Zanfar Instructions. ZANFAR understands most of the commands commonly found in other text games of this type, i.e.:- Directions: N,S,E,W,NE,NW,SE,SW,U,D, NORTH,SOUTH,EAST,WEST,NORTHEAST,NORTHWEST,SOUTHEAST,SOUTHWEST,UP,DOWN ENTER,EXIT. Other Commands: SCORE {display score and status} QUIT,Q {end game} INVENTORY,INVEN,I {list things player is carrying} SCREAM,SHOUT,SHRIEK {make noise but accomplish nothing} WAIT {waste a turn} BRIEF,VERBOSE {change description mode} L,LOOK {repeat full description} SAVE, RESTORE {save and restore game status}. Useful Verbs: THROW [noun] {[AT|TO] [noun/creature]} ATTACK [noun] {WITH [noun]} FIGHT | HIT [creature] {WITH [noun]} DROP [noun] GET, TAKE [noun] OPEN [noun] {[WITH] [noun]} CLOSE [noun] UNLOCK [noun] WITH [noun] EXAMINE, LOOK AT [noun] {synonym is "EX"} READ [noun] EAT [noun] DRINK [noun] PUT [noun] IN|WITH [noun] PUSH, TOUCH [noun] TURN [noun] {ON|OFF} TURN {ON|OFF} [noun] LIGHT [noun] EXTINGUISH [noun] {synonym is "EXT"}. Note: EXT = Extinguish (noun) EX = Examine (noun) ********************************************