under somewhat shady circumstances. It was a couple years ago and involved Milt's son and a boatload of South American marijuana. Grass, he kept calling it. You remember finding it vaguely funny sitting across a table from this austere-looking studio head in a seedy Los Angeles bar while he speculated in a low voice about how he was going to \"get rid of that much grass.\" \ How he did get his son out of that jam and what part you played in the whole imbroglio you swore never to reveal, not even here." select changing_footnote_counter case 0 PrintFootnote(2) case 1 "\n\I(The footnote doesn't say anything different this time around.)\i" case 2 "\n\I(The footnotes always say the same things.)\i" case 3 "\n\I(Always.)\i" case 4 "\n\I(Really.)\i" case else ! So that it doesn't wrap around(!) changing_footnote_counter = 10 ++changing_footnote_counter } case 2 "Yes, it's true: the author heisted the idea for these footnotes from the Infocom game \"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy\". But they are a pretty nifty idea." case 3 "In order that you not spend the entire game stuck in traffic, we'll assume that if you name the place you want to get to that you're capable of getting there. The real Los Angeles freeways are not nearly so forgiving." case 4 "Now stop browsing the footnotes and play the game." case 5 "Of course if you did just arbitrarily browse through the footnotes, they'd likely make no sense out of context." case 6 "Whistle or spit, the monkey's gotta come down sometime." case 7 "See?" case 8 "Let's face it: Maybe Hollywood never was what it used to be." case 9 "This space intentionally left blank." case 10 "This space also intentionally left blank." !\ Billy Van Earl's band Funkzilla was originally a ska band case 9 { "Ska, in case you don't know, is (to way oversimplify it) a pretty peppy brand of music featuring a relentless syncopated rhythm, a no-nonsense bassline, and usually horns to boot." PrintFootnote(10) } case 10 "A friend of mine once described it as \"reggae on speed\". \ But I don't think he was a fan of either ska or reggae particularly, so his summing-up may be a little biased or, hey, even shallow." \! case 11 "Ever seen one of these? No wonder kids are so screwed up. \ Even stranger is the fact that these shows turn up sometimes at, like, 2:30 a.m., giving rise to the question of whose benefit, exactly, the Exercise Lady is there for." case 12 "For those who've never seen a \"Strongest Man In The Word\" competition, it's a contest in which huge guys--and I mean \Ihuge\i guys--from Scotland and Texas and the Black Forest, ranging in body type from beer-drinker-huge to pumping-iron-\ huge face off against each other in events from the concrete-block toss to the bending-the-iron-pipe-using-your-\ bare-neck thing in order to earn the title of, well, Strongest Man In The World." case 13 "\IAuthor's note:\i I haven't, as of this writing, personally tried it (that I know of). I have tried and enjoyed pea soup, although it has got to be fairly liberally peppered and whatevered to distract me from the fact that I'm eating what is essentially smushed peas." case 14 "\"Colossal Cave\" is considered by most to be the first text adventure game (and indeed is sometimes called simply \"Adventure\"). It was written by two gentlemen, Crowther and Woods, and since 1977 has been rewritten and re-visited in just about every form possible, including a Hugo translation." case 15 "That's \"cheque\" for you Britons, most of you Canadians, and probably a bunch more of you." case 16 "And far from the only one." case 17 "Perfect for garroting, really, if such were your inclination." case 18 "Jake Duffy is the younger brother of Sergeant Duffy, who ably assisted the player in Infocom's mystery games Deadline and The Witness, and was quick to slap the cuffs on him or her in Suspect. (In other words, this is another case where the author has borrowed cheerfully from an interactive-\ fiction classic.) Sergeant Duffy's key trait was his ability to appear instantly whenever needed, never overstaying his welcome, and subsequently disappearing just as instantly without a trace. Now, Jake Duffy may not exactly be a cop like his big brother, but in a rare gesture of generosity toward the player's plight, at least that curious ability has here been made hereditary." case 19 "It is, of course, an offense to pull a fire alarm if there's no fire. Just in case you were thinking of doing anything of the sort." case 20 "If you're thinking, \"Golly, that's an odd cross-section,\" think again. This is Hollywood. Those are probably the top three essential services." case 21 "Could be a date. Or not." case 22 "Now, if that's Dean as in Dean Martin, these Sinatra-\ autographed albums would be worth a bundle. Although why Frank would sign so many--like, three dozen of them, not to mention signing each one exactly the same way--is a mystery." case 23 "Yes, \"flabbergasted\" is exactly the right word." case 24 "And here you go browsing footnotes willy-nilly again. You see, they make more \Isense\i if you read them in context. \ And they're funnier that way, too." case 25 "Mel said: \"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.\"" case 26 "Nice going." case else { if object > 200 { "Do you really think the author took the time to brew up, like, "; NumberWord(object) " footnotes?" } else print "There is no footnote "; number object; "." } }