1 DIM RD$(25),m(25,6),VB$(10),AO$(15),NO$(15),LO(15) 2 m(1,1)=2:m(2,2)=1:m(2,3)=3:m(3,4)=2:m(1,4)=4:m(4,3)=1 3 m(5,1)=4:m(4,2)=5:m(6,1)=5:m(5,2)=6:m(6,3)=7:m(7,4)=6 4 m(7,3)=8:m(8,1)=9:m(8,2)=16:m(8,4)=7:m(9,2)=8:m(9,3)=10 5 m(10,1)=11:m(10,2)=13:m(10,4)=9:m(11,2)=10:m(11,3)=12:gosub 9000 6 VB$(1)="go":VB$(2)="get":VB$(3)="take":VB$(4)="drop":VB$(5)="fight" 7 VB$(6)="feed":VB$(7)="program":VB$(8)="examine":VB$(9)="inventory":NO$(6)="up" 8 NO$(1)="north":NO$(2)="south":NO$(3)="east":NO$(4)="west":NO$(5)="down" 9 NO$(6)="up":NO$(7)="tape":NO$(8)="reader":NO$(9)="pdp-1":NO$(10)="spacewar":NO$(11)="dragon":NO$(12)="janitor":NO$(13)="werewolf" 10 AO$(1)="North":AO$(2)="South":AO$(3)="East":AO$(4)="West":AO$(5)="Up":AO$(6)="Down" 11 AO$(7)="A Blank Magnetic Tape":AO$(8)="A Magnetic Tape Reader":AO$(9)="This is the PDP-1 mainframe computer, built by DEC" 12 AO$(10)="This is a copy of Space War!, the famous video game. It runs on the PDP-1.":AO$(11)="The dragon says,'I was once peaceful, but now you've REALLY toked me off!'":AO$(12)="This is a local M.I.T. janitor, underpaid and overworked." 13 LO(1)=99:LO(2)=99:LO(3)=99:LO(4)=99:LO(5)=99:LO(6)=99 14 LO(7)=3:LO(8)=1:LO(9)=1:LO(10)=14:LO(11)=1:LO(12)=3 15 RD$(1)="In a long hallway, by a PDP-1 mainframe computer" 16 RD$(2)="Just past a long hallway, by a closet":SC=0 17 RD$(3)="Inside the janitor's closet, at MIT":LO(13)=19 18 AO$(13)="A fiery werewolf with red eyes. It growls at you as you enter the cemetary! The fur on the back of the werewolf springs up, as if alive with anger at your mere presence! The werewolf growls,'Stay away from here!'" 19 rem 'Space War!...and the PDP-1' 20 rem by paul panks (dunric@yahoo.com) 30 color 1,7:cls:rm=8 32 ?"Space War!...and the PDP-1":?"By: Paul Panks":? ?"You are a ninja of peace, seeking the PDP-1 a rival student ?"programmed 'Space War!' on many months ago. The Ancient Chinese" ?"Ice Dragon, said to be a dragon sent by the Evil One, guards the" ?"PDP-1 deep within the M.I.T. labs near Boston...":?:?"@ Press any key to begin playing! @" 33 a$=inkey$:if a$="" then goto 33 35 cls:?:?:?:?"Space War!...and the PDP-1":?"(Warning: Foul language used! Not suitable for anyone under 20)":?"By: Paul Panks":?"Version 1.03B":? 45 if rm<4 then ? RD$(rm):? 50 if rm=1 then ?"You are in a long hallway, entering into the computer science lab at":?"M.I.T. You are a student, looking for access to a DEC PDP-1 mainframe":?"computer. You have been told that a revolutionary new space game has" 60 if rm=1 then ?"just been written, called 'Space War!'. It is 1962, and the rumors are":?"flying about the campus. Of course, ever since they junked the TX-0 in":?"1961, you've been looking for a computer to tinker with. An exit lies" 70 if rm=1 then ?"to the north of here, past a long corridor." 75 if rm=1 then ?"--- Obvious exits: " 80 if rm=1 and LO(11)=rm then ?"You see a large PDP-1 computer here, guarded by an Ancient Chinese Ice":?"Dragon. This Large, Scaled Dragon blows puffs of green smoke in your":?"direction. It angrily stomps the floor, chanting,'Space War!'." 85 if rm=1 and LO(11)=rm then ?"The Ancient Chinese Ice Dragon looks hungry.":?"Perhaps you should 'feed dragon'." 90 if rm=2 then ?"You are walking just past a long hallway near a small closet. This area":?"is dusty and filled with smoke. You didn't know programmers smoked, but":?"this is 1962 and the Surgeon General is on drugs! Or so you hear. A" 95 if rm=2 then ?"closet stands to the east, usually occupied with several items from the":?"Technical Model Railroad Club. Those damn hippies (er, students)":?"are probably out back enjoying some righteous weed right now. Bummer." 96 if rm=2 then ?"--- Obvious exits: " 97 if rm=3 then ?"You are standing in a large broom closet at M.I.T. There are a few items":?"of interest scattered about the room. Perhaps you can snaggle up some":?"tapes for the PDP-1 (in order to program it). But you're looking" 98 if rm=3 then ?"for the Space War! tape, anyway. It should be here somewhere." 99 if rm=3 then ?"--- Obvious exits: " 100 if rm>3 then gosub 9500 REM 115 ?"@ More...press any key @" REM 120 a$=inkey$:if a$="" then goto 120 125 ?"*** Master O'Ryoko, you can see: ***":si=0:FOR X=7 TO 13:IF LO(X)=rm then ? AO$(X):si=1 126 NEXT:if si=0 then ?"Nothing!" 130 si=0:RANDOMIZE TIMER:i=int(rnd*25)+1:if rm=1 then if LO(11)=1 then if i=5 then ?"The dragon angrily stomps the floor! He growls,'Where's my weed, bitch?!'" 131 if rm=1 then if LO(11)=1 then if i=10 then ?"The dragon looks at you and smiles. He barks,'I'll eat you for a quarter!'" 132 if rm=1 then if LO(11)=1 then if i=15 then ?"The dragon kicks the PDP-1!":?"He screams,'Fucking piece of shit! Work, damn you! Work!'" 169 if SC>=50 then SC=50 170 xx=CSRLIN:GOSUB 1000:locate xx,1:INPUT">",a$:dat$=a$ 171 if a$="help" then ?"Commands used in Space War!...and the PDP-1 include:":?:?"GO,GET,TAKE,DROP,INVENTORY,FIGHT,FEED,PROGRAM,EXAMINE,SCORE,SAVE,QUIT":?:GOTO 130 172 if SC=>50 then SC=50 173 if a$="score" or a$="points" or a$="?" or a$="stats" or a$="stat" then ?"You're score is";SC;"out of 50.":GOTO 130 174 if a$="look" or a$="lk" or a$="l" then goto 45 175 if a$="quit" or a$="bye" or a$="exit" or a$="good bye" or a$="goodbye" then ?"You cannot do that. You have not yet completed this adventure.":GOTO 130 176 if a$="inventory" or a$="i" or a$="inv" or a$="inve" or a$="inven" or a$="invent" then SC=SC+2:goto 2000 177 if a$="go north" or a$="north" or a$="n" then if rm=1 then rm=2:SC=SC+3:goto 45 178 if a$="go south" or a$="south" or a$="s" then if rm=2 then rm=1:SC=SC+2:goto 45 if a$="go east" or a$="east" or a$="e" then if rm=19 then if LO(13)=rm then ?"The werewolf stops you!":?"It growls,'This is MY cemetary, knave! Stay away!'":GOTO 130 if a$="x werewolf" or a$="examine werewolf" or a$="exa werewolf" then if LO(13)=rm then ? AO$(13):SC=SC+3:GOTO 130 if a$="take werewolf" or a$="get werewolf" or a$="move werewolf" then if LO(13)=rm then ?"The werewolf dodges your movement!":?"It lunges at you, tearing into your neck with deadly force!":?"You died.":?:?"@ It's Game Over, Man! @":end if a$="kill werewolf" or a$="fight werewolf" then if LO(13)=rm then ?"Slash! You smacked the werewolf with a deadly below across the":?"throat! It falls over...dead.":LO(13)=998:SC=SC+10:GOTO 130 179 if a$="go east" or a$="east" or a$="e" then if rm=2 then rm=3:SC=SC+4:goto 45 180 if a$="go west" or a$="west" or a$="w" then if rm=3 then rm=2:SC=SC+1:goto 45 if a$="go east" or a$="east" or a$="e" then if rm=4 then rm=1:SC=SC+2:goto 45 181 if a$="take reader" or a$="get reader" then if LO(8)=rm then ?"The reader is much too heavy to lift.":SC=SC+2:GOTO 130 182 if a$="take tape" or a$="get tape" then if LO(7)=rm then lo(7)=-1:?"Taken.":SC=SC+5:GOTO 130 183 if a$="take pdp-1" or a$="get pdp-1" or a$="take computer" or a$="get computer" or a$="take mainframe" or a$="get mainframe" then IF LO(9)=rm THEN ?"The #$%!?$% thing is too fucking heavy, man!":?"You fucking thief, you! :)":GOTO 130 184 if a$="take space war!" or a$="get space war!" or a$="get spacewar!" or a$="take spacewar!" or a$="take space war" or a$="get space war" or a$="get spacewar" or a$="take spacewar" then if LO(10)=rm then LO(10)=-1:?"Taken.":SC=SC+10:GOTO 130 185 if a$="take dragon" or a$="get dragon" then if LO(11)=rm then ?"Oops...":?"You try to take the dragon.":?"It fucking eats you, man!":?"You died.":?:?"@ It's Game Over, Man! @":end 186 if a$="take janitor" or a$="get janitor" or a$="fight janitor" or a$="kill janitor" or a$="attack janitor" then if LO(12)=rm then ?"A ninja leaps from the shadows!":?:GOTO 3000 187 if a$="kill dragon" or a$="fight dragon" or a$="attack dragon" then if LO(11)=rm then ?"A ninja leaps from the shadows!":?:goto 3000 188 if a$="save" or a$="save game" or a$="store" or a$="restore" then ?"The Gods are not with you on this one, O' Master Ryoko...":goto 130 189 if a$="x computer" or a$="examine computer" or a$="exa computer" or a$="x pdp-1" or a$="exa pdp-1" or a$="examine pdp-1" or a$="x mainframe" or a$="exa mainframe" or a$="examine mainframe" then if LO(9)=rm then goto 4000 190 if a$="x tape" or a$="examine tape" or a$="exa tape" then if LO(7)=rm or LO(7)=-1 then goto 4100 191 if a$="x reader" or a$="examine reader" or a$="exa reader" then if LO(8)=rm or LO(8)=-1 then goto 4200 if a$="read tape" then if LO(11)=rm then ?"The dragon stops you!":?"He growls,'This is MY PDP-1, bitch! Back off!'":?"He goes back to programming the machine.":GOTO 130 if a$="feed dragon" or a$="feed tape to dragon" then if LO(11)=rm then if lo(7)=-1 then ?"You slam the tape into the dragon's mouth!":?"ZOOOORRRRTTTTT!":?"The dragon chokes on it and dies!":?"'AARRGGHH!'":LO(11)=998:SC=SC+25:GOTO 130 if a$="feed dragon" or a$="feed tape to dragon" then if LO(11)=rm then if lo(10)=-1 then ?"You slam the ONLY copy of Space War! into the dragon's mouth!":?"ZOOOORRRRTTTTT!":?"You fucking dipshit! You've ruined history!":GOTO 5700 if a$="feed werewolf" or a$="feed tape to werewolf" then if LO(13)=rm then if lo(7)=-1 then ?"You slam the tape into the werewolf's mouth!":?"It eats the tape whole!":?"The werewolf licks her chops, saying,'Thanks, buddy!'":LO(7)=99:GOTO 130 if a$="feed werewolf" or a$="feed tape to werewolf" then if LO(13)=rm then if lo(10)=-1 then ?"You slam the ONLY copy of Space War! into the werewolf's mouth!":?"You fucking moron! You've ruined history!":?"The werewolf says,'Yummy!'":GOTO 5700 192 if a$="read tape" then if lo(7)=-1 then if lo(8)=-1 or lo(8)=rm then ?"ZIIIPPPP!":?"The tape reads...":sleep 1:?"The DEC PDP-1 spits out the following message:":?:?"Operator: What the fuck is this shit?!":SC=SC-15:GOTO 130 193 if a$="read tape" then if lo(10)=-1 then if lo(8)=-1 or lo(8)=rm then ?"ZIIIPPPP!":?"The tape reads...":sleep 1:?"The DEC PDP-1 spits out the following output:":?:GOTO 5000 if a$="read tape" then ?"Aren't you missing something, like a tape or a copy of space war?":GOTO 130 194 if a$="x spacewar" or a$="examine spacewar" or a$="exa spacewar" or a$="x space war" or a$="exa space war" or a$="examine space war" or a$="x space war!" or a$="exa space war!" or a$="examine space war!" or a$="x spacewar!" then goto 5500 195 if a$="x dragon" or a$="examine dragon" or a$="exa dragon" then if LO(11)=rm then goto 5600 196 if a$="x janitor" or a$="examine janitor" or a$="exa janitor" then if LO(12)=rm then ?"This is a local M.I.T. janitor, underpaid and overworked. He somewhat":?"resembles Joe Lewis, the ex-heavyweight champion of the world.":GOTO 130 197 if a$="program pdp-1" or a$="program computer" or a$="program mainframe" then if LO(9)=rm then if lo(7)<>-1 or lo(10)<>-1 then ?"You need a tape, or a copy of space war in order":?"to program the DEC PDP-1 mainframe!":GOTO 130 if a$="program pdp-1" or a$="program computer" or a$="program mainframe" then if LO(9)=rm then if lo(7)=-1 then ?"In order to program the computer, you must 'read tape' first.":GOTO 130 if a$="program pdp-1" or a$="program computer" or a$="program mainframe" then if LO(9)=rm then if lo(10)=-1 then ?"In order to program the computer, you must 'read tape' first.":GOTO 130 if a$="program pdp-1" or a$="program computer" or a$="program mainframe" then if LO(9)=rm then ?"You need a tape to program the computer with first!":GOTO 130 198 if a$="drop tape" then if LO(7)=-1 then LO(7)=RM:SC=SC+2:?"Dropped.":GOTO 130 199 if a$="drop space war!" or a$="drop spacewar!" or a$="drop space war" or a$="drop spacewar" then if LO(10)=-1 THEN LO(10)=rm:?"Dropped.":SC=SC+4:GOTO 130 if a$="east" or a$="go east" or a$="e" then n=1:if m(rm,n)<>0 and rm=4 and n=3 then rm=m(rm,n):GOTO 45 200 if a$="north" or a$="go north" or a$="n" then n=1:if m(rm,n)<>0 then rm=m(rm,n):goto 100 201 if a$="south" or a$="go south" or a$="s" then n=2:if m(rm,n)<>0 then rm=m(rm,n):goto 100 202 if a$="east" or a$="go east" or a$="e" then n=3:if m(rm,n)<>0 then rm=m(rm,n):goto 100 203 if a$="west" or a$="go west" or a$="w" then n=4:if m(rm,n)<>0 then rm=m(rm,n):goto 100 204 if a$="up" or a$="go up" or a$="u" then n=5:if m(rm,n)<>0 then rm=m(rm,n):goto 100 205 if a$="down" or a$="go down" or a$="d" then n=6:if m(rm,n)<>0 then rm=m(rm,n):goto 100 206 if a$="north" or a$="go north" or a$="n" then ?"You can't go that way.":SC=SC-5:GOTO 130 207 if a$="south" or a$="go south" or a$="s" then ?"You can't go that way.":SC=SC-5:GOTO 130 208 if a$="east" or a$="go east" or a$="e" then ?"You can't go that way.":SC=SC-5:GOTO 130 209 if a$="west" or a$="go west" or a$="w" then ?"You can't go that way.":SC=SC-5:GOTO 130 210 if a$="up" or a$="go up" or a$="u" then ?"You can't go that way.":SC=SC-5:GOTO 130 211 if a$="down" or a$="go down" or a$="d" then ?"You can't go that way.":SC=SC-5:GOTO 130 249 if left$(a$,4)="exam" then ?"You notice nothing unusual about it.":SC=SC+3:GOTO 130 250 ?"You can't do that. You are not a master yet!":SC=SC-10 251 if SC<-120 then ?"A ninja leaps from the shadows!":SC=0:goto 3000 252 GOTO 130 999 end 1000 color 7,1:LOCATE 1,1:? SPACE$(80):LOCATE 1,1:? RD$(rm):locate 1,70:? SC;"/50":color 1,7:return 1999 rem inventory 2000 ?"You are carrying:":si=0 2001 FOR X=7 TO 12:IF LO(X)=-1 THEN ?" ";AO$(X):si=1 2002 NEXT:if si=0 then ?"Nothing!" 2003 GOTO 130 3000 ?"The ninja says,'You twy to rake my fwiend...I take ah-you, Engrashman!'":?"He growls,'Ah-So! You not-a like-a my rice-a??!'" 3001 randomize timer:mh=int(rnd*250)+1:hp=mh+100 3002 randomize timer:i=int(rnd*37)+1:?">" 3003 if i<=5 then ?"The ninja missed you." 3004 if i>=6 and i<=10 then ?"The ninja slashed you hard!":?"You really felt that one!":hp=hp-25 3005 if i>=11 and i<=15 then ?"Wow! The ninja DESTROYED you!":?"He nearly sliced you in half!":hp=hp-75 3006 if i>=16 then ?"You dodged the ninja's attack..." 3007 ?">":randomize timer:po=int(rnd*35)+1 3008 if hp<=0 then ?"Alas, you have sustained a mortal blow...":?:?"@ It's Game Over, Man! @":end 3009 if mh<=0 then ?"The ninja died.":?"You killed ninja.":GOTO 130 3010 if po<=5 then ?"You missed ninja." 3011 if po>=6 and po<=10 then ?"You slashed ninja hard!":?"He really felt that one!":mh=mh-35 3012 if po>=11 and po<=15 then ?"Wow! You DESTROYED the ninja!":?"You nearly sliced ninja in two!":mh=mh-95 3013 if po>=16 then ?"The ninja dodged your attack..." 3014 ?:?"@ Press any key to continue... @" 3015 a$=inkey$:if a$="" then goto 3015 3016 goto 3003 3999 end 4000 ?"This is a PDP-1, built by DEC in 1960. Steve Russell, your arch-rival, is":?"said to have programmed 'Space War!' on the machine a few months before.":?"Now everyone and their mom is lined up to play this 50 cent game on a" 4001 ?"$120,000 mainframe computer! Fucking hacks! The magnetic core memory of":?"the PDP-1 holds 18-bit words and has 4K word main memory (about 9 KB)." 4002 ?"At 5 microseconds, the cycle time is fairly quick for a 1960's era":?"mainframe computer. Random lights blink everywhere across the main":?"console. There is usually a card reader here (somewhere)." 4003 goto 130 4100 ?"This is a tape used with the DEC PDP-1 mainframe computer. It looks blank.":?"There is writing on the label, which reads: 'The fuckers from Stanford":?"don't have their OWN PDP-1! Assholes!'" 4101 ?"The dragon guarding the PDP-1 looks hungry. Perhaps you should 'feed tape'":?"to the dragon?" 4102 goto 130 4200 ?"This clunky pile of blue shit is a magnetic card reader, used with the":?"DEC PDP-1 mainframe computer. Apparently you 'read tape' to make the":?"computer spit out the contents of the tape's internal mylar data.":?"Fucking bitch!" 4201 goto 130 4999 rem win game 5000 ?"Operator: Space War! is ready to play!" 5001 ?"You type on the ASR-33 teletype: go space war" 5002 ?:?"############## ############# ############ ############# ##############" 5003 ?"### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###" 5004 ?"### ### ### ### ### ### ### " 5005 ?"############## ############## ############## ### ##############" 5006 ?"############## ############# ############## ### ##############" 5007 ?" ### ### ### ### ### ### " 5008 ?"### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###" 5009 ?"############## ### ### ### ############# ##############" 5010 ?"-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=" 5011 ?"### ### ############ #############" 5012 ?"### ### ### ### ### ###" 5013 ?"### #### ### ### ### ### ###" 5014 ?"### ###### ### ############## ##############" 5015 ?"###### ###### ############## ############# " 5016 ?"##### ##### ### ### ### ###" 5017 ?"#### #### ### ### ### ###" 5018 ?"### ### ### ### ### ###" 5019 ?"By: Steve Russell":?"If you play space war, please donate $10 to my college" 5020 ?"fund. M.I.T. doesn't pay the bills, and this computer time ain't free, dude!" 5021 ?"@ Press any key to continue @" 5022 a$=inkey$:if a$="" then goto 5022 5023 ?:for x=1 to 25:?"...............................................................................";:next 5024 for x=1 to 24:i=int(rnd*20)+1:ix=int(rnd*79)+1:locate i,ix:?"*":next 5025 locate 25,1:?"Whoops, this is a pre-alpha version of Space War! Looks like good ol'" 5026 ?"Stevie Wonder forgot to program in the space ships..." 5027 ?"FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!" 5028 ?"(The PDP-1 just crashed...)":?"BZZZZZZZTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! Clunk! Klacloptz!":?"...":?"@ It's Game Over, Man! @":?:?"Your final score was";SC;"out of 50 points.":end 5500 if LO(10)<>rm and LO(10)<>-1 then goto 250 5501 ?"This is Space War!, something Steve Russell, a rival programmer, cobbled":?"together in a few months time! The Evil One had sent an Ancient Chinese":?"Ice Dragon to guard the PDP-1, but not this game. It's all yours!" 5502 ?"The tape looks filled to maximum RAM!":GOTO 130 5600 ?"This Ancient Chinese Ice Dragon is a very Large, Scaled Dragon with sharp":?"claws and powerful teeth! It appears to be smoking something green, for":?"the smoke it blows is quite misty and thick!" 5601 ?"The dragon looks to be quite busy, programming the hulking DEC":?"PDP-1 mainframe.":GOTO 130 5700 ?"Now we'll NEVER have video games, you stupid tool!":?"You hear Steve Russell scream from afar,'Fucking lamer!'":?:?"@ It's Game Over, Man! @":end 8999 rem rest of map - room 12 (onward to 24) 9000 m(12,4)=11:m(13,1)=10:m(13,3)=14:m(14,2)=15:m(14,4)=13 9001 m(15,1)=14:m(16,1)=8:m(16,2)=17:m(17,1)=16:m(17,2)=18 9002 m(18,1)=17:m(18,3)=19:m(18,4)=23:m(19,3)=20:m(19,4)=18 9003 m(20,2)=21:m(20,4)=19:m(21,1)=20:m(21,3)=22:m(22,4)=21 9004 m(23,1)=24:m(23,3)=18:m(24,2)=23 9005 return 9499 rem rooms 4 through 24 printed out 9500 if rm=4 then RD$(rm)="In a long corridor, east of the main computing room" ? RD$(rm):? ?"You are walking down a small corridor heading into the M.I.T. central" ?"computing room. The hulking mainframes of the DEC PDP-1 unit are visible" ?"towards the east of this corridor, blinking bright lights across the" ?"length of the room." ?"--- Obvious exits: " 9504 end if 9505 if rm=5 then RD$(rm)="In a long corridor (inside the M.I.T. Computing Center)" ? RD$(rm):? ?"You are walking across a long corridor inside the computing center at the" ?"M.I.T. campus. Loud noises can be heard around the corner, as the elite of" ?"the Technical Model Railroad Club can be heard plunking away at the cobbled" ?"remains of the TX-0 minicomputer, soon to be replaced by the DEC PDP-1." ?"--- Obvious exits: " 9506 end if 9507 if rm=6 then RD$(rm)="At the entrance to the M.I.T. Computing Center" ? RD$(rm):? ?"You stand before the entrance to the M.I.T. Computing Center. Three years ago" ?"this building was a warehouse, housing whatever the university felt wasn't" ?"needed. Now it's a bustling area of activity for the members of the Technical" ?"Model Railroad Club, a campus club known from their electrical tinkering." ?"--- Obvious exits: " 9508 end if 9509 if rm=7 then RD$(rm)="West of Main, on the M.I.T. campus" ? RD$(rm):? ?"You are walking on a small, cobblestone path west of Main (on the campus of" ?"M.I.T.). The area is very beautiful this time of year, with a variety of oak" ?"trees in full bloom. The sky above is a crystal blue, with only a few clouds" ?"drifting high above you. The entrance to the computing center is west." ?"--- Obvious exits: " 9510 end if 9511 if rm=8 then RD$(rm)="On the Main path, at the campus of M.I.T." ? RD$(rm):? ?"You are standing on the Main path through the campus of M.I.T., a major" ?"technology and research institution in the Northeastern portion of the" ?"United States. Several students walk past you, hurrying towards classes" ?"spread out across campus. The path heads in three directions here." ?"--- Obvious exits: " 9512 end if 9513 if rm=9 then RD$(rm)="At the entrance to the Technical Model Railroad Club" ? RD$(rm):? ?"You are north of Main on the campus of M.I.T. Before you stands the" ?"esoteric Technical Model Railroad Club, a rogue campus group dedicated" ?"to electrical engineering and other nerdy pursuits. Thankfully, the only" ?"thing you're concerned with is locating the game 'Space War!'" ?"God knows if these people ever get dates, or party for that matter." ?"--- Obvious exits: " 9514 end if 9515 if rm=10 then RD$(rm)="Inside the Technical Model Railroad Club" ? RD$(rm):? ?"You are walking inside the small, narrow building of the Technical Model" ?"Railroad Club. A long corridor extends to either side of the long hallway" ?"ahead of you, snaking past several rooms. It appears as though the majority" ?"of tinkering is going on to the north, as evidenced by a distant humming" ?"sound. And it's not coming from the air conditioning or the air ducts." ?"--- Obvious exits: " 9516 end if 9517 if rm=11 then RD$(rm)="In a northern corridor, filled with train sets" ? RD$(rm):? ?"You are walking down a narrow corridor, painted white with yellow stars. You" ?"notice a series of small train sets sprawled across the floor here, some of" ?"them operational (the other train sets are in various stages of disassembly)." ?"You barely trip over yourself, trying to avoid them, but that's the life of" ?"a nerd, no less!" ?"--- Obvious exits: " 9518 end if 9519 if rm=12 then RD$(rm)="In the eastern train room, filled with model trains" ? RD$(rm):? ?"You have reached the secret 'lair' of the Technical Model Railroad Club. A" ?"plethora of train sets adorn the room, many of them whirling and beeping about" ?"like wayward piles of rusted metal on wheels. As the trains drive you utterly" ?"insane, you wonder what these lugnuts are hiding about 'Space War!'" ?"--- Obvious exits: " 9520 end if 9521 if rm=13 then RD$(rm)="South of the main corridor, near a series of dorm rooms" ? RD$(rm):? ?"You are winding your way past a long corridor into a series of small" ?"dorm rooms. There isn't much here, save for a few rooms with basic adornments" ?"and furnishings. Do these guys ever party (or get laid)? You notice several" ?"amusing posters lining the walls, most of them about science in general." ?"Fucking geeks! No wonder M.I.T.'s culture is so fubared!" ?"--- Obvious exits: " 9522 end if 9523 if rm=14 then RD$(rm)="Inside a dorm room, at the Technical Model Railroad Club" ? RD$(rm):? ?"You are standing inside the virginous dorm room of some low-life model" ?"club member. The Technical Model Railroad Club isn't known for their" ?"social events, or any events, for that matter. What do these pen-pushers" ?"do in their spare time? Masterbate to Beethoven?" ?"--- Obvious exits: " 9524 end if 9525 if rm=15 then RD$(rm)="Inside a small bathroom (which needs repairs badly)" ? RD$(rm):? ?"Eeewww! This bathroom really needs fixing! You think you see the water" ?"running, and it is! Running like a fat kid towards a wedding cake! As" ?"amusing as that thought is to you, you can't help but wonder why these" ?"fucking nerds ever bother to shower...do they ever get dates?" ?"The only exit is west, out of the stinking virgin-of-a-bathroom." ?"--- Obvious exits: " 9526 end if 9527 if rm=16 then RD$(rm)="South of Main, on the campus of M.I.T." ? RD$(rm):? ?"You are walking south of Main, on the campus of M.I.T. The road slopes" ?"down towards the southwest, towards a lone road. Past the road lies a" ?"large cemetary (not accessible from here). You'll have to go around to" ?"the east to see the spooky graveyard!" ?"--- Obvious exits: " 9528 end if 9529 if rm=17 then RD$(rm)="Heading south towards the end of campus" ? RD$(rm):? ?"You are heading south towards the end of M.I.T. campus. The road turns" ?"sharply here towards the base of a large hillside, covered in leaves and" ?"flowers. The grass looks brilliant, a mossy green without the disgusting" ?"smell of moss. To the south lies the end of campus." ?"--- Obvious exits: " 9530 end if 9531 if rm=18 then RD$(rm)="At the southern edge of M.I.T., near a cemetary" ? RD$(rm):? ?"You are standing on a long, grassy hillside at the southern edge of the" ?"M.I.T. campus. To the east stands a large cemetary, obviously forbidden" ?"from the main road. It is guarded by a large iron gate. The hair on your" ?"neck rises on end, as the distant howl of a lone wolf echoes throughout" ?"the nearby trees." ?"The road to the cemetary is directly east of here." ?"--- Obvious exits: " 9532 end if 9533 if rm=19 then RD$(rm)="At the entrance to a large cemetary, blocked by an iron gate" ? RD$(rm):? ?"You stand before the entrance to a large cemetary, which is blocked by a" ?"large, rusted iron gate. The top of the gate reads 'M.I.T. Cemetary' (not" ?"terribly original, huh?). Anyway, the cemetary is sometimes guarded by" ?"a large wolf, but this is just campus rumor, or so they say..." ?"--- Obvious exits: " 9534 end if 9535 if rm=20 then RD$(rm)="Inside a large cemetary, filled with graves and crosses" ? RD$(rm):? ?"You are walking in a lone cemetary, filled with graves and crosses of" ?"the deceased. It's quite a spooky feeling wandering about this cemetary" ?"at the edge of campus. You feel as though a set of ghostly eyes are" ?"watching your every move! Look out!" ?"--- Obvious exits: " 9536 end if 9537 if rm=21 then RD$(rm)="Inside a cemetary, on a large hill overlooking M.I.T." ? RD$(rm):? ?"You stand on a large hill in a cemetary overlooking the campus of M.I.T." ?"The surrounding area is shrouded by a large oak tree, providing ample shade" ?"for the graves below. A few leaves cover the ground here, which consists of" ?"mostly earthen dirt, solid rock, lush grass and small pebble stones." ?"To the east stands a particularly large grave marker." ?"--- Obvious exits: " 9538 end if 9539 if rm=22 then RD$(rm)="In front of a large grave, marked by a stone cross" ? RD$(rm):? ?"You are facing a large grave, marked by an immense stone cross. Reading the" ?"top of the cross you can make out the initials: 'I.B.M.' The dates below the" ?"initials are: 1896-1962. An inscription below the date reads: 'Whomever walks" ?"with demons shall be free of tyranny forever.'" ?"--- Obvious exits: " 9540 end if 9541 if rm=23 then RD$(rm)="Western edge of campus, near a small tool shed" ? RD$(rm):? ?"You are walking on the western edge of the campus of M.I.T. (near a small" ?"tool shed). The shed appears to be mostly abandoned. There isn't much light" ?"around to illuminate the darkness, but heading into the shed shouldn't prove" ?"too difficult as the door to the shed is drawn wide open." ?"--- Obvious exits: " 9542 end if 9543 if rm=24 then RD$(rm)="Inside a small tool shed, on the campus of M.I.T." ? RD$(rm):? ?"You are standing inside a darkened tool shed on the campus of M.I.T. There" ?"are a few dusty shelves here, but nothing of obvious interest to you. If" ?"an item were to catch your eye, surely you'd snag it like a drunk woman" ?"at the local dance recital." ?"--- Obvious exits: " 9544 end if 9545 return