5 RANDOMIZE TIME:MODE 2:GOSUB 5000 6 DEFINT a-z 10 DIM C$(31),ro$(32),R(32,4),O$(33,8),p$(35):CLS 20 O$(1,1)="immovable door":O$(2,1)="a delicious looking malt":O$(2,2)="* platinum spoon" 30 O$(5,1)="sign":O$(6,1)="tombstone":O$(7,1)="motocycle":O$(8,1)="woman":O$(10,1)="folded piece of paper" 40 O$(12,1)="safe":O$(16,1)="manhole":O$(16,2)="dirtpile":O$(17,1)="gas container":O$(17,2)="dirtpile":O$(21,1)="a large pool" 50 O$(22,1)="duct tape":O$(24,1)="sign":O$(24,2)="a very large machine":O$(25,1)="prybar":O$(26,1)="* diamonds" 60 O$(27,1)="scientific book":O$(28,1)="a large cabinet":O$(30,1)="sign":O$(31,1)="crate" 70 O$(32,1)="dying plant":O$(26,2)="a very large machine":O$(18,1)="ladder":FOR x=1 TO 31:READ C$(x):NEXT x 80 FOR d=1 TO 32:FOR x=1 TO 4 90 READ R(d,x):NEXT x:NEXT d 95 FOR f=1 TO 32:READ ro$(f):NEXT f 96 rn=1 100 LOCATE 1,1:FOR x=1 TO 12:PRINT " ";:NEXT:LOCATE 1,1 101 PRINT"you are in a ";ro$(rn) 105 PRINT"Exits are: "; 110 FOR x=1 TO 4:IF R(rn,x)<>0 THEN PRINT LEFT$(C$(x),1);" "; 111 NEXT x:PRINT 115 PRINT"Here you see: "; 116 O=0:FOR x=1 TO 8 117 IF O$(rn,x)<>""THEN O=1 118 NEXT x 119 IF O=0 THEN PRINT"Nothing." 120 FOR x=1 TO 8 121 IF O$(rn,x)<>""THEN PRINT O$(rn,x);" "; 122 NEXT x:PRINT 130 PRINT"------------------------------------------------------------------------" 131 PRINT" " 132 LOCATE 1,12 133 IF rn=27 THEN GOSUB 3800 135 INPUT"command";a$:PRINT" ":PRINT" ":LOCATE 1,14 137 x1=1:a$=a$+" ":tw=LEN(a$) 138 p$(0)=LEFT$(a$,3) 139 FOR a1=1 TO tw 140 IF MID$(a$,a1,1)=" "THEN GOSUB 144 141 NEXT a1 142 GOTO 150 143 STOP 144 p$(x1)=MID$(a$,a1+1,3) 145 x1=x1+1 146 RETURN 150 FOR i=0 TO x1 151 IF p$(i)="the"THEN p$(i)="" 152 IF p$(i)="and"THEN p$(i)="" 153 IF p$(i)="at "THEN p$(i)="" 154 IF LEFT$(p$(i),1)="i"AND p$(i)<>"imm"THEN p$(i)="inv" 155 IF LEFT$(p$(i),1)="e"AND p$(i)<>"ent"AND p$(i)<>"exa"AND p$(i)<>"eat"THEN p$(i)="eas" 156 IF LEFT$(p$(i),1)="w"AND p$(i)<>"wom"AND p$(i)<>"wat"THEN p$(i)="wes" 157 IF LEFT$(p$(i),1)="n"AND p$(i)<>"nec"THEN p$(i)="nor" 158 IF LEFT$(p$(i),1)="s"AND p$(i)<>"spa"AND p$(i)<>"say"AND p$(i)<>"sci"AND p$(i)<>"str"AND p$(i)<>"sho"AND p$(i)<>"spo"AND p$(i)<>"sco"AND p$(i)<>"sig"AND p$(i)<>"saf"AND p$(i)<>"sha"AND p$(i)<>"swi"THEN p$(i)="sou" 159 IF p$(i+1)="tap"THEN p$(i+1)="duc" 160 IF p$(i+1)="boo"THEN p$(i+1)="sci" 161 IF p$(i+1)="pap"AND U=0 THEN p$(i+1)="fol" 162 IF p$(i+1)="mac"THEN p$(i+1)="a v" 163 IF p$(i+1)="sto"THEN p$(i+1)="tom" 164 IF p$(i+1)="doo"THEN p$(i+1)="imm" 165 IF p$(i+1)="mal"THEN p$(i+1)="a d" 166 IF p$(i+1)="pla"AND fs=0 THEN p$(i+1)="dyi" 167 IF p$(i+1)="cab"AND B=0 THEN p$(i+1)="a l" 168 IF p$(i+1)="poo"THEN p$(i+1)="a l" 169 IF p$(i+1)="spo"THEN p$(i+1)="* p" 170 IF p$(i+1)="nec"THEN p$(i+1)="* n" 171 IF p$(i+1)="cro"THEN p$(i+1)="* c" 172 IF p$(i+1)="dia"THEN p$(i+1)="* d" 173 IF p$(i+1)="con"THEN p$(i+1)="gas" 174 IF p$(i+1)="cab"AND B=1 THEN p$(i+1)="a b" 175 IF p$(i+1)="pla"AND fs=1 THEN p$(i+1)="a p" 176 IF p$(i+1)="mon"OR p$(i+1)="bag"THEN p$(i+1)="* m" 177 IF p$(i+1)="dou"OR p$(i+1)="spa"THEN p$(i+1)="* s" 195 NEXT i 196 a=0:FOR i=0 TO x1 197 IF p$(i)<>""THEN B$(a)=p$(i):a=a+1 198 NEXT i 199 FOR d=0 TO a-1:p$(d)=B$(d):NEXT d:x1=a-1 201 FOR i=0 TO x1 202 FOR ds=1 TO 31 205 IF p$(i)=C$(ds)THEN ON ds GOSUB 1000,1000,1000,1000,1100,1200,1301,1400,1500,1600,1700,1800,1900,2000,2100,2200,2300,2400,2500,2600,2700,2800,2900,3000,3100,3200,3300,3400,3500,3600,3700 210 NEXT ds,i 220 GOTO 100 1000 FOR x=1 TO 4 1010 IF C$(x)=p$(i)AND R(rn,x)<>0 THEN 1030 1020 NEXT x:PRINT"that direction is not an exit!":FOR f=1 TO 1050:NEXT f:RETURN 1030 N=R(rn,x):rn=N:RETURN 1100 IF rn=16 AND p$(i+1)="man"THEN 1140 1105 GOTO 1199 1140 FOR x=0 TO 9 1145 IF LEFT$(I$(x),3)="mot"THEN 1155 1150 NEXT x:PRINT"you enter the manhole!":rn=18:RETURN 1155 PRINT"the motorcycle hampers your effort.":RETURN 1199 PRINT"you can't enter that!":RETURN 1200 IF rn=18 AND p$(i+1)="lad"THEN PRINT"you climb the ladder.":rn=16:RETURN 1299 PRINT"you can't climb that!":RETURN 1301 FOR x=1 TO 8 1329 IF p$(i+1)=LEFT$(O$(rn,x),3)THEN 1350 1330 NEXT x:PRINT"you can't get it!!":RETURN 1350 IF p$(i+1)="saf"AND rn=12 THEN PRINT"don't be funny, its made of steel and is too large!":RETURN 1351 IF p$(i+1)="a l"AND rn=21 THEN PRINT"the pool is a hole filled with water!":RETURN 1352 IF p$(i+1)="a l"AND rn=28 THEN PRINT"the cabinet is bolted to the floor!":RETURN 1353 IF p$(i+1)="imm"AND rn=1 THEN PRINT"you think your superman? the door wont budge!":RETURN 1354 IF p$(i+1)="dir"AND(rn=16 OR rn=17)THEN PRINT"the dirt runs through your fingers!":RETURN 1355 IF p$(i+1)="wom"AND rn=8 THEN PRINT"she wiggles away from you.":RETURN 1356 IF p$(i+1)="sig"AND rn=5 OR rn=24 OR rn=30 THEN PRINT"the sign wont budge!":RETURN 1357 IF p$(i+1)="tom"AND rn=6 THEN PRINT"I wont defile a place of the dead!!!":RETURN 1358 IF p$(i+1)="dyi"OR p$(i+1)="a p"AND rn=32 THEN PRINT"the plants roots go too deep! it wont budge.":RETURN 1359 IF p$(i+1)="man"AND rn=16 THEN PRINT"you can't expect me to get a manhole!":RETURN 1360 IF p$(i+1)="cra"AND rn=31 THEN PRINT"the crate wont budge!":RETURN 1361 IF rn=24 OR rn=26 AND p$(i+1)="a v"THEN PRINT"the machine won't budge!":RETURN 1365 IF p$(i+1)="bod"AND rn=6 THEN PRINT"that's sick!!!":RETURN 1366 IF p$(i+1)="* n"THEN 1383 1367 IF p$(i+1)="lad"AND rn=18 THEN PRINT"the ladder won't move.":RETURN 1368 IF p$(i+1)="a b"AND rn=28 THEN PRINT"you can't get the broken cabinet!":RETURN 1375 FOR x=1 TO 8:IF p$(i+1)=LEFT$(O$(rn,x),3)THEN 1377 1376 NEXT x:STOP 1377 FOR d=0 TO 9:IF I$(d)<>""THEN 1380 1378 IF p$(i+1)=LEFT$(O$(rn,x),3)THEN I$(d)=O$(rn,x) 1379 O$(rn,x)="":PRINT"taken!":RETURN 1380 NEXT d:PRINT"no room in inventory.":RETURN 1383 FOR d=0 TO 9:IF I$(d)="* cross"THEN 1375 1384 NEXT d:IF rn=6 THEN PRINT"the body springs to life and kills you!":END 1385 GOTO 1375 1400 FOR x=0 TO 9 1405 IF LEFT$(I$(x),3)=p$(i+1)THEN 1415 1410 NEXT x:PRINT"you don't have it!":RETURN 1415 FOR d=1 TO 8 1420 IF O$(rn,d)=""THEN 1430 1425 NEXT d:PRINT"no room to drop it!":RETURN 1430 O$(rn,d)=I$(x):I$(x)="":PRINT"dropped.":RETURN 1500 CLS:PRINT"your inventory: " 1505 FOR x=0 TO 9:PRINT I$(x):NEXT x 1510 INPUT"press return to continue";a$:RETURN 1600 R=RND*6 1605 R=INT(ABS(R)+1) 1610 ON R GOTO 1620,1630,1640,1650,1660,1670 1615 GOTO 1600 1620 PRINT"you will receive no help from me mortal!":RETURN 1630 PRINT"dig that weird tombstone.":RETURN 1640 PRINT"watch out for the librarian!":RETURN 1650 PRINT"try swimming.":RETURN 1660 PRINT"don't operate the machine without doing a little reading first!":RETURN 1670 PRINT"try examining things!":RETURN 1699 RETURN 1700 IF rn=1 AND p$(i+1)="imm"THEN PRINT"on the door you see a button.":RETURN 1701 IF(rn=5 OR rn=24 OR rn=30)AND p$(i+1)="sig"AND p$(i+1)<>"a v"THEN PRINT"the sign has writing on it!":RETURN 1702 IF rn=28 AND p$(i+1)="a l"THEN PRINT"the cabinet is made of glass!":RETURN 1710 IF rn=32 AND p$(i+1)="dyi"AND W=0 THEN PRINT"the plant is murmuring water.....water.":RETURN 1711 IF rn=31 AND p$(i+1)="cra"THEN PRINT"the crate looks like it can be moved.":RETURN 1712 IF rn=6 AND p$(i+1)="tom"THEN PRINT"it has writing on it.":RETURN 1713 IF rn=24 OR rn=26 AND p$(i+1)="a v"THEN PRINT"the machine has a lever on it.":RETURN 1714 IF rn=8 AND p$(i+1)="wom"THEN PRINT"she looks beautiful!":RETURN 1715 IF p$(i+1)="a d"THEN 1785 1716 IF p$(i+1)="bod"AND rn=6 AND fp=0 THEN PRINT"you find a necklace!":GOTO 1777 1776 GOTO 1799 1777 FOR x=1 TO 8:IF O$(rn,x)=""THEN 1779 1778 NEXT x:PRINT"remove an item from room and try again.":RETURN 1779 O$(rn,x)="* necklace":fp=1:RETURN 1785 FOR x=1 TO 8 1786 IF LEFT$(O$(rn,x),3)=p$(i+1)THEN 1790 1787 NEXT x:GOTO 1791 1790 PRINT"the malt smells like burnt almonds.":RETURN 1791 FOR x=0 TO 9:IF LEFT$(I$(x),3)=p$(i+1)THEN 1790 1792 NEXT x:PRINT"you don't see it!":RETURN 1799 PRINT"you see nothing special.":RETURN 1800 IF rn=1 AND p$(i+1)="but"THEN 1850 1810 PRINT"nothing happens!":RETURN 1850 PRINT"the room tilt's and you are thrown into a new room.":rn=2:RETURN 1900 IF rs=1 AND rn=24 AND p$(i+1)="lev"THEN PRINT"everything goes blurry.":rn=26:RETURN 1902 IF rs=1 AND rn=26 AND p$(i+1)="lev"THEN PRINT"everything goes black.":rn=24:RETURN 1904 IF rn=24 OR rn=26 AND rs=0 AND p$(i+1)="lev"THEN PRINT"the machine blows up killing you!":END 1999 PRINT"you can't pull that!":RETURN 2000 IF rn=6 AND db=0 THEN 2040 2001 IF rn=6 AND db=1 THEN PRINT"you can't dig anymore!":RETURN 2003 GOTO 2040 2040 FOR x=0 TO 9 2045 IF LEFT$(I$(x),3)="sho"THEN 2055 2050 NEXT x:PRINT"you need a shovel to dig!":RETURN 2055 IF rn=6 THEN 2060 2056 PRINT"you find nothing.":RETURN 2060 PRINT"you find a body!":FOR x=1 TO 8 2062 IF O$(rn,x)=""THEN 2070 2064 NEXT x:PRINT"remove an item from room and dig again!":RETURN 2070 O$(rn,x)="body":db=1:RETURN 2099 PRINT"you find nothing special.":RETURN 2100 IF rn=16 AND p$(i+1)="dir"THEN 2140 2101 IF rn=17 AND p$(i+1)="dir"THEN 2140 2103 PRINT"you can't jump that!":RETURN 2140 FOR x=0 TO 9 2145 IF LEFT$(I$(x),3)="mot"THEN 2155 2150 NEXT x:PRINT" you need a motorcycle before you jump!":RETURN 2155 IF rn=16 THEN PRINT"you jump the dirtpile with the motorcycle!":rn=17:RETURN 2156 IF rn=17 THEN PRINT"you jump the dirtpile with the motorcycle!":rn=16:RETURN 2157 PRINT"nothing happens!":RETURN 2200 ts=0:FOR x=1 TO 8 2205 IF LEFT$(O$(5,x),1)="*"THEN ts=ts+1 2210 NEXT x:IF ts=6 THEN PRINT"you solved my adventure! my next one will be harder.":END 2220 PRINT"you have got ";ts;" out of a possible 6 treasures so far.":RETURN 2300 IF p$(i+1)="tom"AND rn=6 THEN PRINT"you feel dizzy!":rn=INT(RND*31)+1:RETURN 2310 PRINT"nothing happens.":RETURN 2400 IF rn=6 AND p$(i+1)="tom"THEN PRINT"kilroy was here!":RETURN 2401 IF rn=5 AND p$(i+1)="sig"THEN PRINT"drop treasures here and say score!":RETURN 2402 IF rn=24 AND p$(i+1)="sig"THEN PRINT"experimental time machine":RETURN 2403 IF rn=30 AND p$(i+1)="sig"THEN PRINT"look for more adventures by Thomas Ally!":RETURN 2405 IF p$(i+1)="pap"AND U=1 THEN 2440 2406 IF p$(i+1)="fol"AND U=0 THEN 2460 2407 IF p$(i+1)="sci"AND rs<>1 THEN 2476 2408 IF p$(i+1)="sci"AND rs=1 THEN 2476 2439 GOTO 2499 2440 FOR x=0 TO 9 2445 IF LEFT$(I$(x),3)="pap"THEN 2455 2450 NEXT x:PRINT"you aren't carrying the piece of paper!":RETURN 2455 PRINT"it's the combination to a safe!":C=1:RETURN 2460 FOR x=0 TO 9 2465 IF LEFT$(I$(x),3)="fol"THEN 2475 2470 NEXT x:PRINT"you aren't carrying the piece of paper!":RETURN 2475 PRINT"you have to unfold it first!":RETURN 2476 FOR x=0 TO 9 2477 IF LEFT$(I$(x),3)="sci"THEN 2485 2478 NEXT x:PRINT"you aren't carrying the scientific book!":RETURN 2485 IF rs=0 THEN PRINT"the book tells how to operate a time machine.":rs=1:RETURN 2486 IF rs=1 THEN PRINT"you already read the book.":RETURN 2499 PRINT"you can't read it!":RETURN 2500 IF p$(i+1)="sco"THEN 2200 2599 PRINT"nothing happens!":RETURN 2600 IF p$(i+1)="fol"THEN 2640 2610 IF p$(i+1)="pap"THEN PRINT"you already unfolded that!":RETURN 2615 GOTO 2699 2640 FOR x=0 TO 9 2645 IF LEFT$(I$(x),3)="fol"THEN 2655 2650 NEXT x:PRINT"you aren't carrying the piece of paper!":RETURN 2655 PRINT"you unfold the piece of paper.":U=1:I$(x)="paper":RETURN 2699 PRINT"you can't unfold that!":RETURN 2700 IF p$(i+1)="gas"THEN 2740 2710 GOTO 2799 2740 FOR x=0 TO 9 2742 IF LEFT$(I$(x),3)="gas"THEN 2755 2744 NEXT x:PRINT"you don't have the gas can.":RETURN 2755 FOR x=1 TO 8 2756 IF O$(rn,x)=""AND fd=0 THEN PRINT"you found something!":O$(rn,x)="* spanish doubloon":fd=1:RETURN 2760 NEXT x:PRINT"you find nothing.":RETURN 2799 PRINT"nothing happens.":RETURN 2800 IF p$(i+1)="a d"THEN 2840 2810 GOTO 2899 2840 FOR x=0 TO 9 2842 IF LEFT$(I$(x),3)="a d"THEN 2846 2844 NEXT x:PRINT"you don't have the malt!":RETURN 2846 PRINT"the malt was laced with cyanide! you are dead.":END 2899 PRINT"you can't eat that!":RETURN 2900 IF rn=21 AND p$(i+1)="can"AND fc=0 THEN 2940 2901 IF rn=21 AND p$(i+1)="can"THEN 2940 2903 GOTO 2999 2940 FOR x=0 TO 9 2942 IF LEFT$(I$(x),3)="can"THEN 2944 2943 NEXT x 2944 IF fc=1 THEN PRINT"the canteen is already full!":RETURN 2945 IF fc=0 THEN PRINT"you fill the canteen from the pool!":fc=1:RETURN 2999 PRINT"you can't fill that!":RETURN 3000 IF rn=31 AND p$(i+1)="cra"AND fl=0 THEN 3040 3005 IF rn=1 AND p$(i+1)="imm"THEN PRINT"can't you read? the door can't be moved!":RETURN 3010 GOTO 3099 3040 FOR x=1 TO 8 3042 IF O$(rn,x)=""THEN 3050 3046 NEXT x:PRINT"remove an item from the room and try again.":RETURN 3050 O$(rn,x)="card":fl=1:PRINT"you find something!":RETURN 3099 PRINT"you find nothing!":RETURN 3100 IF rn=21 THEN PRINT"you swim down.":rn=25:RETURN 3105 IF rn=25 THEN PRINT"you swim up.":rn=21:RETURN 3199 PRINT"you can't swim here!":RETURN 3200 IF rn=28 AND p$(i+1)="a l"AND T=0 THEN 3240 3205 IF rn=28 AND p$(i+1)="a l"AND T=1 THEN PRINT"the glass cabinet is already taped up!":RETURN 3210 GOTO 3240 3240 FOR x=0 TO 9 3242 IF LEFT$(I$(x),3)="duc"THEN 3246 3244 NEXT x:PRINT"you aren't carrying the duct tape!":RETURN 3246 IF rn=28 THEN PRINT"you tape the glass cabinet with the duct tape.":T=1:RETURN 3299 PRINT"you can't tape that!":RETURN 3300 IF rn=28 AND p$(i+1)="a l"AND T=1 THEN 3340 3310 IF rn=28 AND p$(i+1)="a l"AND T=0 THEN PRINT"the flying glass cuts you to pieces!":END 3320 GOTO 3399 3340 FOR x=1 TO 8 3342 IF LEFT$(O$(rn,x),3)="a l"THEN 3350 3344 NEXT x:PRINT"you can't break it!":RETURN 3350 FOR d=1 TO 8 3352 IF O$(rn,d)=""THEN 3354 3353 NEXT d:PRINT"remove an item from the room and try again.":RETURN 3354 O$(rn,x)="a broken cabinet":B=1:O$(rn,d)="* cross":PRINT"you find something!":RETURN 3399 PRINT"you can't break that!":RETURN 3400 IF p$(i+1)="wat"OR p$(i+1)="can"AND fc=1 THEN 3405 3405 FOR x=0 TO 9 3406 IF I$(x)="canteen"THEN 3440 3407 NEXT x:PRINT"you don't have the canteen!":RETURN 3440 IF rn=32 AND fc=1 THEN 3445 3441 IF fc=1 AND rn<>32 THEN 3499 3444 PRINT"the canteen is empty!":RETURN 3445 FOR x=1 TO 8 3446 IF LEFT$(O$(rn,x),3)="dyi"THEN O$(rn,x)="a plant" 3447 NEXT x:FOR x=1 TO 8:IF O$(rn,x)=""AND fs=0 THEN 3450 3448 NEXT x:PRINT"you already watered the plant.":RETURN 3450 PRINT"for your kindness you are rewarded!":fc=0:O$(rn,x)="shovel":fs=1:RETURN 3499 PRINT"the ground becomes wet.":fc=0:RETURN 3500 IF rn=32 AND p$(i+1)="dyi"THEN 3540 3510 IF rn=32 AND p$(i+1)="a p"THEN PRINT"you already watered the dying plant!":RETURN 3540 FOR x=0 TO 9 3541 IF I$(x)="canteen"THEN 3550 3542 NEXT x:PRINT"you don't have the canteen!":RETURN 3550 IF rn=32 AND fc=1 THEN 3445 3551 IF fc=1 AND rn<>32 THEN 3499 3552 PRINT"the canteen is empty!":RETURN 3600 IF rn=12 AND C=1 AND fb=0 AND p$(i+1)="saf"THEN 3640 3601 IF rn=31 AND oc=0 AND p$(i+1)="cra"THEN 3610 3602 IF rn=31 AND oc=1 AND p$(i+1)="cra"THEN PRINT"you opened the crate already!":RETURN 3603 IF rn=12 AND C=0 AND p$(i+1)="saf"THEN PRINT"you don't know the combination!":RETURN 3604 IF rn=12 AND fb=1 AND p$(i+1)="saf"THEN PRINT"you already opened the safe!":RETURN 3605 PRINT"you can't open that.":RETURN 3610 FOR x=0 TO 9 3611 IF LEFT$(I$(x),3)="pry"THEN 3613 3612 NEXT x:PRINT"you don't have anything to pry with!":RETURN 3613 FOR x=1 TO 8 3614 IF O$(rn,x)=""THEN 3616 3615 NEXT x:PRINT"remove an item from the room and try again.":RETURN 3616 O$(rn,x)="canteen":PRINT"you find something!":oc=1:RETURN 3640 FOR x=1 TO 8 3641 IF O$(rn,x)=""THEN 3643 3642 NEXT x:PRINT"remove an item from the room and try again.":RETURN 3643 O$(rn,x)="* moneybag":PRINT"you find something!":fb=1:RETURN 3700 IF rn=8 AND p$(i+1)="wom"THEN PRINT" she stabbed you in the back! your dead!":END 3799 PRINT"geesh, you sure kiss alot!":RETURN 3800 FOR x=0 TO 9 3905 IF I$(x)="card"THEN RETURN 3906 NEXT x:PRINT:PRINT"the librarian throws you out for forgetting your card!":rn=17:GOTO 100 4500 DATA nor,sou,eas,wes,ent,cli,get,dro,inv,hel,exa,pus,pul,dig,jum,sco,rub,rea,say,unf,sha,eat,fil,mov,swi,tap,bre,pou,wat,ope,kis 4510 DATA 0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,2,4,5,6,0,7,3,0,0,3,0,0,4,0,0,9,31,8,4,0,0,0,7,11,7,29,10,0,0,9,0,0,9,0,12,13,0,11,0,14,12,0,28,15,13,0,0,0,14,16,0 4520 DATA 0,0,0,15,27,0,0,0,19,0,0,0,0,18,22,20,0,21,19,0,20,0,0,0,23,0,0,19,24,22,0,0,0,23,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,17,0,0,0,0,13,0,0,0,30,9,0,32,0,29,7,0,0,0,30,0,0,0 4530 DATA docking bay,malt shop,street,street,hotel,graveyard,street,geisha house,street,street,street,bank,street,street,street,street,gas station 4540 DATA underground complex,underground complex,underground complex,underground complex,underground complex,underground complex,underground complex 4550 DATA bottom of a pool,slimy cave,library,high school,street,street,warehouse,greenhouse 5000 CLS 5050 LOCATE 26,13 5060 PRINT"Escape From Atlantis by Fly" 5065 LOCATE 34,14:PRINT"Version 5.01" 5066 LOCATE 35,15:PRINT"Converted to CPC in 2017 by SRS" 5070 FOR i%=1 TO 5000:NEXT 5080 RETURN