location Landing description "$tAt the top of the stairs, a short hallway leads north, and there are doors to the east and west. $p" --exit north to UpstairsHallway. --exit down to Hallway. --exit east to Bedroom. end location. object Landing_stairs name stairs name stairway name staircase name steps at Landing description verb examine does only describe main_stairs. end verb. verb 'use' does only locate hero at Hallway. end verb. end object. object Landing_north_door name north door name north at Landing description verb examine does only describe interior_door. end verb. verb 'use' does only locate hero at UpstairsHallway. end verb. end object. object Landing_east_door name east door name east at Landing description verb examine does only describe interior_door. end verb. verb 'use' does only locate hero at Bedroom. end verb. end object. location UpstairsHallway name 'Upstairs Hallway' description "$tDoors lead east and west from here, and to the south is the upstairs landing of the main stairs. There is also a small set of steps leading up to a hatch in the ceiling. $p" --exit south to Landing. --exit east to Chapel. --exit west to Kitchen. --exit up to Attic. end location. object UpstairsHallway_steps name steps name stairs name stairway name staircase at UpstairsHallway description verb examine does only "It's a small, narrow modest set of steps, obviously not intended for frequent use." end verb. verb 'use' does only locate hero at Attic. end verb. end object. object UpstairsHallway_south_door name south door name south at UpstairsHallway description verb examine does only describe interior_door. end verb. verb 'use' does only locate hero at Landing. end verb. end object. object UpstairsHallway_east_door name east door name east at UpstairsHallway description verb examine does only describe interior_door. end verb. verb 'use' does only locate hero at Chapel. end verb. end object. object UpstairsHallway_west_door name west door name west at UpstairsHallway description verb examine does only describe interior_door. end verb. verb 'use' does only locate hero at Kitchen. end verb. end object. location Attic description "$tSurprisingly, the attic is in the expected place and seems completely normal. Except for one thing: it's completely empty, and looks to have been that way all it's life. There isn't even much dust. $iThe skin on the back of your neck begins to crawl. A clean attic is the sign of a sick mind. $pWhen you've seen enough, a hatch in the floor leads down. $p" --exit down to UpstairsHallway. end location. object Attic_hatch name hatch name hatchway at Attic verb examine does only "It leads down into the upstairs hallway." end verb. verb 'use' does only locate hero at UpstairsHallway. end verb. end object.