0 rem ******************** 1 rem * Chateu Le Mont * 2 rem ******************** 3 rem Public Domain 2002 4 rem By: Paul Panks 5 rem Em: dunric@yahoo.com 6 rem ******************** 9 rem -------------------------------------- 10 screen 0:?"Version 5.75":sleep 1:for x=1 to 25:locate x,1:color 0,7:? space$(80);:next:locate 1,1:cw$="Your path is blocked by fallen trees.":color 0,7 11 cd$="There's a wall there.":dut$="'Do you think this is burbon?'":dut2$="'Do you think this gets better with age?!'":dut3$="'Get this pollution OUT of here!'" 12 cz$="That cannot be wielded." 13 co$="That cannot be worn." 14 cr$="That cannot be removed." 15 cu$="You can't unwield that." 16 cl$="Click! The lantern is now on..." 17 cf$="You turn the lantern off." 18 cm$="The rope catches and you climb up..." 19 cn$="The rope fails to catch..." 20 ca$="The hillside is too steep." 21 cp$="You can't do that." 22 cx$="What you expected didn't happen." 23 ci$="You are carrying too much weight." 24 cq$="You can't drink from there." 25 ce$="You can't eat that here." 26 cb$="You can't seem to find a way." 27 cg$="You can't take that." 28 ch$="It's not a flammable substance." 29 cj$="Doing so would be very painful!" 30 cs$="The door is locked (preventing passage)." 31 rem -------------------------------------- 32 hm=100:REM Maximum Hit Points for player 33 hp=100:REM Current Hit Points for player 34 mm=50 :REM Maximum Magic for player 35 mp=50 :REM Current Magic for player 36 rm=1 :REM The current room Number 37 lv=1 :REM Current Level for player 38 ex=0 :REM Current Experience Points for player 39 e=0 :REM Experience earned by player in battle 40 g=200 :REM Current gold carried by player 41 ic=1 :REM Current number of items carried by player 42 bg=0 :REM Current number of items in knapsack 43 ac=1 :REM Player's current Armor class 44 dm=1 :REM Player's current Damage level 45 si=0 :REM Internal flag used by program 46 i=0 :REM 'i' variable for RND() function 47 x=0:ct=0 :REM 'x','ct' variable used by program 48 y=0:dy=0 :REM 'y','dy' variable used by program 49 fu=0:lt=0 :REM 'f','lt' variables used by program 50 rem --------------------------------------- 51 rem Initialize Program data 52 rem --------------------------------------- 53 DIM no$(51),ob$(51),lo(51),mh(51),de$(85),pc(50) 54 DIM rn$(85),vb$(30),m(85,6),wrd$(20):gosub 9400 55 rem --------------------------------------- 56 rem READ in data from DATA statements 57 rem --------------------------------------- 58 for x=1 to 75:READ rn$(x),de$(x):NEXT 59 for x=1 to 51:READ no$(x),ob$(x),pc(x):NEXT 60 for x=1 to 23:READ vb$(x):NEXT:lo(12)=1 61 OPEN "map.dat" for input as #2:for x=1 to 75:for y=1 to 6:input#2, m(x,y):NEXT:NEXT:close 2 62 color 8,7:?"Chateu Le Mont":color 0,7:?"(C)opyright 2002 by Paul Panks":?"All rights reserved.":? 63 print"Are you playing a saved game? (Y/N): "; 64 a$=inkey$:if a$="" then goto 64 65 if a$="y" or a$="Y" then ?"Yes":?:lo(51)=67:goto 70 66 if a$="n" or a$="N" then ?"No":?:goto 68 67 goto 64 68 print"Enter a name for your new character: ";:input "",na$:if len(na$)<2 then ?:?"Name is too short.":?"Please reenter...":?:na$="":goto 68 69 gosub 5002:?"Character saved as ";:color 8,7:? na$;:color 0,7:?"...":sleep 1:gosub 2002:cls:wa=500:goto 80 70 print"Enter character name to load: ";:input "",na$:if len(na$)<2 then ?:?"Name is too short.":?"Please reenter...":?:na$="":goto 70 71 gosub 5102:?"Character loaded as ";:color 8,7:? na$;:color 0,7:?"...":sleep 1:gosub 2002:cls:wa=500:goto 80 79 rem --------------------------------------- 80 m(3,6)=4:color 0,7:IF lt = 0 AND rm > 16 and rm<54 and rm<>31 THEN PRINT "It's too dark to see!": COLOR 8, 7: PRINT ">"; rn$(rm): GOTO 82 81 COLOR 8, 7: PRINT ">"; rn$(rm): COLOR 0, 7: PRINT de$(rm):if rm=13 then ?"Type 'list' to see items sold here." 82 IF lt = 1 AND rm > 16 and rm<54 and rm<>31 THEN fue = fue - 2: IF fue < 0 THEN lt = 0: PRINT "Your fuel has expired...": ic = ic - 1: lo(10) = 10:else if rm=6 then color 8,7:?"There is a stone fountain here.":color 0,7 83 gosub 9200:PRINT : color 8,7:PRINT "Obvious exits:"; : COLOR 0, 7: PRINT " < "; 84 FOR x = 1 TO 6: IF m(rm, x) > 0 THEN PRINT no$(x); " "; 85 NEXT: PRINT ">": COLOR 0, 7 86 FOR x = 7 TO 50: IF lo(x) = rm THEN PRINT no$(x); "." 87 NEXT: IF jj = 0 THEN jj = 1: GOTO 140 if rm=67 and lo(51)=67 then ?"Jack Tramiel is here. He is reading a book." 88 GOSUB 3000:gosub 9600:dt$="":fk$="":a$="":oj$="":n=0:v=0:x=0:o=0: COLOR 4, 7: PRINT ">"; : COLOR 0, 7: INPUT "", a$: COLOR 0, 7: ct = ct + 1 IF ct > 350 THEN ct = 0: dy = dy + 1: COLOR 15, 7: PRINT "It is now day"; dy; "...": COLOR 0, 7 rn$(76)="Below the lake":goto 9100 89 gosub 3500 fk$ = a$: IF a$ = "q" OR a$ = "qu" OR a$ = "quit" THEN CLS : COLOR 0, 7: PRINT "Bye!": END 90 IF a$ = "n" OR a$ = "go north" OR a$ = "north" OR a$ = "go no" THEN n = 1: GOTO 130 91 IF a$ = "s" OR a$ = "go south" OR a$ = "south" OR a$ = "go so" THEN n = 2: GOTO 130 92 IF a$ = "e" OR a$ = "go east" OR a$ = "east" OR a$ = "go ea" THEN n = 3: GOTO 130 93 IF a$ = "w" OR a$ = "go west" OR a$ = "west" OR a$ = "go we" THEN n = 4: GOTO 130 94 IF a$ = "u" OR a$ = "go up" OR a$ = "up" THEN n = 5: GOTO 130:else if a$="list" and rm=13 then goto 9700 95 IF a$ = "d" OR a$ = "go down" OR a$ = "down" OR a$ = "go do" THEN n = 6: GOTO 130 96 IF a$ = "l" OR a$ = "lo" OR a$ = "look" THEN GOTO 80:else if a$="list" and rm<>13 then ?"You are not in the village shop.":goto 88 97 IF a$ = "sc" OR a$ = "score" OR a$ = "?" THEN GOTO 600:else if a$="time" then goto 440 98 IF a$ = "i" OR a$ = "in" OR a$ = "inv" OR a$ = "inven" OR a$ = "inve" OR a$ = "inventory" THEN GOTO 140 99 IF a$ = "room" THEN PRINT "You are in room"; rm: PRINT : GOTO 88:else if a$="unlock door" then n=7:goto 310 100 IF a$ = "save" OR a$ = "save game" THEN GOSUB 5002:goto 88:else if a$="jr" or a$="jump room" then goto 3700 101 IF lo(50) = 998 THEN PRINT "Congratulations! You have vanquished the Evil Vampire!!!":sleep 1:?"Your deeds have spread far and wide...":?"You are a TRUE HERO!!!":sleep 1:goto 9000 102 IF a$ = "help" THEN GOTO 2202:else if rm=14 then if a$="examine painting" or a$="examine paintings" then ?"These paintings are very odd. Some of them aren't completed yet!":goto 88 103 if rm=75 then if a$="examine coffin" then ?"The coffin is boxed shaped and lined with velvet.":goto 88:else if rm=75 then if a$="examine painting" then ?"This is a painting of Count Dracula as a young man.":goto 88 104 pt=1:nm=0:dt$ = a$: FOR a = 1 TO LEN(dt$) 105 IF MID$(dt$, a, 1) = " " THEN a$ = MID$(dt$, pt, a - pt): pt = a + 1: nm = nm + 1: wrd$(nm) = a$ 106 NEXT: nm = nm + 1: a$ = MID$(dt$, pt, a - pt): wrd$(nm) = a$ 107 IF a$ = "" THEN PRINT "I didn't understand that. Try again please.": GOTO 88 108 IF LEN(a$) > 30 THEN PRINT "Your command is too complex. Please rephrase it.": GOTO 88 109 oj$ = wrd$(4): IF nm = 0 THEN nm = 1 110 FOR x = 1 TO nm 111 FOR y = 1 TO 53: IF wrd$(x) = no$(y) AND x = 2 THEN o = y 112 IF wrd$(x) = no$(y) THEN n = y 113 NEXT: NEXT 114 FOR x = 1 TO nm 115 FOR y = 1 TO 21 116 IF wrd$(x) = vb$(y) THEN v = y 117 NEXT: NEXT:if fk$="fill bottle" or fk$="fill water" or fk$="fill glass" or fk$="fill glass with water" or fk$="put water in glass" or fk$="put water in bottle" or fk$="fill bottle with water" then n=35:v=2:goto 3600 118 IF v = 0 THEN PRINT "What?": GOTO 88 119 IF LEFT$(fk$, 3) = "exa" or fk$="get water" or fk$="drink water" THEN GOTO 121 120 IF n = 0 THEN PRINT "You can't do that.": GOTO 88 121 ON v GOTO 130, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290, 300, 310, 320, 330, 340, 440 122 PRINT "What you expected did not happen.": GOTO 88 128 goto 88 129 rem --- go/enter --- 130 if rm>16 and rm<53 and rm<>31 then if m(rm,n)=0 then ? cw$:goto 88:else if rm=74 and n=1 and lo(49)<>rm and lv<5 and hp<>hm then ?"A magical force stops you.":?"A voice booms out,'You may not enter here yet!'":goto 88 131 if rm=7 or rm=8 or rm=15 then if m(rm,n)=0 then ? cw$:goto 88 132 if rm<17 or rm=31 then if m(rm,n)=0 then ? cd$:goto 88:else if rm=7 and n=4 and lk<>2 then ?"The door to the house is locked.":?"It won't budge...":goto 88 133 if rm>16 and rm<39 then if m(rm,n)=0 then ? cw$:goto 88:else if rm>38 and rm<45 or rm=49 then if m(rm,n)=0 then ? ca$:goto 88 134 if rm>53 then if m(rm,n)=0 then ?"There's a wall there.":goto 88:else if rm=9 and n=3 and lk=0 then ?"The door to the back room is locked.":?"It won't budge...":goto 88 135 if rm=26 and n=2 and lo(43)=rm then ?"The goblin stops you.":?"He growls,'None shall pass!'":goto 88 136 if rm=53 and n=2 and lo(41)=rm then ?"The guard stops you.":?"He says,'I'm sorry, but I can't allow commoners inside...'":goto 88 137 if rm=74 and n=1 and lo(49)=rm then ?"The skeleton steps in front!":?"He says,'You may not pass!'":goto 88 138 rm=m(rm,n):?"You move "no$(n)"...":goto 80 139 rem --- inventory --- 140 ac=0:ic=0:si=0:wd=0:dm=0:print"You are carrying:":for x=7 to 36 141 if lo(x)=-1 then ?" "no$(x)".":si=1:ic=ic+1 142 if lo(x)=105 then ?" "no$(x)" (wielded).":wd=1:dm=n*lv:si=1:ic=ic+1 143 if lo(x)=205 then ?" "no$(x)" (worn).":ac=ac+(n+7):si=1:ic=ic+1 144 next:if si=0 then ?"Alas, you are empty handed." 145 if ac>0 then ?"Your armor is protecting"ac"% of your body." 146 if wd=1 then ?"Your weapon is"25+(dm+1)+n"% powerful." 147 if hp>(hm*.70) then ?"You are in good shape.":else if hp<(hm*.71) then ?"You are somewhat hurt." 148 goto 88 149 rem --- get --- 150 if oj$="knapsack" then goto 5500 151 if fk$="get water" or fk$="fill water" then goto 3600 152 if lo(n)<>rm or n>36 then ? cg$:goto 88 153 if ic>10 then ? ci$:goto 88 154 if n=0 then ? cg$:goto 88 155 lo(n)=-1:ic=ic+1:? no$(n)":Taken.":goto 88 158 goto 88 159 rem --- drop --- 160 if oj$="knapsack" then goto 5500 161 if lo(n)<>-1 or n=0 then ? cp$:goto 88 162 lo(n)=rm:ic=ic-1:? no$(n)":Dropped.":goto 88 168 goto 88 169 rem --- wield --- 170 if oj$="knapsack" then ? cz$:goto 88 171 if lo(n)<>-1 or n=0 then ? cz$:goto 88 172 if n>24 and n<31 or n=34 then goto 174 173 ? cz$:goto 88 174 si=0:for x=7 to 36:if lo(x)=105 then si=x 175 next:if si>0 then ?"You are already wielding the "no$(si)"!":goto 88 176 if n=0 then ? cz$:goto 88 177 lo(n)=105:wd=1:dm=n*lv:?"You wield "no$(n)".":goto 88 178 goto 88 179 rem --- unwield --- 180 if oj$="knapsack" then ? cu$:goto 88 181 if lo(n)<>105 then ? cu$:goto 88 182 if n=0 then ? cu$:goto 88 183 lo(n)=-1:wd=0:dm=1:?"You unwield "no$(n)".":goto 88 188 goto 88 189 rem --- wear --- 190 if oj$="knapsack" then ? co$:goto 88 191 if lo(n)<>-1 then ? co$:goto 88 192 if n>16 and n<25 then goto 195 193 print co$:goto 88 194 if n=0 then ? co$:goto 88 195 lo(n)=205:ac=ac+(n+7):?"You wear "no$(n)".":goto 88 198 goto 88 199 rem --- remove --- 200 if oj$="knapsack" then ? cr$:goto 88 201 if lo(n)<>205 then ? cr$:goto 88 202 if n=0 then ? cr$:goto 88 203 lo(n)=-1:ac=ac-(n+7):?"You remove "no$(n)".":goto 88 208 goto 88 209 rem --- put --- 210 if wrd$(4)="knapsack" then goto 212 211 print cp$:goto 88 212 if lo(7)<>-1 and lo(7)<>rm then ?"The knapsack isn't here.":goto 88 213 if lo(o)<>-1 and lo(o)<>rm then ?"You don't have the "no$(o)".":goto 88 214 if n>36 or o>36 or wrd$(4)="knapsack" and o=7 then ? cx$:goto 88 215 if bg>=5 then ? ci$:?"(The knapsack is already full).":goto 88 216 lo(o)=305:ic=ic-1:bg=bg+1:?"Ok.":goto 88 219 rem --- examine --- 220 if n=0 then ?"You notice nothing unusual.":goto 88 221 if lo(n)<>rm and lo(n)<>105 and lo(n)<>205 and lo(n)<>-1 then ?"That isn't here.":goto 88 222 if n>36 then goto 224 223 print ob$(n):if n<>7 then goto 88:else if n=7 then goto 9800 224 print ob$(n):?"The "no$(n)" is carrying:":si=0:for x=7 to 36:if lo(x)=1000+n then ?" "no$(x)".":si=1 225 next:if si=0 then ?"Nothing!" 228 goto 88 229 rem --- read --- 230 if n<>14 and n<>15 then ?"That cannot be read.":goto 88 231 if lo(n)<>-1 and lo(n)<>rm then ?"That cannot be read.":goto 88 232 if n=14 then ?"The book reads (in part):":?:?"Chateu Le Mont lies on the southern end of the hillside":?"just opposite the forest. It is well guarded, and often ambushed by":?"traps and bandits roving the countryside.":?:?"BEWARE!":goto 88 233 if n=15 then ?"The scroll reads: 'The wolfsbane is poisonous.'":goto 88 234 ?"That cannot be read.":goto 88 238 goto 88 239 rem --- drink --- 240 if n<>16 and n<>35 and n<>36 and n<>9 then ? cq$:goto 88 241 if lo(n)<>-1 and lo(n)<>rm then ? cq$:goto 88 242 if n=9 then ?"You drink the oil...":sleep 1:?"Boy, that didn't feel so great!":ic=ic-1:lo(9)=10:?"You pass out...":sleep 1:?"Days go by, until...":dy=dy+4:sleep 1:?"A monk finds you and takes you to the cathedral.":lo(40)=9:rm=9:goto 88 243 if n=16 then ?"You drink the wine...":sleep 1:?"You feel drunk!":drk=1:goto 88 244 if n=35 then ?"But the glass is empty!":goto 88 245 if n=36 then lo(35)=-1:lo(36)=-5:?"You drink the water...":sleep 1:?"You feel slightly better!":hp=hp+35:wa=500:goto 88 246 if n=0 then ? cq$:goto 88 247 print cq$ 248 goto 88 249 rem --- eat --- 250 if n<>10 and n<>32 and n<>33 then ? ce$:goto 88 251 if lo(n)<>-1 and lo(n)<>rm then ? ce$:goto 88 252 if n=10 then ?"You eat the wolfsbane...":sleep 1:?"But it's poisonous!":sleep 1:?"Pretty soon you lose strength, until....":sleep 2:?"You die.":goto 9500 253 if n=32 then ?"You nibble on some cheese.":?"Yum! That tastes great!":hp=hp+2:goto 88 254 if n=33 then ?"You eat the food...":?"It is a finely prepared meal!":hp=hm:lo(33)=11:ic=ic-1:goto 88 255 if n=0 then ? ce$:goto 88 256 ? ce$:goto 88 259 rem --- climb --- 260 if n=0 then if wrd$(2)="tree" and rm=30 and lo(13)=-1 then lo(13)=30:?"You use the rope...":? cm$:rm=31:goto 80 261 if n=0 then if wrd$(2)="tree" and rm=30 and lo(13)<>-1 then ? cx$:goto 88 262 if n=0 then if wrd$(2)="tree" and rm<>30 and lo(13)=-1 then ?"You use the rope...":? cn$:goto 88 263 if n=0 then if wrd$(2)="tree" and rm<>30 and lo(13)<>-1 then ? cx$:goto 88 264 if n=0 then if wrd$(2)="hill" or wrd$(2)="hilltop" or wrd$(2)="hillside" then ? ca$:goto 88 265 ? cb$:goto 88 269 rem --- use --- 270 if wrd$(2)="rope" and rm=30 and lo(13)=-1 then lo(13)=30:?"You use the rope...":? cm$:rm=31:goto 80 271 if wrd$(2)="rope" and rm=30 and lo(13)<>-1 then ? cx$:goto 88 272 if wrd$(2)="rope" and rm<>30 and lo(13)=-1 then ?"You use the rope...":? cn$:goto 88 273 if wrd$(2)="rope" and rm<>30 and lo(13)<>-1 then ? cx$:goto 88 274 if n=8 and lo(8)=-1 and lo(9)=-1 and lt=0 then lt=1:? cl$:fue=100:goto 88 275 if n=8 and lo(8)=-1 and lo(9)=-1 and lt=1 then lt=0:? cf$:goto 88:else if n=35 and lo(35)=-1 and rm<>37 then ?"You can't use that here.":goto 88 276 if lo(12)=-1 and n=12 then ?"Try the 'unlock' command instead.":goto 88:else if n=35 and lo(35)=-1 and rm=37 then lo(35)=-5:lo(36)=-1:?"You fill the glass with water...":?"Ok.":goto 88 277 if lo(n)=-1 then ? cx$:goto 88:else if n=0 then ? cp$:goto 88 278 ? cp$:goto 88 279 rem --- light --- 280 if n=0 then if wrd$(2)="tree" then ? cp$:goto 88 281 if n=0 then ? ch$:goto 88 282 if lo(n)<>-1 and lo(n)<>105 and lo(n)<>205 then ? cp$:goto 88 283 if lo(8)<>-1 and lo(9)<>-1 then ?"You must be carrying the lantern and flask of oil.":goto 88 284 if lo(n)=-1 or lo(n)=205 then if n=20 then ?:?"The cloak is now aflame.":ob$(20)="An elven cloak. It is aflame with fire!":ac=ac+25 285 if lo(n)=-1 or lo(n)=rm then if n=14 then ?"Poof!":?"The book is now ashes...":lo(14)=-5:goto 88 286 if lo(n)=-1 or lo(n)=rm then if n=15 then ?"Poof!":?"The scroll goes up in smoke...":lo(15)=-5:goto 88 287 if lo(n)=-1 or lo(n)=rm then if n=13 then ?"Poof!":?"The rope is burnt to ashes...":lo(13)=-5:goto 88 288 ? ch$:goto 88 289 rem --- extinguish --- 290 if n=0 then ? cx$:goto 88 291 if lo(n)<>-1 and lo(n)<>205 and lo(n)<>105 and lo(n)<>rm then ? cx$:goto 88 292 if lo(36)<>-1 and lo(36)<>rm then ?"You need the glass of water to do that!":goto 88 293 if n=20 then ?"Ok, the cloak is now extinguished...":ob$(20)="An elven cloak. It is mostly black, but with a purple hood.":ac=ac-25:goto 88 297 ? cp$ 298 goto 88 299 rem --- open --- 300 goto 310 309 rem --- unlock --- 310 if rm=7 or rm=9 then goto 312:else if lk=0 or lk<>1 and lk<>2 then ?"There's nothing here to unlock.":goto 88 311 if n=0 then ?"Are you kidding me?":goto 88 312 if lo(12)<>-1 then ?"You most be holding the key to do that.":goto 88 313 if n=12 then ?"You can't unlock a key.":goto 88 314 if rm=9 then lk=1:?"Click! You unlock the east door.":goto 88 315 if rm=7 then lk=2:?"Click! You unlock the west door.":goto 88 316 ?"You can't unlock anything here.":goto 88 319 rem --- buy --- 320 if rm<>13 then ?"You are not in the village shop.":goto 88 321 if lo(38)<>rm then ?"The clerk isn't here.":goto 88 322 if lo(n)<>95 then ?"The clerk says,'Sorry, but I don't sell that.'":goto 88 323 if g10 then ?"The clerk says,'You can't carry that. No sale.'":goto 88 325 lo(n)=-1:ic=ic+1:g=g-pc(n):?"You hand the clerk"pc(n)"gold coins.":?"The clerk hands you the "no$(n)".":?"He says,'Thank you for your business,"na$".'":goto 88 328 goto 88 329 rem --- sell --- 330 if rm<>13 then ?"You are not in the village shop.":goto 88 331 if lo(38)<>rm then ?"The clerk isn't here.":goto 88 332 if lo(n)<>-1 then ?"The clerk looks at you.":?"He says,'I'm sorry, but I don't see you carrying that":?"item in your hand.'":goto 88 333 lo(n)=95:ic=ic-1:g=g+pc(n):?"You hand the clerk the "no$(n)".":?"The clerk hands you"pc(n)"gold coins.":?"He says,'Thank you for your business.'":goto 88 338 goto 88 339 rem --- kill --- 340 color 0,7:sh=0:if n<37 then ?"You can't kill that.":goto 88 341 if n>36 and lo(n)<>rm then ?"The "no$(n)" isn't here.":goto 88 342 if lo(n)<>rm then ?"The "no$(n)" isn't here.":goto 88:else if n=50 and lo(50)=rm and lo(34)<>105 then ?"You must be wielding the wooden stake":?"to kill the vampire!":goto 88 343 color 0,7:si=0:dm=0:k=0:wp=0:for x=7 to 36:if lo(x)=105 then wp=x:k=x:dm=x*lv:x=36:si=1 344 next:if si=0 then ?"Alas, you are empty handed..." 345 if si=1 then ?"You are wielding the "no$(k)"...":? if n=51 then ?"Jack Tramiel is wielding a Commodore 64...":? 346 raw=0:gosub 9900:if raw<>1 then randomize timer:dl=int(rnd*23)+2:?"The "no$(n)" attacks:":gosub 5700:randomize timer:dl=int(rnd*23)+2:dtk=0:atk=0:else if raw=1 then goto 88 347 if dl<=5 then ?"The "no$(n)" missed you.":else if dl>5 and dl<=10 then ?"The "no$(n)" hit you.":dtk=(10*lv)-ac*lv:dtk=abs(dtk):hp=hp-dtk 348 if dl>10 and dl<=13 then ?"The "no$(n)" hit you very hard.":dtk=(15*lv)-ac*lv:dtk=abs(dtk):hp=hp-dtk 349 if dl>13 and dl<=20 then ?"The "no$(n)" smashed you into atoms!":dtk=(20*lv)-ac*lv:dtk=abs(dtk):hp=hp-dtk 350 if dl>21 then ?"The "no$(n)" struck a glancing blow.":hp=hp-3 351 ?:?"You attack:":randomize timer:i=int(rnd*25)+1:randomize timer:if drk=1 then dm=25:if i>20 then ?"You CHARGE "no$(n)" in a drunken rage!" 352 if i<=5 then ?"You missed "no$(n)"." 353 if i>5 and i<=10 then ?"You hit "no$(n)".":atk=(5*dm)+lv:mh(n)=mh(n)-atk 354 if i>10 and i<=13 then ?"You hit "no$(n)" very hard.":atk=(8*dm)+lv:mh(n)=mh(n)-atk 355 if i>13 and i<=18 then ?"You smashed "no$(n)" into atoms!":atk=(15*dm)+lv:mh(n)=mh(n)-atk:color 8,7:?"The "no$(n)" prays...":?"The "no$(n)" is healed somewhat...":color 0,7:mh(n)=mh(n)+25 356 if i>18 then ?"You struck a glancing blow.":mh(n)=mh(n)-4+lv 357 ?:if hp<1 then ?:?"Alas, you have sustained too many wounds...":sleep 1:?"You died...":sleep 2:goto 9500 358 if mh(n)<1 then ?:?"The "no$(n)" falls to the ground!":?"You killed "no$(n)".":goto 360 359 color 0,7:?:?"Your Health ";:color 8,7:? hp"/"hm:color 0,7:?"The "no$(n)"'s ";:color 8,7:? mh(n):color 0,7:sleep 1:color 0,7:sleep 1:e=e+atk:ex=ex+e:goto 343 360 for x=7 to 36:if lo(x)=1000+n then ?"You found "no$(x)" on the corpse!":lo(x)=rm 361 next:?"You gained experience from this battle.":ex=ex+n*2:e=e+n*lv+i+atk:if e>800 then e=0:?"You gained a level!":hm=hm+20:hp=hm:mm=mm+8:mp=mm:lv=lv+1:?"You are now level:"lv 362 if ex>32000 then ex=32000 363 if hp>hm then hp=hm 364 if mp>mm then mp=mm 365 g=g+n:if g>32000 then g=32000 366 ?"You find"n"gold coins on the corpse.":lo(n)=998:if drk=1 then drk=0:?"You feel sober again." 438 goto 88 439 rem --- time --- 440 ?"It is day:"dy 441 if rm<6 or rm=9 or rm=10 or rm=11 or rm=12 or rm=13 or rm=14 or rm=16 or rm=31 or rm>53 then ?"You are unable to see the sky.":goto 88 442 if ct<15 then ?"The sun is setting.":goto 88 443 if ct<35 then ?"It is sunset.":goto 88 444 if ct<60 then ?"It is early evening.":goto 88 445 if ct<90 then ?"It is midnight.":goto 88 446 if ct<150 then ?"It is past midnight.":?"The moon hangs overhead, casting dark shadows.":goto 88 447 if ct<200 then ?"The sun is rising.":goto 88 448 if ct<220 then ?"It is sunrise.":goto 88 449 if ct<240 then ?"It is early morning.":goto 88 450 if ct<270 then ?"It is past noon.":goto 88 451 if ct<300 then ?"It is midday.":goto 88 452 if ct>=350 then ct=0:?"It is late afternoon.":goto 88 453 ?"You are unable to see the sky.":goto 88 498 goto 88 600 rem --- score --- 601 color 0,7:?"You name is "na$" the Brave ( level"cint(lv)")." 602 ?"You carry with you"cint(g)"gold coins and have" 603 ?"nearly"cint(ex+1)"experience point(s)." 604 ?"You have"cint(hp)"of"cint(hm)"hit points." 605 if ac>0 then ?"Your armor is protecting"cint(ac)"% of your body." 606 if fue>0 then ?"You carry with you"cint(fue)"units of fuel." 607 if drk=1 then ?"You are totally drunk." 608 goto 88 1999 rem -------------------------------------- 2000 rem Plot Introduction 2001 rem -------------------------------------- 2002 cls:color 0,7:?"An evil vampire is said to be terrorizing the nearby village.":?"Legend has it, though, he only appears at sunset! The rewards for":?"killing the vampire are great, but the dangers even greater still...":? 2003 ?"Will you seek out this vampire, and rid the world once more of evil?":?:?"Yes, I think you will...":? 2004 ?:?:?:color 8,7:?"Press any key to begin playing":color 0,7 2005 a$=inkey$:if a$="" then goto 2005 2006 cls:color 0,7 2098 return 2198 rem -------------------------------------- 2199 rem Help command 2200 rem -------------------------------------- 2202 ?"Commands include: go, get, drop, wield, unwield, buy, sell, use, unlock,":?"close, wear, remove, kill, open, read, examine, climb, light, extinguish,":?"score (or '?'), inventory (or 'i'), time, put, quit, help.":?:goto 88 2999 rem --- change words --- 3000 wa=wa-2:for x=1 to 20:wrd$(x)="":next:if fplt=1 then if rm=10 then hp=hp+7 3001 ct=ct+1:if ct>350 then ct=0:dy=dy+1:?"The day has begun.":?"It is now day:"dy:?"The monsters have been revived.":gosub 9450 3002 if lo(8)<>-1 then lt=0 3003 if wa=100 then color 8,7:?"You are feeling quite thirsty." 3004 if wa=70 then color 8,7:?"Your mouth is becoming very dry." 3005 if wa=40 then color 8,7:?"You feel massively dehydrated!" 3006 if wa=10 then color 8,7:?"You are dying of thirst!":?"Get water NOW!" 3007 if wa<=0 then color 8,7:?"You died of dehydration on day"dy"...":sleep 1:color 0,7:wa=1000:goto 9500 3098 color 0,7:return 3497 rem -------------------------------------- 3498 rem Mysterious voice 3499 rem -------------------------------------- 3500 if rm>60 then color 0,7:return randomize timer:q=int(rnd*400)+1:if q>0 and q<36 then color 0,7:?:?"A mysterious voice bellows:":?:color 8,7 3501 if q=1 then ?"A vision isn't a vision without the cerebral hemorage. 3502 if q=2 then ?"You think flies can dance? You'd be half right... 3503 if q=3 then ?"Oh to bleed water for a day on a sunbaked hill. 3504 if q=4 then ?"Words bend lips; swords bend those lips. 3505 if q=5 then ?"Give me a dime and I'll give you my bargain price. 3506 if q=6 then ?"What Danger? And who the hell is Will Robinson? 3507 if q=7 then ?"Few cats act their age, while most just cough up fur balls. 3508 if q=8 then ?"Want the wizclave? Go to the rainbow and holler 'wizclave'. 3509 if q=9 then ?"Yes Rodney, I'd like three dozen roses for my half baked squirrel here. 3510 if q=10 then ?"Who ever said being evil was good? 3511 if q=11 then ?"If they make a sequel, I hope I'm nowhere to be found. 3512 if q=12 then ?"Hey Faldor, I've got your broadsword right here, PAL! 3513 if q=13 then ?"Just what does the Inspector inspect, anyhow? 3514 if q=14 then ?"E = MC2...wait, no...MC2 = E...wait... 3515 if q=15 then ?"The rising sun will never compare to the beauty in your rat soup. 3516 if q=16 then ?"Cook me a rat and I'll give you a hamster, nice and shiney! 3517 if q=17 then ?"Hey Marty, pass the old El Paso...Oh wait, you already did... 3518 if q=18 then ?"By the old rainbow, I seek thee death for a bit of your time. 3519 if q=19 then ?"What if a triangle were a circle? 3520 if q=20 then ?"Forget bridging the gap...get rid of it entirely. 3521 if q=21 then ?"Shut up again, Sam. 3522 if q=22 then ?"Fried squirrels on the old shimmy bob...Mmmhmmm! 3523 if q=23 then ?"The clerk loves to eat frozen squirrels on a stick. 3524 if q=24 then ?"We are squirrels, nice and frozen! 3525 if q=25 then ?"10 to 1 odds say you'll be kissing Grim by noon. 3526 if q=26 then ?"If the ketchup isn't the sauce, then what's all that red stuff? 3527 if q=27 then ?"Give me a pickle...thanks, now may I stick it in your ear? 3528 if q=28 then ?"Hey, the wizclave sucks. Use the crossbow. 3529 if q=29 then ?"Hey you. Yes, you with the cloak [It's not real leather!] 3530 if q=30 then ?"Are you proud of being silly? 3531 if q=31 then ?"The juicy nectere of my belly button. 3532 if q=32 then ?"This game is full of weird stuff [Like this, for instance]. 3533 if q=33 then ?"Six years of nonsense and it's still free. 3534 if q=34 then ?"Give me a button to pin on your back. Have it say "Bite me". 3535 if q=35 then ?"Dancing in the sky, little butterfly... 3536 if q>0 and q<36 then ? 3537 color 0,7 3598 return 3600 if lo(36)=-1 then lo(36)=-5:lo(35)=-1:?"Ahhhhhh!":?"You drink the water.":hp=hp+35:wa=500:goto 88 3602 if rm=37 and lo(35)<>-1 then ?"You need a bottle to put the water in first!":goto 88 3603 if rm=37 and lo(35)=-1 then ?"Ok, you now have a glass of water.":lo(35)=-5:lo(36)=-1:goto 88 3604 if rm=37 and lo(36)=-1 then ?"The bottle of water is already full.":goto 88 3605 ? cq$:goto 88 3700 rm=37:color 8,7:?"Teleporting...":color 0,7:sleep 1:goto 80 4999 rem -------------------------------------- 5000 rem Save game routine 5001 rem -------------------------------------- 5002 open na$+".sav" for output as #2 5003 print #2,dy:print #2,ct:print #2,ic: print#2, bg:print #2,dm:print #2,ac: print#2, rm:print #2,g: print#2, ex: print#2,e:print #2,hp:print#2,hm:print#2,mm:print#2,mp:print#2,lt:print#2,fue 5004 for x=37 to 50:print #2,mh(x):NEXT:for x=1 to 50:print #2,lo(x):next:close 2:?"Done." 5098 return 5099 rem -------------------------------------- 5100 rem Load game routine 5101 rem -------------------------------------- 5102 open na$+".sav" for input as #2 5103 input #2,dy:input #2,ct:input #2,ic: input#2, bg:input #2,dm:input #2,ac: input#2, rm:input #2,g: input#2, ex: input#2,e:input #2,hp:input#2,hm:input#2,mm:input#2,mp:input#2,lt:input#2,fue 5104 for x=37 to 50:input #2,mh(x):NEXT:for x=1 to 50:input #2,lo(x):next:close 2:?"Done." 5198 return 5499 rem Get (part 2) 5500 if lo(7)<>-1 and lo(7)<>rm then ? cp$:goto 88 5501 if ic>10 then ? ci$:goto 88 5502 lo(o)=-1:ic=ic+1:? no$(o)":Ok.":goto 88 5697 rem -------------------------------------- 5698 rem Surprise attack 5699 rem -------------------------------------- 5700 randomize timer:f=int(rnd*387)+1 5701 if dtk>25 and mp>5 then mp=mp-5:?"You cast heal!":?">>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HEAL SPELL":hp=hp+20*lv 5702 if atk>20 then ?"The "no$(n)" prays...":?"The "no$(n)" is healed somewhat.":mh(n)=mh(n)+8*lv 5703 if f=5 then ?"The "no$(n)" says,'Pick on someone else, punk!'" 5704 if f=6 then ?"The "no$(n)" screams a battle cry!":?"'You've had your last bowl of Wheaties!'":hp=hp-100 5705 if f=7 then ?"The "no$(n)" groans in pain.":mh(n)=mh(n)-10 5706 if f=8 then ?"The "no$(n)" laughs at you.":?"The "no$(n)" says,'What was THAT???!'" 5707 if f=9 then ?"The "no$(n)" says,'The path of the soul is through the mind.'":mh(n)=mh(n)+250:sleep 1:color 8,7:?"A heal spell has been cast by "no$(n)"...":sleep 1:color 0,7:mh(n)=mh(n)+500 5708 if f=10 then ?"The "no$(n)" blinks.":?"The "no$(n)" says,'I can't believe my eyes!'" 5709 if f=11 then ?"The "no$(n)" looks at you nervously." 5710 if f=12 then ?"The "no$(n)" cackles!":?"The "no$(n)" sings,'Tra,la,la! Tra,la,la! HA!'":hp=hp-25 5711 if f=13 then ?"The "no$(n)" makes a quick move!":?"AMAZING BLOW! You are smashed into atoms!":hp=hp-500 5712 if f>13 and f<50 then goto 5798 5713 if f>=50 and f<=55 then if lo(16)=-1 then ?"You take a drink from the wine bottle.":?"'AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!'":hp=hm 5714 if f>=56 and f<=60 then if lo(32)=-1 then ?"You nibble a bit on some cheese.":hp=hp+5 5715 if f>=61 and f<=65 then if lo(33)=-1 then ?"You eat some food.":?"You feel much better!":hp=hp+25 5716 if f>=66 and f<=70 then if lo(19)=205 then ?"Your gloves feel warm!":?"The "no$(n)" is surrounded by blazing LIGHT!":?">>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LIGHT STORM":mh(n)=mh(n)-100:i=1 5717 if f>=71 and f<=75 then if lo(21)=205 then ?"Your RING glows softly!":?"You feel stronger than ever!":dm=100:i=1 5718 if f>=76 and f<=80 then if lo(23)=205 then ?"The Crusader Shield says,";:gosub 5800:if c=15 then ?"Fire leaps forth from the shield!":?"The "no$(n)" is DECIMATED!":mh(n)=-1 5719 if f>=81 and f<=85 then if lo(30)=105 then ?"The Claymore says,";:gosub 5900:if c=11 then ?"The CLAYMORE glows!":?"The "no$(n)" is DESTROYED!":mh(n)=-1 5720 if f>=86 and f<=90 then if lo(27)=105 then ?"The BROADSWORD vibrates with a low hum!":?">>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ZZZOOOWWW!!!":hp=hp+50:mh(n)=mh(n)-50 5722 if f>=91 and f<=110 then if lo(20)=205 then ?"Your CLOAK shrouds "no$(n)" in darkness!":?"The "no$(n)" is weakened!":mh(n)=mh(n)-16:i=1 5723 if n=40 then if f>=111 and f<=116 then ?"The monk prays.":?"You feel weakened!":hp=hp-15:dm=1 5724 if n=41 then if f>=111 and f<=116 then ?"The guard charges you!":?"He SLASHES you across the stomach!":hp=hp-100 5725 if n=42 then if f>=111 and f<=116 then ?"The knight swings his weapon!":?"You are CRUSHED into pieces!":hp=hp-250 5726 if n=43 then if f>=111 and f<=116 then ?"The goblin sneers at you.":?"He says,'I don't like you very much!":?"He casts a spell!":?">>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THUNDER":?:hp=hp-10*lv 5727 if n=44 then if f>=111 and f<=116 then ?"The orc charges you!":?"He HAMMERS you across the forehead!":?">>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ZONK!":?:lo(wp)=rm:?"You drop your wielded weapon..." 5728 if n=48 then if f>=111 and f<=116 then ?"The dragon breathes FIRE at you!!!":?">>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FIREBALL":?:if lo(23)=205 then ?"Your shield takes a hit!":sh=sh+1:if sh>5 then sh=0:lo(23)=rm:?"You drop your worn armor...":ac=ac-(n+7):ic=ic-1 5729 if n=48 then if f>=111 and f<=116 then if lo(23)<>205 then ?"The dragon breathes FIRE at you!!!":?">>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FIREBALL":?:?"You are engulfed in FLAMES!":sleep 1:?"You are burnt into ashes!":?"You die.":sleep 1:goto 9500 5730 if n=49 then if f>=111 and f<=116 then ?"The skeleton mutters something...":?"You are WOUNDED BADLY!":hp=hp-32 5731 if n=50 then if f>=111 and f<=116 then ?"The vampire CURSES you!":lo(wp)=1:ic=ic-1:?"Your weapon VANISHES into thin air!" 5732 if n=50 then if f>=117 and f<=127 then ?"The vampire bites you!":?"CRUNCH!!!":?:?"You feel weak...":hp=hp-5*lv:dm=1 5798 if hp>hm then hp=hm 5799 randomize timer:return 5800 randomize timer:c=int(rnd*80)+1:if c=1 then ?"'Take THAT pumpkin head!'":return 5801 if c=2 then ?"'I need some time off...'":return 5802 if c=3 then ?"'Whose your daddy???!'":return 5803 if c=4 then ?"'Ah, did that hurt?'":return 5804 if c=5 then ?"'Hey "no$(n)"! Watch the camera! SMACK!'":return 5805 if c=6 then ?"'Rain shall fall as blood TONIGHT!'":return 5806 if c=7 then ?"'Who is this imposter,"na$"?'":return 5807 if c=15 then ?"'Here...comes...TROUBLE!'":return 5808 if c>15 or c<1 then ?"'There was nothing I could do...'" 5809 return 5900 randomize timer:c=int(rnd*50)+1 5901 if c=1 then ?"'A new beginning is at hand.'":return 5902 if c=2 then ?"'I think I won that one, Johnny!'":return 5903 if c=3 then ?"'Down and out, yet merry we be.'":return 5904 if c=4 then ?"'The strongest weapon is one's own mind.'":return 5905 if c=5 then ?"'Shall we gut him now, or eat him later?'":return 5906 if c=6 then ?"'I think I saw a blood gash on the poor man's face.'":return 5907 if c=7 then ?"'Drink thy whine, but let not a drop sour!'":return 5908 if c=8 then ?"'The stars are mine, yet I cannot join them yet.'":return 5909 if c=9 then ?"'To Caesar we hail, and the tyrant is strong!'":return 5910 if c=10 then ?"'When the rain falls on ground, it shall wash away fear.'":return 5911 if c=11 then ?"'What I seek here is a bloodbath of enemies.'":return 5912 if c=12 then ?"'What is death but a pinch?'":return 5913 if c=13 then ?"'We grace the skies with bloodless lies.'":return 5914 if c=14 then ?"'Dunric programmed me to speak riddles.'":return 5915 ?"'I think he sucks, don't you?'":return 9000 cls 9001 ?"Never again will the curse of Dracula befall this countryside...":?"His hideous demons gone beneath the shadows, to rest once":?"more and rise again...":?"In the heart of the Chateu Le Mont!":? 9002 ?"Your final score was: ";:color 8,7:? abs((ac+e+ex+g*lv)-32768) 9003 print:color 7,8:?"Play again? (Y/N)" 9004 a$=inkey$:if a$="" then goto 9004 9005 if a$="y" or a$="Y" then clear:run 9006 if a$="n" or a$="N" then ?:?"Ok, perhaps another day...":sleep 1:?"See you later...In the Chateu Le Mont!":sleep 2:clear:cls:?"Paul Panks":?"dunric@yahoo.com":sleep 10:clear:end 9007 goto 9004 9100 if rm=1 then if a$="examine bed" then ?"This bed looks quite comfortable to lie in!":goto 88 9101 if rm=1 then if a$="lie in bed" or a$="rest" or a$="sleep" or a$="rest in bed" or a$="sleep in bed" then ?"You lie in the bed and fall asleep...":sleep 1:color 8,7:?"You feel much better upon awaking!":color 0,7:hp=hm:goto 88 9102 if rm=2 and dc=0 then if a$="examine dresser drawer" or a$="examine dresser" or a$="examine drawer" then ?"It's a normal dresser, made from oak.":?"You notice some coins laying on the":?"dresser and so you pick them up...":g=g+50:goto 88 9103 if rm=2 and dc=1 then if a$="examine dresser drawer" or a$="examine dresser" or a$="examine drawer" then ?"It's a normal dresser, made from oak.":goto 88 9104 if rm=3 and a$="examine hallway" then ?"You notice nothing unusual about the hallway.":goto 88 9105 if rm=4 and a$="examine tavern" then ?"This tavern is centuries old. An upstairs hallway occupies the":?"second floor of this tavern.":goto 88 9106 if rm=4 and a$="examine stairway" then ?"The stairway is old and creaky.":goto 88 9107 if rm=4 and a$="examine hallway" then ?"This hallway has seen many visitors. There are rooms on either side":?"of the hallway.":goto 88 9108 if rm=5 and a$="examine walkway" then ?"This is the stone walkway leading to the tavern. It is paved in":?"cobblestone and mud.":goto 88 9109 if rm=5 and a$="examine tavern" then ?"This is a two-story building serving the people of this town.":?"Lodging and drinks are provided at a small fee.":goto 88 9110 if rm=5 and a$="examine shop" then ?"The outside of the shop is made from brick and mud. There isn't much":?"else that fascinates you about the shop.":goto 88 9111 if rm=6 and a$="examine cathedral" then ?"This cathedral is centuries old. It has an altar at the front":?"and many pews in the back.":goto 88 9112 if rm=6 and a$="examine altar" then ?"The altar is too far away to notice closely.":goto 88 9113 if rm=6 and a$="examine pews" then ?"These pews are made from wood and painted crimson red.":?"Other than that, you notice nothing remarkable about the pews.":goto 88 9114 if rm=6 and a$="examine courtyard" then ?"This is a large courtyard in the middle of town.":?"You notice a stone fountain here, pouring water into a motted":?"basin below.":goto 88 9115 if rm=6 and a$="examine fountain" then ?"This is a stone fountain. Water pours out from a statue to a motted basin":?"below. The water appears drinkable.":goto 88 9116 if rm=6 and a$="get water" then ?"You take a drink from the fountain...":color 8,7:?"You feel slightly better!":color 0,7:hp=hp+5:goto 88 9117 if rm=6 and a$="get fountain" then ?"The fountain cannot be moved.":goto 88 9118 if rm=7 and a$="examine town" then ?"This town is made up of a church, a small tavern, some small houses, ":?"a village shop, and a large guild.":?"You notice a fountain in the middle of town.":goto 88 9119 if rm=7 and a$="examine house" then ?"The house is too far away to notice closely.":goto 88 9120 if rm=7 then if a$="get bucket" or a$="raise bucket" or a$="get water" then ?"You raise the bucket...":?"There is water inside, and so you drink from the bucket...":sleep 1:color 8,7:?"AHHHHH! Refreshing!":color 0,7:hp=hm:goto 88 9121 if rm=7 then if a$="get pulley" or a$="raise pulley" then ?"The pulley cannot be taken.":?"You must 'get bucket' to move the pulley.":goto 88 9122 if rm=7 and a$="examine well" then ?"The well is made from cobblestone. There is water below.":goto 88 9123 if rm=7 and a$="examine water" then ?"The water is mossy green.":goto 88 9124 if rm=8 then if a$="examine archway" or a$="examine walls" or a$="examine wall" then ?"Vines grow steadfast to the concrete walls.":goto 88 9125 if rm=8 then if a$="climb vine" or a$="climb vines" or a$="climb wall" or a$="climb walls" or a$="climb archway" or a$="climb arch way" then ?"What, you think you are spiderman?":goto 88 9126 if rm=9 then if a$="examine cathedral" or a$="examine room" then ?"This is an old cathedral, with towering stained glass windows.":?"An altar lies to the north.":goto 88 9127 if rm=9 then if a$="examine pews" then ?"These pews are painted a crimson red.":goto 88:else if rm=9 then if a$="examine altar" then ?"The altar lies to the north of the pews.":goto 88 9128 if rm=10 then if a$="examine house" then ?"The house is small and unoccupied at the moment.":goto 88 9129 if rm=10 then if a$="examine fireplace" then ?"The fireplace is not currently lit.":goto 88 9130 if rm=10 then if a$="light fireplace" and lo(8)=-1 and lo(9)=-1 then ?"Whoosh!":?"The fireplace is ablaze.":fplt=1:goto 88 9131 if rm=10 then if a$="light fireplace" then ?"You don't have the means to do that!":goto 88 9132 if rm=10 then if a$="examine mantle" then ?"You notice a few coins on the mantle, and so you pick them up.":g=g+5:goto 88 9133 if rm=9 then if a$="sit in pews" or a$="sit pews" or a$="sit down" or a$="sit down on pews" or a$="sit down in pews" then ?"You sit down on a pew...":?"Well, it feels like a normal chair to you!":goto 88 9134 if rm=12 then if a$="examine bible" or a$="examine altar" then ?"It is old and worn by time.":goto 88 9135 if rm=12 then if a$="get bible" then ?"You can't. The bible is latched into place.":goto 88 9136 if rm=12 then if a$="read bible" then ?"The bible reads (in part): 'For God so loved the world, he gave":?"his only begotten son, so that ye shall live and have":?"forever lasting life.'":goto 88 9137 if rm=13 then if a$="examine door" then ?"The door looks rather heavy, doesn't it?":goto 88 9138 if rm=13 then if a$="examine counter" then ?"The counter is mostly bare, except for a few items being sold":?"at the moment.":goto 88 9139 if rm=13 then if a$="examine room" or a$="examine shop" then ?"This shop is fairly old. The walls are worn and aged with time.":goto 88 9140 if rm=13 then if a$="examine shelves" then ?"These shelves are quite dusty!":?"On one of them you notice a longsword, and so you pick it up!":lo(26)=-1:goto 140 9141 if rm=14 then if a$="examine guild" or a$="examine walls" then ?"This guild is resident to hundreds of wandering rogues and bards.":?"There are tables and chairs around the room, some of them unoccupied.":goto 88 9142 if rm=14 then if a$="examine paintings" then ?"These paintings have markings on them!":goto 88 9143 if rm=14 then if a$="get painting" or a$="get paintings" then ?"You can't do that.":goto 88 9144 if rm=14 then if a$="examine table" or a$="examine tables" then ?"These tables are made mostly from oak.":?"They look very sturdy.":goto 88 9145 if rm=14 then if a$="examine chair" or a$="examine chairs" then ?"You notice nothing unusual about the chairs.":goto 88 9146 if rm=14 then if a$="get table" or a$="get tables" or a$="get chair" or a$="get chairs" then ?"You can't take that.":goto 88 9147 if rm=16 then if a$="examine bed" then ?"This bed looks rugged and uncomfortable to lie in.":goto 88 9148 if rm=16 then if a$="lie in bed" or a$="lie bed" or a$="sleep in bed" or a$="rest" or a$="sleep" or a$="rest in bed" then ?"You lie in the bed...":sleep 1:color 8,7:?"It's not too comfortable.":color 0,7:hp=hp+5:goto 88 9149 if rm=31 then if a$="examine hut" or a$="examine room" then ?"This is a small thatched roof hut.":?"You notice some chairs and tables around the room.":goto 88 9150 if rm=31 then if a$="examine chairs" then ?"These chairs are made from oak and ivory.":goto 88 9151 if rm=31 then if a$="examine tables" then ?"These tables are made from oak, mostly.":goto 88 9152 if rm=31 then if a$="examine window" or a$="look window" or a$="look out window" then ?"(Looking out the window):":?:?"You see a castle far to the south, just behind a large hillside.":goto 88 9153 if rm=37 then if a$="examine lake" then ?"This lake glimmers oddly!":goto 88 9154 if rm=37 then if a$="enter lake" or a$="dive" or a$="swim" then ?"You dive into the lake...":rm=76:de$(76)="You are below the lake. Sea weed and mud cloud your vision.":m(76,5)=37:goto 80 9155 if rm=76 then if a$="examine lake" then ?"It's far too muddy to see clearly!":goto 88 9156 if rm=76 then if a$="examine sea weed" or a$="examine weed" or a$="examine seaweed" then ?"This seaweed glows oddly!":?"You pick off some seaweed and eat it...":sleep 1:?"You feel much stronger!":hm=hm+10:lv=lv+1:hp=hm:goto 88 9157 if rm=76 then if a$="examine mud" or a$="examine lakebed" or a$="examine lake bed" or a$="examine lake floor" or a$="examine floor" or a$="examine ground" then?"You notice some coins and so you pick them up!":g=g+25:goto 88 9158 if rm=42 then if a$="examine tree stump" or a$="examine stump" then ?"You notice that the tree stump has claw marks on it!":goto 88 9159 if rm=48 then if a$="examine vortex" then ?"The vortex pulsates a strange white light...":goto 88 9160 if rm=48 then if a$="enter vortex" then ?"Whoosh!":sleep 1:?"You are zapped back in time!":sleep 1:?"Things begin to slow down, as molecules and atoms zip by your head!":sleep 1:?"Slowly, you awake, somewhere else!":sleep 1:rm=9:?:goto 80 9161 if rm=52 then if a$="enter moat" or a$="swim" or a$="dive" or a$="enter water" then ?"You enter the water...":sleep 1:?"It is freezing cold!":goto 88 9162 if rm=52 then if a$="examine moat" or a$="examine water" then ?"The water moves slowly in fine ripples. It looks quite cold!":goto 88 9163 if rm=52 then if a$="examine castle" then ?"This castle is centuries old. It appears unoccupied at the moment.":goto 88 9164 if rm=52 or rm=53 then if a$="climb castle" or a$="use rope" or a$="climb wall" or a$="climb walls" then ?"It's beyond your power to do that!":goto 88 9165 if rm=53 then if a$="examine drawbridge" or a$="examine draw bridge" then ?"This draw bridge is made from solid wood. It is water logged.":goto 88 9166 if rm=54 or rm=58 then if a$="examine hall" or a$="examine main hall" or a$="examine hallway" or a$="examine main hallway" then ?"This is the main hall of the castle.":?"It is quite spacious and big!":goto 88 9167 if rm=60 then if a$="examine piano" or a$="play piano" or a$="get piano" then ?"The piano is made of ivory and pure, solid oak. It is closed":?"and may not be moved or played.":goto 88 9168 if rm=60 then if a$="examine library" or a$="examine room" then ?"This is a small library within the castle. It contains rows and":?"rows of books!":goto 88 9169 if rm=60 then if a$="examine shelves" or a$="examine books" then ?"There are so many books here, that you don't know where to begin!":goto 88 9170 if rm=65 then if a$="examine throne" or a$="examine throneroom" or a$="examine throne room" then ?"The throne is well guarded. It is platted in pure gold.":goto 88 if rm=67 and lo(51)<>67 then goto 9199 mh(51)=5000 9171 if rm=67 then if a$="examine jack" or a$="examine tramiel" or a$="examine jack tramiel" or a$="examine Jack" or a$="examine Tramiel" or a$="examine Jack Tramiel" then ?"Jack was placed here by a disgruntled Atari fan.":goto 88 9172 if rm=67 then if a$="get jack" or a$="get tramiel" or a$="get Jack" or a$="get Jack Tramiel" then ?"Jack is too heavy to lift!":goto 88 9173 if rm=67 then if left$(a$,3)="say" or left$(a$,4)="talk" then ?"Jack says,'Hush! I'm reading about inverse partical waves!'":?"Jack ignores you and goes back to reading his book.":goto 88 9174 if rm=67 then if a$="I adore my sixty four" or a$="I adore my 64" or a$="i adore my 64" or a$="i adore my sixty four" or a$="i adore my sixty-four" or a$="I adore my sixty-four" then ?"Jack screams at you!":? dut$:? dut2$:? dut3$:rm=68:goto 88 9175 if rm=67 then randomize timer:i=int(rnd*35)+1:if i=1 or i=4 or i=8 or i=12 or i=16 then ?"Jack looks up at you.":?"'Business is war! I don't care how long it takes, get those":?"Commodore 64s ON the assembly line!'":goto 88 9176 if rm=67 then randomize timer:i=int(rnd*35)+1:if i=2 or i=5 or i=9 or i=13 or i=17 then ?"Jack sighs deeply.":?"'That damn Atari ST! Why didn't I make it more like the Amiga instead?'":goto 88 9177 if rm=67 then if a$="kill jack" or a$="kill Jack" or a$="kill Jack Tramiel" or a$="kill jack Tramiel" or a$="kill tramiel" or a$="kill Tramiel" then 9199 goto 89 9200 if rm=7 then color 8,7:?"There is a well here. Inside the well is a bucket attached to a pulley":?"system. You notice water below." 9201 if rm=48 then color 8,7:?"There is a white vortex here." 9298 color 0,7:return 9400 lo(7)=-1:ic=1 9415 lo(8)=10 9416 lo(9)=10 9417 lo(10)=28 9418 lo(11)=11 9419 lo(12)=95: rem shop = 95 9420 lo(13)=2 9421 lo(14)=1 9422 lo(15)=31 9423 lo(16)=4 9424 lo(17)=16 9425 lo(18)=1042 9426 lo(19)=10 9427 lo(20)=1046 9428 lo(21)=1046 9429 lo(22)=1044 9430 lo(23)=1042 9431 lo(24)=1048 9432 lo(25)=14 9433 lo(26)=95: rem shop = 95 9434 lo(27)=1041 9435 lo(28)=1043 9436 lo(29)=1048 9437 lo(30)=20 9438 lo(31)=57 9439 lo(32)=95: rem shop = 95 9440 lo(33)=11 9441 lo(34)=69 9442 lo(35)=1 9443 lo(36)=-5 9450 lo(37)=6 :mh(37)=80 9451 lo(38)=13 :mh(38)=250 9452 lo(39)=4 :mh(39)=120 9453 lo(40)=11 :mh(40)=48 9454 lo(41)=53 :mh(41)=980 9455 lo(42)=65 :mh(42)=744 9456 lo(43)=26 :mh(43)=156 9457 lo(44)=32 :mh(44)=118 9458 lo(45)=31 :mh(45)=227 9459 lo(46)=49 :mh(46)=141 9460 lo(47)=17 :mh(47)=257 9461 lo(48)=37 :mh(48)=1256 9462 lo(49)=74 :mh(49)=1620 9463 lo(50)=75 :mh(50)=3000 9464 lo(51)=67 :mh(51)=5000 9495 return 9498 rem -------------------------------------- 9499 rem Handle player's passing 9500 hp=hm:ic=0:wd=1:ac=1:dm=1:for x=7 to 36:if lo(x)=-1 or lo(x)=105 or lo(x)=205 then lo(x)=rm:?"You drop "no$(x)"." 9501 next:?:sleep 1:?"You wake up somewhere else...":sleep 1:rm=9:if ex>0 then ex=ex/4:ex=abs(ex):e=0:g=0 9502 g=0:lt=0:goto 80 9600 if rm<6 or rm=9 or rm=10 or rm=11 or rm=12 or rm=13 or rm=14 or rm=16 or rm=31 or rm>53 then return 9601 if ct=1 then ?"The sun is setting.":lo(50)=75 9602 if ct=20 then ?"It is sunset.":lo(50)=75 9603 if ct=50 then ?"It is early evening.":c=int(rnd*75)+1:lo(50)=c 9604 if ct=80 then ?"It is midnight.":c=int(rnd*75)+1:lo(50)=c 9605 if ct=140 then ?"It is past midnight.":?"The moon hangs overhead, casting dark shadows.":c=int(rnd*75)+1:lo(50)=c 9606 if ct=190 then ?"The sun is rising.":lo(50)=75 9607 if ct=210 then ?"It is sunrise.":lo(50)=75 9608 if ct=230 then ?"It is early morning.":lo(50)=75 9609 if ct=250 then ?"It is past noon.":lo(50)=75 9610 if ct=270 then ?"It is midday.":lo(50)=75 9611 if ct=350 then ct=0:?"It is late afternoon.":lo(50)=75 9612 return 9700 if rm<>13 then ?"You are not in the village shop.":goto 88 9701 if lo(38)<>rm then ?"The clerk isn't here.":goto 88 9702 print"The clerk says,'Here is what we have in stock:'":si=0:for x=7 to 36:if lo(x)=95 then ? no$(x);space$(30-len(no$(x)));":";pc(x):si=1 9703 next:if si=0 then ?"The clerk says,'I'm sorry, but we have nothing in stock right now.'":goto 88 9704 si=0:?"Gold on hand:"g:goto 88 9800 if bg=0 then ?"The knapsack is empty.":goto 88 9801 bg=0:for x=7 to 36:if lo(x)=305 then ?" "no$(x)".":bg=bg+1 9802 next:goto 88 9897 rem -------------------------------------- 9898 rem Battle Menu 9899 rem -------------------------------------- 9900 raw=0:?"*** [F]ight, [C]ast or [R]un ***" 9901 a$=inkey$:if a$="" then goto 9901 9902 if a$="f" or a$="F" then ?:return 9903 if a$="r" or a$="r" then if atk>10 then ?"You ran away successfully...":raw=1:return:else if a$="r" or a$="R" then color 8,7:?"*** Escaped failed ***":color 0,7:sleep 1:?:return 9904 if a$="c" or a$="C" then if mp=>25 then goto 9906:else if a$="c" or a$="C" then if mp<25 then color 8,7:?"You don't have enough magic points!":sleep 1:?:color 0,7:goto 9900 9905 goto 9901 9906 if lo(14)<>-1 then color 8,7:?"You don't have the spellbook!":color 0,7:sleep 1:?:goto 9900 9907 print "==========================================" 9908 print "(#) Spell Effect Duration " 9909 print "==========================================" 9910 print " 1. Heal Heals player 1 turn " 9911 print " 2. Drain -50hp on Enemy 1 turn " 9912 print " 3. Fire Fireball Enemy ???? " 9913 print " 4. Cure Full heal Immediate " 9914 print " 5. Confuse Switch HP Immediate " 9915 print " 6. Thunder Kills Enemy Immediate " 9916 print " 7. Flee Flee (>75%) 1 turn " 9917 print " 0. (No spell, return to fight menu) " 9918 print "==========================================" 9919 ?">>> You have"mp"of"mm"magic points.":print "Choose a spell (1-7), or 0 for none: "; 9920 a$=inkey$:if a$="" then goto 9920 9921 if a$="1" then ?"1":?:goto 9930 9922 if a$="2" then ?"2":?:goto 9932 9923 if a$="3" then ?"3":?:goto 9934 9924 if a$="4" then ?"4":?:goto 9936 9925 if a$="5" then ?"5":?:goto 9938 9926 if a$="6" then ?"6":?:goto 9940 9927 if a$="7" then ?"7":?:goto 9942 9928 if a$="0" then ?"0":color 8,7:?:?"<<< Aborted >>>":color 0,7:sleep 1:?:goto 9900 9929 goto 9920 9930 mp=mp-25:randomize timer:cl=int(rnd*24)+1:if cl=>11 then color 8,7:?"Alas, heal fizzled...":sleep 1:color 0,7:?:return 9931 color 8,7:?"*** Success!!! ***":color 15,7:?">>>";:color 8,7:?">>> ";:color 0,7:?"HEAL SPELL":hp=hp+50:goto 9944 9932 mp=mp-28:randomize timer:cl=int(rnd*24)+1:if cl=>12 then color 8,7:?"Alas, drain fizzled...":sleep 1:color 0,7:?:return 9933 color 8,7:?"*** Success!!! ***":color 15,7:?">>>";:color 8,7:?">>> ";:color 0,7:?"DRAIN SPELL":mh(n)=mh(n)-hp:hp=hp+hp:goto 9944 9934 mp=mp-30:randomize timer:cl=int(rnd*24)+1:if cl=>13 then color 8,7:?"Alas, fire fizzled...":sleep 1:color 0,7:?:return 9935 color 8,7:?"*** Success!!! ***":color 15,7:?">>>";:color 8,7:?">>> ";:color 0,7:?"FIRE SPELL":mh(n)=mh(n)-250:goto 9944 9936 mp=mp-32:randomize timer:cl=int(rnd*24)+1:if cl=>14 then color 8,7:?"Alas, cure fizzled...":sleep 1:color 0,7:?:return 9937 color 8,7:?"*** Success!!! ***":color 15,7:?">>>";:color 8,7:?">>> ";:color 0,7:?"CURE SPELL":hp=hm:mp=mm:goto 9944 9938 mp=mp-36:randomize timer:cl=int(rnd*24)+1:if cl=>15 then color 8,7:?"Alas, confuse fizzled...":sleep 1:color 0,7:?:return 9939 color 8,7:?"*** Success!!! ***":color 15,7:?">>>";:color 8,7:?">>> ";:color 0,7:?"CONFUSE SPELL":mh(n)=hp:goto 9944 9940 mp=mp-50:randomize timer:cl=int(rnd*24)+1:if cl=>16 then color 8,7:?"Alas, thunder fizzled...":sleep 1:color 0,7:?:return 9941 color 8,7:?"*** Success!!! ***":color 15,7:?">>>";:color 8,7:?">>> ";:color 0,7:?"THUNDER SPELL":mh(n)=-1:goto 9944 9942 mp=mp-26:randomize timer:cl=int(rnd*24)+1:if cl=>17 then color 8,7:?"Alas, flee fizzled...":sleep 1:color 0,7:?:return 9943 color 8,7:?"*** Success!!! ***":color 15,7:?">>>";:color 8,7:?">>> ";:color 0,7:?"FLEE SPELL":atk=15:goto 9945 9944 raw=0 9945 randomize timer:sleep 1:print:return 9998 rem -------------------------------------- 9999 rem DATA statements for game 10000 rem--Rooms------------------------------- 10001 data "Small Room","This small room has seen many visitors. A bed lies in the center of the room." 10002 data "Small Room","A dresser drawer occupies the western portion of this room." 10003 data "Hallway","You are standing in a darkened hallway. Rooms lie to the north and west." 10004 data "Tavern","You are standing inside a poorly lit tavern. A stairway heads upstairs to a darkened hallway above." 10005 data "Walkway to Tavern","You are on the stone walkway to the tavern. A shop is south." 10006 data "Courtyard","You are standing in the middle of a courtyard. There is a cathedral north of here." 10007 data "On the Path","You are standing near the center of town. A house is west." 10008 data "Stone Archway","You are facing a stone archway. Vines grow steadfast to the concrete walls." 10009 data "Cathedral","You are standing in a small cathedral. Rows of pews line the room, while an altar is directly north." 10010 data "House","You are standing inside a small house. A fireplace rests near the back wall, with a mantle above it." 10011 data "Backroom","The backroom of the cathedral is mostly empty. It is used for storage." 10012 data "Altar","You altar is mostly bare, except for a small bible latched in place." 10013 data "Village Shop","You are standing in a small shop. Rows of dusty shelves line the room, while a counter is near the front door." 10014 data "Village Guild","You are standing in a small guild. Several unique paintings adorn the walls, with a few tables and chairs about." 10015 data "Path","You are on a path paved in cobblestone. A guild is north, with a smaller cottage to the west of here." 10016 data "Cottage","You are standing in a small cottage. It is mostly empty, save for a small bed near the western most wall." 10017 data "Southern Road","You are walking down a path heading out of town. An intersection is south of here." 10018 data "Intersection","You are facing an intersection. A path heads north into town, while a smaller path (less worn) is visible to the east." 10019 data "Graveyard (west)","You are standing in a spooky looking graveyard. Several tombstones dot the darkened landscape, awash with mud." 10020 data "Graveyard (north)","You are standing in a spooky looking graveyard. A metal fence blocks passage to the north." 10021 data "Graveyard (east)","You are standing in a spooky looking graveyard. Just beyond the gate lies a southern road." 10022 data "By the gate (west)","You are standing in a spooky looking graveyard. A fence blocks passage to the south." 10023 data "By the gate (north)","You are standing in a graveyard. Several tombstones dot the muddy landscape. A black metal fence surrounds the graveyard." 10024 data "By the gate (east)","You are facing the eastern fence of this graveyard. Some blood is visible on a few of the metal bars of the fence." 10025 data "Well-worn path","You are walking down a well-worn path. To the north stands a towering forest, while west of here lies a fork in the road." 10026 data "Redwood Forest","You are standing in a Redwood forest. The trees have thousands of red leaves on them! To the north, the forest lightens some." 10027 data "Middle forest","You are standing in the middle of the forest. The area is especially well lit here, as light filters down from below." 10028 data "Redwood Forest","You are standing in a Redwood forest. The ground is littered with ash and leaves. A large tree stands to the north." 10029 data "Redwood Forest","You are standing in a forest. The forest ends abruptly at this point, just beyond a steep hill." 10030 data "By the tree","You are standing before a large tree with twisted, low-lying branches. It appears climbable. To the east lies a brighter section of the forest." 10031 data "Inside a small hut","You are standing inside a small hut. Simple furniture adorns the room, including some chairs and a large table (just below a small window)." 10032 data "Redwood Forest","You are standing in a large forest. A small clearing is visible to the east of here. East of the clearing stands a small lake." 10033 data "Redwood Forest","You are standing in a towering forest. Storm-tossed trees are strewn across the ground, blocking passage to the east." 10034 data "Redwood Forest","You are walking in a well-lit forest. To the south lies a small clearing." 10035 data "Small Clearing","You are standing in a small clearing. A lake is visible to the east. The forest continues south from this point." 10036 data "End of Forest","The forest ends abruptly at this point. A lake is visible to the south." 10037 data "By the Lake","You are standing by a small lake. It glimmers oddly in the light, as if alive! A small clearing lies to the west." 10038 data "Redwood Forest","You are walking in a well-lit forest. A grassy hillside slopes down towardsthe south, just past a small orchard." 10039 data "Grassy Hillside","You are standing in a grassy hillside. Flowers grow in patches on the hillside, which slopes south into a narrow valley." 10040 data "On the Hill","You are standing on a hill, overlooking the countryside. To the north lies a forest, surrounding a small lake. To the west lies a hillside." 10041 data "Grassy Hillside","You are standing on a grassy hill. Clouds drift by in the near distance, oblivious to the world below. The only exit is back east." 10042 data "Grassy Hillside","You are standing on a grassy hillside. A tree stump sits undisturbed in the middle of the grass. A grassy hill slopes steeply to the south." 10043 data "Hilltop","You have reached a large hill. A stone boulder stands undisturbed to the east." 10044 data "Grassy Hillside","You are facing a steep slope on a grassy hillside. It appears climbable." 10045 data "Cherry Orchard","You are standing in a Cherry orchard. Cherries grow on trees nearby, with a few littering the ground (stale and rotten). A graveyard is north." 10046 data "Cherry Orchard","You are walking in a cherry orchard. Rows of trees tower above you, upon which grow lucious-looking cherries. The orchard thins east of this path." 10047 data "Cherry Orchard","You are standing at the entrance to a large Cherry orchard. Rows of trees bare fruit on either side of a long path. To the east lies a steep slope." 10048 data "Dirt Path","You are walking down a dirt path near a cherry orchard. A hill slopes down to the east here, but your attention is drawn south towards a large castle!" 10049 data "Steep Slope","You are facing a very steep slope opposite a large castle. It appears difficult (at best) to climb the slope, although it is covered well by grass." 10050 data "Cherry Orchard","You are standing in a large cherry orchard. The trees appear to thin out a bit to the east. Passage south is blocked by a large wooden fence." 10051 data "Cherry Orchard","You are walking in a cherry orchard. The trees thin out here by a small path. To the southeast lies a stone castle." 10052 data "Castle Moat","You are standing before a castle moat. A drawbridge has been lowered, but a guard is usually posted here to prevent commoners from entering the castle." 10053 data "Drawbridge","You are standing on a wooden drawbridge. A guard is usually posted here. To the south lies the main hall of this enormous castle." 10054 data "Main Hall (Chateu Le Mont)","You are standing in the main hall of Chateu Le Mont, a castle predating the middle ages. The royalty abdicated the throne decades ago." 10055 data "Knight's Quarters","You are standing inside the Knight's quarters. Several rows of weapons and armor line the walls, with a few tankards and bottles as well." 10056 data "Guard's Quarters","You are standing in a quiet room, bare of anything save for a few shelves of liquor and bread. Some wooden barrels are also visible nearby." 10057 data "Guest Room","You are standing in the guest room of this ancient castle. It is mostly bare, save for a table with a lamp resting on it. A bed is also here." 10058 data "Main Hall (Chateu Le Mont)","You are standing in the main hall of this castle. A parlor is south of here, while two rooms lie on either side of this hallway." 10059 data "Guest Room","You are standing in a guest room. It is bare, save for a small bed." 10060 data "Library (Chateu Le Mont)","You are standing inside a library. Rows of books line the walls, with a grand piano in the center of the room. A stairway lies to the west." 10061 data "Castle Parlor (Chateu Le Mont)","You are standing in the castle parlor. A chandelier hangs from the ceiling above. To the west lies the castle library." 10062 data "Kitchen (Chateu Le Mont)","You are standing inside a small kitchen. A wood-burning stove lies in the center of the kitchen, with a small pantry east of here." 10063 data "Pantry","You are standing inside a (mostly bare) pantry. It is covered in dust and cobwebs from years of neglect." 10064 data "Dining Room","You are standing inside the dining room of this enormous castle. A long table spread out across this room, along with several empty chairs and plates." 10065 data "Throne Room","You are impressed by what you see here! The throne itself is plated in gold, and encrusted on either side are precious jewels and stones." 10066 data "Dungeon (Chateu Le Mont)","You are standing in darkened, damp dungeon below the castle. The floor is damp with water, dripping down from the ceiling above you." 10067 data "Cell (Chateu Le Mont)","You are standing inside a cramped cell. Water drips down from the ceiling into a puddle on the floor. A table lies in the center of the cell." 10068 data "Dungeon (Chateu Le Mont)","You are standing in a darkened dungeon. The floor is damp with water. Several cramped cells surround you here." 10069 data "Cell (Chateu Le Mont)","You are standing in a cramped cell. It is mostly bare, save for a small bed. There are marks on the floor, supposedly from fingernails..." 10070 data "Cell (Chateu Le Mont)","You are standing inside a small cell. It is entirely empty." 10071 data "Crypt (Chateu Le Mont)","You have entered a small crypt below the castle. The light from your lantern dances upon the walls, casting shadows. The tunnel heads west." 10072 data "Crypt (Chateu Le Mont)","You are walking down a narrow tunnel. The floor is very damp here, as water drips down from above. To the west lies a corner." 10073 data "Crypt (Chateu Le Mont)","You have turned the corner inside this narrow tunnel. A doorway stands to the north." 10074 data "Crypt (Chateu Le Mont)","You are facing a doorway. There is a sign above, faded by the ravages of age and time. It is not clearly legible." 10075 data "Lair of the Vampire","You have reached the lair of the vampire! An open coffin lies in the back of the room. On the western wall is hung a painting." 11000 rem --- objects --- 11001 data "north","99",99 11002 data "south","99",99 11003 data "east","99",99 11004 data "west","99",99 11005 data "up","99",99 11006 data "down","99",99 11007 data "knapsack","A leather knapsack, tied with a long string. You can put things in it.",40 11008 data "lantern","A brass lantern, stained with blood. The hinges are nearly rusted.",50 11009 data "oil","A flask of oil. It is slightly used.",18 11010 data "wolfsbane","A clove of wolfsbane. It has a peculiar odor.",200 11011 data "pole","A long wooden pole about seven feet in length.",80 11012 data "key","A small metal key, used for unlocking doors.",10 11013 data "rope","A coil of rope (10'). Used for climbing walls (or trees).",6 11014 data "book","An ancient book of spells. The pages are worn and tattered.",62 11015 data "scroll","An ancient scroll. It is worn and tattered.",28 11016 data "wine","A bottle of sparkling red wine.",500 11017 data "armor","A suit of leather armor. Provides good protection.",180 11018 data "helmet","A small iron helmet. It has a small visor attached to the front.",124 11019 data "gloves","A pair of leather gloves. Nothing special.",26 11020 data "cloak","An elven cloak. It is mostly black, but with a purple hood.",250 11021 data "ring","A magical ring of protection. It glows with a soft bluish hue.",140 11022 data "boots","A pair of sturdy leather boots.",75 11023 data "shield","A crusader's shield. It has a blue cross in the center.",480 11024 data "amulet","A small amulet, containing an emerald.",218 11025 data "dagger","A small dagger. It has a jewel encrusted on the hilt.",60 11026 data "longsword","A longsword. It has a ruby hilt.",110 11027 data "broadsword","A magnificantly crafted broadsword. The hilt is pure gold.",960 11028 data "ironaxe","An ironaxe, with very sharp edges.",786 11029 data "sceptre","A large sceptre. There are diamonds attached to the hilt.",3000 11030 data "claymore","A long claymore. It has a sharp, curved blade.",2500 11031 data "orb","A mysterious orb. It glows softly from within.",1000 11032 data "cheese","A slice of cheese. It is aged to perfection.",20 11033 data "food","Some standard food rations, lasting one week.",58 11034 data "stake","A sharp wooden stake. It is used for slaying vampires.",10 11035 data "bottle","An empty bottle.",8 11036 data "glass","A glass of water. It is nearly full.",12 11037 data "villager","A lone village, wandering about the village by himself.",50 11038 data "clerk","A stout clerk. He has glasses and a long, grey beard.",200 11039 data "bard","A traveling bard. He is not local to these parts.",124 11040 data "monk","A monk. He is wearing a tunic, with a rope tied at one end.",20 11041 data "guard","A castle guard. He is tired, but tough nonetheless.",75 11042 data "knight","A knight, standing watch. He is well rested and mean looking.",100 11043 data "goblin","A menacing goblin. He snarls at you as you pass.",400 11044 data "orc","A dangerous orc. He growls at you, with a hallow voice.",250 11045 data "hobbit","A small hobbit with furry feet. He is smiling at you.",78 11046 data "elf","A small creature from the nearby forest. He has pointed ears.",28 11047 data "wolf","A lone wolf, wandering alone in the forest. He appears friendly.",10 11048 data "dragon","A winged dragon, with tough scales and powerful claws!",1200 11049 data "skeleton","A deadly skeleton. There is blood running down his ribcage.",480 11050 data "vampire","The evil Count Dracula! He appears ready to lunge at you!",5000 11051 data "jack","This is Jack Tramiel, of Commodore fame. He is reading a book at the moment.",9000 11999 rem --- verbs --- 12001 data "go" 12002 data "get" 12003 data "drop" 12004 data "wield" 12005 data "unwield" 12006 data "wear" 12007 data "remove" 12008 data "put" 12009 data "examine" 12010 data "read" 12011 data "drink" 12012 data "eat" 12013 data "climb" 12014 data "use" 12015 data "light" 12016 data "extinguish" 12017 data "open" 12018 data "unlock" 12019 data "buy" 12020 data "sell" 12021 data "kill" 12022 data "time" 12023 data "score"