@rem ZZRQD.D - last change 30/04/91 @rem This file contains all the definitions required for the standard C Adventure Toolkit. This file (or a version of it) will always be required to make a working adventure, as the system refers to all these definitions internally. @rem ********************** Required messages ******************************** @rem Yes_chars and No_chars determine the key-presses that are acceptable by CONFIRM. i.e. 'Yy' for positive and 'Nn' negative. @msg Yes_chars @msgtxt Yy @endmsg @msg No_chars @msgtxt Nn @endmsg @msg Yes @msgtxt Yes. @endmsg @msg No @msgtxt No. @endmsg @msg More @msgtxt <<< MORE >>> @endmsg @msg Bad_load @msgtxt Unexpected format - load aborted. @endmsg @msg File_not_found @msgtxt I can't find that save file. @endmsg @msg Get_file_name @msgtxt File name (up to 8 chars): @endmsg @msg Disk_error @msgtxt Sorry! Disk error! @endmsg @msg Disk_full @msgtxt Maybe the disk is full, or write protected? @endmsg @msg Operation_complete @msgtxt Operation complete! @endmsg @msg Play_again @msgtxt Would you like to play again? @endmsg @msg Too_dark @msgtxt It's too dark to do that. @endmsg @msg Deaf_ears @msgtxt Your command falls on deaf ears. @endmsg @msg Scored @msgtxt You scored @endmsg @msg In @msgtxt in @endmsg @msg Turns @msgtxt turns. @endmsg @msg Press_a_key @msgtxt Please press a key. @endmsg @msg It_contains @msgtxt It contains: @endmsg @msg Nothing @msgtxt nothing. @endmsg @msg Which_one @msgtxt Which do you mean? @endmsg @msg Be_more_specific @msgtxt Please enter the command again, but this time be more specific. @endmsg @msg Darkness @msgtxt Darkness! @endmsg @msg Empty_hands @msgtxt Your hands are empty. @endmsg @msg It_is_alight @msgtxt It's lit. @endmsg @msg It_is_open @msgtxt It is open. @endmsg @msg It_is_closed @msgtxt It's closed. @endmsg @msg It_is_dark @msgtxt It's dark here! @endmsg @msg It_is_locked @msgtxt It's locked. @endmsg @msg Object_worn @msgtxt You are wearing that. @endmsg @msg Nothing_unusual @msgtxt You don't see anything unusual. @endmsg @msg Noun_not_found @msgtxt Sorry, but I can't recognise an object in that sentence. @endmsg @msg No_command @msgtxt Sorry, I can't find a verb in that sentence. Please try expressing it in a different way. @endmsg @msg No_obvious_exits @msgtxt You don't notice any obvious exits. @endmsg @msg No_path @msgtxt There is no path leading in that direction. @endmsg @msg Object_carried @msgtxt You are carrying that. @endmsg @msg Object_not_got @msgtxt You don't have that. @endmsg @msg Object_not_here @msgtxt You can't see that here. @endmsg @msg Object_not_worn @msgtxt You're not wearing that. @endmsg @msg Obvious_exits @msgtxt Obvious exits are: @endmsg @msg What_now @msgtxt What now? @endmsg @msg You_are @msgtxt You are: @endmsg @msg And @msgtxt and @endmsg @msg You_are_carrying @msgtxt You are carrying: @endmsg @msg You_are_wearing @msgtxt You are wearing: @endmsg @msg You_can_see @msgtxt You can see: @endmsg @msg No_ram_load @msgtxt Sorry, I can't find a game save position in memory. @endmsg @msg No_ram_save @msgtxt Sorry, I can't allocate enough memory for a Ramsave. @endmsg @obj all @objsyn everything @endobj @obj them @objsyn him her it those @endobj @obj me @endobj @obj except @endobj @rem ************************** Directional verbs *************************** @verb enter @verbsyn go go_in go_inside go_into get_into climb_in climb_into get_in go_through climb_through @verbchk here @endverb @verb down @verbsyn d climb_down climb_d go_d go_down descend @endverb @verb east @verbsyn e go_east go_e @endverb @verb north @verbsyn n go_n go_north @endverb @verb northeast @verbsyn ne go_ne go_northeast @endverb @verb northwest @verbsyn nw go_nw go_northwest @endverb @verb south @verbsyn s go_s go_south @endverb @verb southeast @verbsyn se go_se go_southeast @endverb @verb southwest @verbsyn sw go_sw go_southwest @endverb @verb up @verbsyn u get_up get_u climb_up climb_u go_u go_up ascend @endverb @verb west @verbsyn w go_w go_west @endverb @verb leave @endverb @rem ******* Prepositional verb FROM, used to qualify objects in boxes ********* @verb from @verbprep @verbsyn from_out from_in out @verbchk avail @endverb