# # t3make build instructions template for the T3 porting kit test games # # Note: expanded paths must be relative to *this file* # -I ${tads3Dir}/include -I ${tads3Dir}/lib/adv3 -I ${tads3Dir}/lib/adv3/en_us -I ${tads3Dir} -DLANGUAGE=en_us -DMESSAGESTYLE=neu ${extraOptions} -Fy ${tempFilesDir} -Fo ${tempFilesDir} -o ${gamesDir}/${gameName}.t3 #-d #-lib ${tads3Dir}/lib/system.tl #-lib ${tads3Dir}/lib/adv3/adv3.tl #TODO had to comment out this for datesave.t which has main(args) #TODO if has main() but no _main ? no, probably some better trigger - tads.h? #TODO makes date.t compile+link - what's the general pattern here? # system.tl brings in _main incl. others -source ${tads3Dir}/test/data/${gameName}.t #-source ${tads3Dir}/test/data/lclvars2.t #-source ${tads3Dir}/lib/reflect.t #-source ${tads3Dir}/lib/dynfunc.t #-source ${tads3Dir}/test/data/extern1.t #-source ${tads3Dir}/test/data/extern2.t #-source ${tads3Dir}/test/data/enum.t #-source ${tads3Dir}/test/data/adv3_num.t #-source ${tads3Dir}/test/data/adv3_eng.t #-source ${tads3Dir}/test/data/adv3.t