******************************************************************************* * The C Adventure Toolkit Volume 1 (CATLIB 1.0) * * Compiled by Tony Stiles, August 1991 * ******************************************************************************* Contents: GEMBIND - Public domain GEM bindings, for use with ST Sozobon C. STRINGS - A program to extract strings of text from adventure pgms! SAMPLES - Some sample image files, along with a sample editing pgm. EXAMPLE - Demonstration of CATLIB functions in use. CATLIB\MOVER - library function for 'animating' the movement of active characters in your adventure. CATLIB\CLOTHING - library function for simulating clothing. i.e. trousers cannot be worn over jeans, a pair of pants cannot be removed while wearing trousers, but could be removed while wearing a skirt, etc. CATLIB\GEMLIB - library functions to turn the mouse on/on, and to use the GEM file selector for saving/loading games. CATLIB\SAMPLES - library functions for playing sample images from your adventures. Includes a copy of the Mastersound sample player code, and C code for playing samples - this could be used in any C program. ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* Please note: Some programs on this disc may be copyrighted shareware offerings. If they are used regularly then they should be registered with their respective authors. All the CAT source code, and C source code is in the public domain, as are the example generated programs. ******************************************************************************* If you would like to make a contribution to a future CAT library disc, please send me a copy. I'm interested in ANYTHING related to CAT in any way. Enjoy, (just to be original!) Tony Stiles 103a Ludlow Road Itchen SOUTHAMPTON Hants SO2 7ER ******************************************************************************* If you have any questions/queries, you can write to me at the above address, but please enclose a stamped addressed envelope if you want a reply!