HelioFrotz Change Log earle@ziplabel.com http://www.ziplabel.com/helio V1.5b - Jan 12, 2002 Clean up screen when keyboard popped up and down V1.5 - Jan 8, 2002 Updated to 2.41 of the Frotz interpreter Removed all dumb_* functions, rewrote for Helio Proportional fonts when game supported Timed input fixes Underlined(emphasis) font support "Hit enter to exit..." instead of immediate exit GNU Licensing now, thanks to 2.41 Frotz changeover -- See the file "COPYING.TXT" for more information about the GNU license Help screens V1.4b Fixes file save/load/script, sorry! V1.4 Support for ZHDB files - Carry every Infocom game with room to spare! Runs all Infocom Classics! Better error detection and recovery More stdio fixes, save/restore should work more reliably File chooser dialogs Can use Palm fonts! V1.3 thru V1.2 Internal testing only V1.1 Allow power-off/exit/etc while game is running, much fewer crashes --- A copy of your game is saved in the file "power.sav" on shutdown, --- just RESTORE it when you restart the game Cleaned up small font Transcripts into text documents (check out TextView for reading them!) Source code is much cleaner Fix in my_stdio, Zork II works now.