Quest of merravid martech Go n/Get sword/Go w/Get cage/Go e/Go s/Go s/Cut rope/Get rope/Go n Get bucket/Go e/Fill bucket/Get coin/Go e/Get torch/Go s Catch raven with cage/Listen raven/Go n/Go w/Go w/Go n/Go n Talk people/Go s/Go w/Climb up/Go s/Go w/Drop bucket/Light torch/Go w Get breastplate/Go w/Use rope/Climb down/Get legpieces/Climb up/Go e Go s/Gete key/Go n/Go e/Drop cage/Get shield/Go n/Go w Look under table/Drop sword/Get box/Open box/Drop box/Drop key Get sword/Get ruby/Go e/Buy coat/Climb down/Go e/Go s/Go s/Go s/Faith Drop sword/Wear coat/Go s/Go w/Get helmet/Go e/Go s/Drop ruby/Go n Drop torch/Get gauntlets/Go n/Drop coat/Get sword/Go n/Go n/Go e/Go e Go e/Go n/Slay dragon with sword/Recover firestone