location DiningRoom name 'Dining Room' description "$tThis room is furnished with a large dining table and chairs. The table is laid out with six elaborate place settings, and looks quite normal except for the pentagrams and occult runes inscribed in charcoal on the tablecloth" if candle is not moved then "and the large, dribbly candle in the middle of the table." else "." end if. "$iThe other notable feature of this room is the fireman's pole that descends from a circular hole in one corner of the ceiling. $iDoors lead south to the drawing room, and east to the hallway. $p" --exit south to DrawingRoom. --exit east to HallwayNorth. --exit up to Kitchen -- check "The pole is too slippery to climb up." --end exit. end location. object DiningRoom_table name dining room table name large dinner table at DiningRoom container description verb examine does "It's big enough for six people, and made of expensive mahogany." end verb. end object. object DiningRoom_pole name 'fireman''s' pole at DiningRoom description verb examine does only "It's made of metal and very smooth." end verb. verb 'use' does only "The pole is too slippery to climb up." end verb. end object. object DiningRoom_south_door name south door name south at DiningRoom description verb examine does only describe interior_door. end verb. verb 'use' does only locate hero at DrawingRoom. end verb. end object. object DiningRoom_east_door name east door name east at DiningRoom description verb examine does only describe interior_door. end verb. verb 'use' does only locate hero at HallwayNorth. end verb. end object. object candle name large dribbly candle in DiningRoom_table is takeable. is needing_iobj. is not lit. verb examine does only "Rivulets of hot wax have run down its sides and made grotesque shapes at its base. It's almost burned down to a stump, but there looks to be quite a lot of life left in it." if candle is lit then "$pThe candle is alight." end if. end verb. verb use_on when dobj does only if candle is lit then if iobj = emerald then "You hold the candle up to the emerald, which scatters the candlelight and casts flickering green images" if shade here then "over the apparition." make shade illuminated. schedule unilluminate_shade after 1. else "around the walls." end if. else "The candle illuminates the $2 with a flickering light." end if. else "If you're trying to illuminate something, it might help if you lit the candle first." end if. when iobj does only if dobj is ignition_source then if candle is not lit then "The candle flares into life. It smokes quite a bit, but gives off a usable light." make candle lit. else "The candle is already alight." end if. else "That doesn't seem to do any good to the candle." end if. end verb. end object.