#!../bin/jacl #Prisonbreak #By Parham Doustdar #AbilityComp edition #constants constant game_version 1 constant game_title "Prisonbreak" constant game_author "Parham Doustdar" constant ifid "8D05D74B-A997-4C5E-9886-B41001F1C448" constant easy 1 constant normal 0 string status_text integer gone_before_eric_comes integer yesno attribute lifted #grammars grammar spit *held >drop grammar spit out *held >drop grammar swallow *present >eat grammar consume *present >eat grammar wet *present >clean grammar mode $integer >mode grammar mode easy >mode_easy grammar mode normal >mode_normal grammar mode >mode_check grammar shoot *here >shoot grammar throw *here in *here >throw_at grammar hurl *here in *here >throw_at grammar pitch *here in *here >throw_at grammar cast *here in *here >throw_at grammar throw *here on *here >throw_at grammar hurl *here on *here >throw_at grammar pitch *here on *here >throw_at grammar cast *here on *here >throw_at grammar throw *here at *here >throw_at grammar throw *here to *here >throw_at grammar cast *here to *here >throw_at grammar cast *here at *here >throw_at grammar pitch *here to *here >throw_at grammar pitch *here at *here >throw_at grammar lob *here to *here >throw_at grammar lob *here at *here >throw_at grammar hurl *here to *here >throw_at grammar hurl *here at *here >throw_at grammar hurl *here against *here >throw_at grammar throw *here against *here >throw_at grammar attack *present with *present >attack_with grammar hit *present with *present >attack_with grammar fight *present with *present >attack_with grammar kill *present with *present >attack_with grammar murder *present with *present >attack_with grammar stab *present with *present >attack_with grammar poke *present with *present >attack_with grammar breathe through *held >breathe_through grammar mind raise *present >mind_raise grammar mind lower *present >mind_lower grammar mind push *present >mind_push grammar mind push *present at *here >mind_push_at grammar mind push *present towards *here >mind_push_at grammar mind pull *present >mind_pull grammar credits >credits grammar author >author {+intro clear write ^^ write "Do you want to play this game in easy mode? The only difference between easy mode and normal mode is that you'll get hints about how to solve the puzzles. The hints are still not direct, however. If you don't want to see any hints at all, answer 'no' now.^" getyesorno INDEX if INDEX = 1 #The player has answered yes set mode = easy write "^You have selected easy mode.^^" else set mode = normal write "^You have selected normal mode.^^" endif more "Press any key to continue" clear style bold write "^^" game_title style normal write " by " game_author "^^^" write "~Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons.~^" write " -- Buckminster Fuller^^^" style note write "Type ABOUT when in the game for more information if this is your first time playing this game. Also, type INSTRUCTIONS if this is your first interactive fiction game. If you want to know which people have had a hand in creating this game, type CREDITS, and if you want to know more about the author himself, type AUTHOR.^^" style normal more "Press a key to continue..." clear print You haven't done anything, really. Although this is the same thing you hear over and over from people that are spending a period of their life in prison, no one but the people in this prison understand what you are talking about. You haven't done anything, and that's true. No one here has done anything. All they did was sign a simple, stupid contract; to be held responsible for the results of an experiment they were being paid to participate in.^^ No one said that you were going to be held in a prison. No one ever mentioned that although the chance of success was less than ten percent, there would be those affected, poor damned people that just wanted some money for different things. In your case, it was university. In Mark's case, it was moving to Spain. In Alexander's case, it was a girl. Strange what a guy endures for a girl, isn't it? But maybe, or, now that you think about it, certainly, he wouldn't have signed that treaty if he knew where he was going to end up. Certainly, he wouldn't have signed it if he knew he was going to end up dead, far from that girl he wanted to marry, far from home, far from anywhere, really. In a place far, far away from any human settlement. In a place that is enclosed in miles of bare, broken patches of earth. In a place made of hardened steel. In hell. And will you give up? No. Will you sit down and cry while cursing your fortune? No. As much as you want to, no. And just to confirm it, you say it aloud. Not too loud, just enough to be heard by yourself. ~No.~^^ As you ponder these, you look around your cell -- the only thing you have done beside eating pills for a long, long time.^^ . if here hasnt OUTDOORS move north_wall to here move south_wall to here move east_wall to here move west_wall to here endall move ground to here look write "^The plan you and Mark made is simple: drink the water, talk to her and keep her attention away from the scarf as you kick it towards the doorframe to keep the door ajar a fraction of an inch, just enough to let your telekinetic energy reach through and unlock the door. You'd need to get through just one guard and Soyala to get away, and usually this place has at least five guards. Today, the rest have gone away to take care of Alexander's dead body, however.^" } location cell103 : cell 103 short name "cell 103" {look write "This cell is simple, bare, and you know it down to the smallest detail. Only a bed that is indeed very comfortable occupies one wall, the one behind you. The west side contains a toilet and a sink, and the right side... nothing. Just unbreakable steel that seems to mock you with its hardness.^" } integer stage {eachturn if stage = 0 set stage = 1 return endif if stage = 1 print ^Where is Soyala? It is almost time for you to receive your pills, like the good boy you've been the last... last what? Week? Month? Year? Decade? No, it couldn't have been a decade, or even a year; you are very patient, but not so much to hold on a year. Six months or so. So, yes, you should swallow them down with a cup of water, watched closely by her, like you've done since you have been here, and let them keep you in control. Not that there is any need, really. You can't reach through a door that doesn't have the slightest bit of opening around it's frame, made just to prevent someone like you reaching through and unlocking the door. But are you going to swallow that pill this time? No. Are you going to still be a good boy? Heck no. Are you going to make these bastards suffer? Heck yes, you are. You haven't been mad much, but now you are, and God help them.^ . set stage = 2 return endif if stage = 2 print ^You hear footsteps echoing from somewhere. You remember the very first time you heard her approach. You were so scared as if these were the footsteps of death approaching, coming closer every second, every footstep, every moment. Maybe it was caused by the measured, slow steps that she always takes, or maybe it was because of the way the steel walls recounted the story of every footstep to your ears, your ears that were so used to the noisy life outside that were ringing from the silence, or maybe because it was just that you couldn't expect anything more in such a place than death, coming to claim you of its own. And still, those footsteps approach. But this time, you have a plan, and that is to hide the pill under your tongue and drink the water. No one would expect anything, since you and Mark have never been trouble makers. You have cursed and banged your fist against open hand in frustration of this fate that has befallen you, but you never did anything remotely resembling dangerous, but today, you are going to. Yes, you are.^ . set stage = 3 return endif if stage = 3 print ^A series of familiar beeps make you put on that expressionless mask that you have worked on so much. Of course, she is entering the password. The mechanism is built flawlessly, almost. You have recently learnt that the password doesn't need to be reentered to open the door until after the door has completely closed. So much for security, though. At least, you know the password for Mark's cell door. While you are thinking your idle thoughts, trying to keep yourself from fidgeting, the door slides open.^ . set stage = 4 return endif if stage = 4 print ^Soyala smiles and steps in, her every step graceful, calculated, exact. You don't know if the smile is false or not, but it used to be inviting. Comforting. Reassuring. Now, however, it is repulsive. Repulsive to watch her false smile, repulsive to be near her, repulsive to be here, not only because she is here, but because it reminds you of things. Bad things. Very bad things.^ She doesn't speak a word as she steps forward and uncurls her fingers, revealing a golden pill lying on her palm. She hasn't spoken a word since you told her you hate her. It wasn't a noble thing to say, yes, but you really did hate her. You still do, even though you never show it. Let them have it, those who complain of the lack of nobility.^^ The door slowly closes behind her.^ . set stage = 5 move soyala to here move pill to here return endif ifall stage = 5 : pill(parent) = cell103 #Soyala is waiting for the player to take the pill. write "^Soyala is waiting for you to take the pill, her eyes distracted, but her look expectant.^" endif ifall stage = 5 : cup(parent) = player #The player has the pill and Soyala is waiting for him to drink it down. write "^Soyala watches you, urging you to gulp the pill down with that cup of water.^" endif if stage = 6 #the gas starts to be pumped into the whole building write "^You hear the ventilation system coming on with a sound that seems to shake the whole building. Yuck. You hadn't thought of that. The emergency gas." if mode = easy write " You need to create an improvised mask before the gas takes effect.^" else write ^ endif set stage = 7 return endif if stage = 7 #the gas continues to be pumped in write "^You feel the gas slowly start to seep into your system.^" set stage = 8 return endif if stage = 8 write "^You start to cough and you can feel your body trying to fight off the gas.^" set stage = 9 return endif if stage = 9 write "^You feel the gas start to reach outside of your lungs and into your blood.^" set stage = 10 return endif if stage = 10 write "^Your coughs increase in intencity as you breathe in more of the gas.^" set stage = 11 return endif if stage = 11 write "^You start to wobble on your feet, slightly disoriented.^" set stage = 12 return endif if stage = 12 write "^You fight to get back your balance, and try not to cough because it hurts your chest.^" set stage = 13 return endif if stage = 13 write "^You start to cough violently and have to lean a hand against the walls to not fall down.^" set stage = 14 return endif if stage = 14 write "^Your feet seem to slip out from under you in slow motion. You don't feel anything as you hit the ground and can't get up. With each breath you have to take, more of the gas enters your body, and at last, your body can't take it anymore. The gas kills you.^" execute +game_over endif ifall player(status) < 4 : stage = 5 : soyala(parent) = limbo set player(status) + 1 if player(status) <= 3 write "^You feel your reserves of telekinetic power " if player(status) = 1 write "start to come back.^" endif ifall player(status) > 1 : player(status) < 4 write "continue to increase.^" endif endif endif if player(status) = 4 write "^You have completely recovered your power." if mode = easy write " Now you can open the door.^" else write ^ endif set player(status) = 5 endif if soyala(status) = 8 #The player hasn't talked to Soyala yet, and she's just wanting to close the door. set soyala(status) = 6 execute cell103.eachturn endif if soyala(status) = 1 print ^~Why what?~ she asks, and surprisingly, exasperatingly, your heart flutters gently in your chest on hearing her voice after such a long time.^ ~Why do you do it?~ you ask, with a soft, gentle tone, full of regret, full of hatred, a hatred you've hidden so long.^ . set soyala(status) = 2 return endif if soyala(status) = 2 print ^~Because I have to,~ she replies, with a look at you as if to say, you have asked me a thousand times, and heard the answer an equal number of times, and although you are doing it just to keep her busy, it is for yourself too. For you to end your memories with her once and for all. For you to draw her story with you to a close and put the book away in the very depths of your mind. Although you know that the book will still be pulled out, you at least want to have an ending point for it, a point that ends with you being the hero.^ While she replies, she slowly begins to step towards the control panel beside your cell, not giving you much time to pursue the subject.^ ~I know, you've told me a thousand times, but you know that the reason doesn't justify the means, Soyala.~ your voice starts to shake very slightly, and you hate yourself for it. Hate yourself for being weak, being soft, being you. You hate everything. You, the experiment, Soyala... you hate the whole world. The whole Universe. You hate God. Now, isn't that the first point everyone's hatred goes to? God? So be it, let's add your hatred to the list too. What would it hurt the one that has the control of the whole world, steering it whichever way he likes? Let him know that someone, in the middle of nowhere, from amongst tons of steel, hates him.^ . set soyala(status) = 3 return endif if soyala(status) = 3 print ^~It does, sweetheart, it does. I wish you knew how young and inexperienced you are, how innocent you are in the world that wants to devour you in its vastness.~^ She raises her hand slowly, and it hovers a little on the button marked ~close~ as she watches you from the corner of her eye.^ ~But aren't you a part of this world? Aren't you one of them? Aren't you?~ you ask, your tone still soft, but wanting to scream at her, to end this game she's started right now and right here, but you wait. You should wait. You have to wait.^ . if scarf(status) = 0 if mode = easy write "^You have to kick the scarf now, or she will close the door and you'll be stuck!^" endif endif set soyala(status) = 8 return endif if soyala(status) = 4 write "^Satisfied, Soyala takes the cup from you and turns to leave" if mode = easy write ". You've got to talk to her to keep her from going out while you kick the scarf near the doorframe to stop the door from closing. Quickly, you try to gather your thoughts as she puts her hand against the scanner. The door obediently hisses open.^" else write ", putting her hand against the scanner. The door hisses open.^" endif set soyala(status) = 5 return endif if soyala(status) = 5 write "^She turns around and starts to walk towards the control panel. She is almost there, and you don't have a clear view of her face." if mode = easy write " If you want to stop the door from closing, this is your last chance to start talking.^" endif set soyala(status) = 6 return endif if soyala(status) = 6 if scarf(status) = 0 write "^The door closes slowly, agonisingly, with a hiss. You weren't quick enough, even to save yourself now that you had the chance. You figure out after this event, that you are not even worth the freedom you wanted to get. Maybe you should suicide just like Alexander did...^" execute +game_over else write "^She pushes the button. The door closes with a hiss and a boom that reverberates through the walls, the floor, through you. After a little while, the clang of the lock mechanism follows, and amongst all that, a smile spreads over your face. You have already won the game. It vanishes, however, when what Soyala mutters drifts to you through the still air and through the door that is not completely sealed: ~Yes. I am.~. For some reason, her voice is soft and regretful, and for once, what she says to you isn't wholehearted enough. What's going on?^" move soyala to limbo set soyala(status) = 7 endif } {movement ifall stage > 5 : stage < 15 : destination = corridor1 #The gas is having an effect on the player, so he shouldn't exit yet. write "You need to take care of the gas first before you exit!" if mode = easy write " Why don't you make an improvised mask for yourself, first?^" else write ^ endif set time = false return endif if here(compass) != nowhere #The player can now go out if here(status) = 1 return false else set here(status) = 1 #Don't need this to run if the player has gone through the door once. print The door slides shut behind you, probably controlled by the guard in the main control room. He must've seen you come out, though. That means there was a camera hidden in your cell all along. But how? Where? Why didn't you ever find it? As you move into the room, you can hear the sound of what seems to be an argument reach your ears. Actually, just one side of it.^^ ~No, Ms Lendry, you shouldn't stay!~^^ Lendry. Soyala. Stay? So she wants to stay, does she?^^ ~That is dangerous! He is like an animal!~^^ Animal. Hah. See who that's coming from. It's like you were the one that imprisoned him all along. Hurt him all along. Tortured him all along, just because you could. Now that the ~animal~ is out of it's cage, he wants to run? No way.^^ ~He is not? Just look at his eyes!~^^ Ah, so it seems Soyala thinks that you are not an animal either. Yes. She is supposed to know. She used you, after all. She was the one that made you look forward to this end, after all, and as you notice that they can see you, you turn around, shooting a glare at every corner in the room, everything in the room.^^ ~Ok then, I'm staying too!~ the guard calls and you hear his running footsteps approach, accompanyed by the scream of the alarm that indicates the prison is in high danger.^^ What a hero. You wish you could warn him that even if he succeeds to kill you, there is no point being with Soyala. You have been there, have seen it. Even if you were offered a billion dollars, you wouldn't go back to that time. Even if you were offered the world. Even if you were offered to do the same thing to her that she did to you. So you wait, calmly, quietly, as the hero approaches, your hands hanging casually by your sides. You won't need them, anyway. You have something much more powerful. More deadly.^^ . set here(north) = nowhere set here(out) = nowhere set destination(south) = nowhere return false endif else if compass = north : compass = out ifall soyala(status) >= 1 : soyala(status) <= 6 write "No. If you rebel now and try to run away from her without your powers, there's no chance for you to escape.^" set time = false return else if stage = 4 write "No. If you rebel now and try to run away from her without your powers, there's no chance for you to escape.^" set time = false return else write "Yes, I know, you want to escape. However, you need to open this door first. You need to go with the plan to succeed.^" set time = false return endif endif endif return false endif } object bed : comfortable bed sheets mattress bunk short the "comfortable bed" {examine write "It's a bed you've slept on many times. It has a memory foam mattress with white sheets." if @ = 1 write " It has kept you warm through nights when you were shivering from cold air, which was fixed when they installed the air conditioning. It has also been your companion when you were having nightmares and you woke up screaming just like Mark and Alexander, not knowing why you screamed, but not being able to stop it either.^" else write ^ endif } {lie_on write "Come on now. Will you lie down and pretend to be asleep while your chance to get out is slipping away? The chance you've waited to get for so long?^" } {break if bed(status) = 1 write "You have already done that.^" set time = false else if stage > 5 write "You quickly tear up a part of the bed sheets.^" move sheets to player set bed(status) = 1 else write "Why would you need to tear the bed sheets?^" set time = false endif endif } {mind_push : mind_pull : mind_raise : mind_lower if player(status) = 5 write "It's bolted to the floor.^" else write "You don't have your power back yet.^" endif set time = false } {clean if stage > 5 #The player likely wants to mention the torn sheets execute sheets.clean else write "You have already made your bed. It's tighty and neat.^" set time = false endif } {look_under if office has VISITED write "You reach under your bed and feel around. Your hands find something which looks like a book. As you pull it out, you see that it's Soyala's journal. Seeing her name on the cover makes your eyes go wide.^" move journal to player else if @ = 1 write "You kneel down and look under your bed. There is nothing there, as expected, other than dust. You get up to your feet, disappointed.^" else write "You have looked there already. There's nothing there. You are sure of it.^" set time = false endif endif } object sheets : torn sheets covers cover has PLURAL short the "torn bedsheets" long "The piece of bed sheets that has been torn away is lying on the ground here.^" mass 1 parent limbo {examine write "It used to be part of a bed sheet. Not anymore, though.^" } {clean if sheets(next) = 1 write "It's already wet.^" else if scarf(next) = 1 write "You already have made a mask for yourself.^" else write "You wave the torn piece of the bedsheets in front of the infrared motion detector, and water runs out of the faucet, wetting the piece of cloth." if mode = easy write " Now you have an improvised mask!^" else write ^ endif set sheets(next) = 1 #Now the sheets are wet set stage = 15 endif endif } {insert_in_sink execute this.clean } {wear if sheets(next) = 1 #The player has washed the sheets, so it's wet and can be used as a #mask if sheets hasnt WORN write "You wrap the torn cloth around your face, being careful to make it cover your nose and mouth, and tie it behind your head.^" ensure sheets has WORN set stage = 15 #The player is now immune to the gas else write "You already have it around your head.^" set time = false endif else write "You wrap the torn sheet around your head, but can still feel the gas passing through the dry cloth.^" ensure sheets has WORN set time = false endif } {remove if this has WORN write "If you remove it, you'll be affected by the gas!^" set time = false endif } object toilet : toilet short a "toilet" {examine write "It is just a toilet, like all others, and it's simple; no self-flushing or self-heating units or anything.^" } {sit_on if soyala(parent) = here write "Uh... in front of her? At least wait until she's out of the cell.^" return false else if @ = 1 write "You remove your uniform pants and sit down on the toilet, taking care of your business and flushing the toilet afterwards.^" set toilet(status) = 1 else write "You just used that toilet a little while ago!^" endif endif } {use execute toilet.sit_on } {mind_push : mind_pull : mind_raise : mind_lower if player(status) = 5 write "It's bolted to the floor.^" else write "You don't have your power back yet.^" endif set time = false } object sink : sink tap short the "sink" {examine write "A motion detector that automatically lets the water run is the only thing that is worthy of notice on this otherwise ordinary sink.^" } {turn_on write "It will activate automatically once you want to use it for washing your hands or anything else.^" } {turn_off write "It will deactivate automatically once you want to use it for washing your hands or anything else.^" } {open execute sink.turn_on } {close execute sink.turn_off } {mind_push : mind_pull : mind_raise : mind_lower if player(status) = 5 write "It's bolted to the floor.^" else write "You don't have your power back yet.^" endif set time = false } object detector : motion detector "motion detector" parent sink {examine write "It's made of a lens that seems to watch your every move, waiting until you get close enough to make sure you need the water, then dutifully lets it come through for you.^" } object scarf : winter scarf short a "winter scarf" mass 2 long function {long if scarf has lifted write "A winter scarf is floating in the air here.^" return endif if here(north) = corridor1 write "The scarf is lying near the doorframe.^" return endif if @this.kick = 1 write "The scarf is kicked near the doorframe" if soyala(parent) = here write ", ready to keep the door from completely closing.^" else write ", keeping the door slightly ajar.^" endif else write "The scarf you've stolen from a guard, for the purpose of keeping the door very slightly ajar so that your energy can reach through, is lying on the ground near your foot.^" endif } {examine write "It's the scarf you have stolen from a guard." if scarf(next) = 1 write " It's dripping wet.^" else write ^ endif } {take if stage < 5 : soyala(parent) = here write "No! That would spoil all your plans!^" return else if here(north) = nowhere write "The door is not yet open. If you pull out the scarf now, the door will close.^" set time = false return else return false endif endif } {kick if stage < 5 write "No, not yet.^" return endif if scarf(status) = 0 ifall soyala(status) > 0 : soyala(status) <= 3 write "You kick the winter scarf near the doorframe to stop the door from completely closing, allowing your telekinetic energy (when it comes back) to slip through the opening that is less than a fraction of an inch.^" set scarf(status) = 1 else if soyala(status) = 8 write "You kick the winter scarf near the doorframe to stop the door from completely closing, allowing your telekinetic energy (when it comes back) to slip through the opening that is less than a fraction of an inch.^" set scarf(status) = 1 return endif write "But Soyala will notice it! Talk to her first, to keep her distracted.^" set time = false endif else write "It's already where it should be; near the doorframe.^" set time = false endif } {clean if stage > 5 #the gas is being pumped so the player needs the mask if scarf(next) = 1 #The player has washed the scarf once before write "It's already wet!^" set time = false else if sheets(next) = 1 #the player has already wet the bedsheets, so he doesn't need the #scarf. write "You already have an improvised mask!^" set time = false else if scarf has WORN write "You need to remove it first.^" else write "Moving quickly, you " if scarf(parent) = player #he has already picked it up write "wave the scarf in front of the infrared motion detector, wetting it." if mode = easy write " Now you have an improvised mask!^" else write ^ endif set scarf(next) = 1 #The scarf is wet now else write "grab the scarf, waving it in front of the infrared motion detector and letting it get wet by the water coming through the faucet.^" set scarf(next) = 1 #The scarf is wet now endif endif endif else write "Wash it? You don't need to do that yet.^" endif } {insert_in_sink execute this.clean } {wear if scarf(parent) = player if scarf(next) = 1 #The player has washed the scarf, so it's wet and can be used as a #mask if scarf hasnt WORN #The player isn't wearing the scarf write "You wrap the scarf around your face, being careful to make it cover your nose and mouth, and tie it behind your head.^" ensure scarf has WORN set stage = 15 #The player is now immune to the gas else write "You already have it around your head.^" set time = false endif else write "You tie the scarf around your head, but can still feel the gas passing through the dry cloth.^" ensure scarf has WORN endif else write "You need to get it first!^" endif } {mind_raise if stage < 5 #The door is not opened yet write "But that would spoil all your plans!^" else if scarf(parent) = player #It is already on the player write "You have it already!^" else write "The scarf lifts off the floor, guided by your telekinetic power.^" ensure scarf has lifted endif endif } {mind_lower if scarf has lifted write "You slowly lower the scarf to the floor.^" ensure scarf hasnt lifted else write "You are not lifting it!" set time = false endif } {insert_under_sink execute this.clean #The player means to put it under the motion detector. } {remove if this has WORN write "If you remove it, you'll be affected by the gas!^" set time = false endif } {mind_push_at_eric if eric hasnt DEAD execute eric.greeting print Now I want to make you suffer as you die.~^ As you unwrap the scarf from around your head, you push it towards Eric, and it hits his neck with a wet slap, and wraps around his throat. His eyes widen in alarm as you telekinetically choak him with the scarf, and although you would've never killed some time ago, you feel a kind of pleasure watching this one die. He was the one that hit you, hurt you, humiliated you. He deserves to die. The world should be clean of these monsters and what they have done should be erased from the face of the world. As Eric stops thrashing and his head lols forward, your knees weaken and you fall to your knees. You can't hold Eric in the air anymore and for some reason, your power fails you and the emptiness, the sense of powerlessness returns, and with it comes the realisation; you have failed. You have killed Eric, but you have failed. The gas... you had completely forgotten about it. Now, with the scarf removed, it started to affect you. But at least, Eric is dead, and the sad thing is, you couldn't escape after all. As your face hits the floor, you can hear a ~bang~ from a long distance away, and open your eyes just an inch to see eric's dead body on the ground beside you, making him the last thing you see. Because, since you feel yourself dying, what they have told you should've been wrong. This gas doesn't make you unconscious. It kills you.^ . execute +game_over endif } {breathe_through execute this.wear } object soyala : girl soyala woman has ANIMATE FEMALE short name "Soyala" long function mass heavy parent limbo {long if soyala has lifted write "Soyala is floating in the air near her chair.^" return endif if soyala has DEAD if @soyala.not_forgive = 0 write "Soyala's body is lying near the wall in a heap.^" return else write "Soyala is sitting on the chair, dead.^" return endif endif if this(parent) = cell103 write "Soyala is standing in front of you, watching you distractedly.^" endif if this(parent) = office write "Soyala is sitting in a chair, her back turned to you.^" endif } {examine ifstring command[0] = "search" if soyala has DEAD if keyring(parent) = player write "You find nothing among her clothes.^" else write "You find a keyring in her pocket!^" move keyring to player endif return else write "I don't think she would appreciate that.^" set time = false endif endif ifall soyala has DEAD : @soyala.not_forgive = 0 write "Her body has been rendered unrecognisable by the force of your telekinetic push.^" return endif write "Soyala is a girl in her mid twenty's, young and beautiful, with full lips and black hair. Her green eyes " if soyala has DEAD write ", now lifeless, used to be intelligent and hard. " else write "are intelligent, and the only thing that takes away from the beauty of her face is the hardness in their depths." endif if @ = 1 write " Actually, come to think of it, you must not have noticed the hardness, or imagining it right now, because you had fell in love with this woman. With her face. With her eyes. Those hard, intelligent eyes." endif write " She is of avrage height and weight, and wears the same white uniform as everyone else in the prison.^" } {attack write "No. Not yet.^" } {attack_with write "No. Not yet.^" } {kiss write "You would've done it some time ago, but not now. Being close to her disgusts you.^" } {talk_to if soyala has DEAD write "But she's dead!^" endif if soyala(parent) = office set MENU_MODE = MENU_EXECUTE set MENU_MODAL = true if @mark_soyala = 0 execute "+menu_add_option