Mask of the sun broderbund Leave plane/Look amulet/Take all/Go in jeep/W/Take all/Leave jeep Go into hut/Give food/Leave hut/Go in jeep/W/Nw/Drop all/Take bottle Leave jeep/Look behind statue/Take head/Put head on statue/Go in jeep Nw/Take all/Leave jeep/F/Go on top/Light match/Light lantern/Go in Shoot/Look platform/Search platform/Open door/F/Take bowl/R Move sarcophagi/Look in sarcophagi/Take bowl/Leave/L/R Hit skeleton with amulet/Take bowl/Take urn/Set urn on right pedestal F/Go to jeep/Go in Jeep/Se/S/W/W/Nw/F/F/Leave jeep/D/F/F/Save game/Sw (now get frustrated)/Xotzil/F/F/F/Press amulet in opening/Take mask Search altar/Take mask/Back/Put mask on/Go to exit/F (the answer to the second question is fire)/R/L/L/L/R/F (now go circa 15 times a direction and put the mask on)Give mask Play flute