CONTINUOUS DEMONSTRATION. Just before selecting the screen format press Alt R. (i.e. type MENU and press return. Hold down 'Alt' and press 'R', then press one of 'A' through 'K' then press RETURN.) You can pause the demonstration by pressing Alt R again. COMPATIBILITY. The adventure interpreter on this disc also works with our previous games. For Knight Orc, Gnome Ranger and Time & Magik, copy your original, delete AINT.EXE and replace MENU.EXE, MENU.TXT and PALETTE.PIC by the new ones. For Lancelot and Ingrid's Back! copy your original, delete AINT.EXE and replace MENU.EXE and MENU.TXT by the new ones. (This allows previous games to be upgraded for screen modes not available when those games were released.) HARD DISCS. Scapeghost is supplied on floppy disc, but we are pretty confident that it should work on other disc drives too. (No promises! This is a free extra feature, so it's not a bug if the game won't work on your peculiar disc drive.) Just copy the game, file-by-file, into one directory. DISPLAY MODES. Because PCs and PC clones are a varied bunch, Scapeghost presents a menu of eleven display modes. The following advice should help you decide which to use. Please read it from the top: * If your PC only has the Monochrome Display Adaptor (MDA), use mode (A). * If your PC has VGA graphics use mode (J). * If your PC has MCGA graphics use mode (K). * If you are using a TV and just want 40 column text, use mode (B). * If your PC has EGA graphics, use the EGA mode (G). EGA colour graphics are not supported by early MSDOS versions. * If your PC has EGA graphics with a CGA display, use mode (H) or (I). * If your PC has CGA colour graphics, use mode (D) or (E). * If your PC has MGA graphics, or it supports CGA graphics that you want to use for b&w, use the MGA mode (F). * Otherwise, use mode (C), 80 column text. * Some modes may not work on less compatible PC clones because the graphics board is accessed directly. If you have problems, try each mode in turn, rebooting between 'attempts'. GRAPHICS. Many products only support one of the PC graphic modes; e.g providing pictures if your PC has EGA graphics, but otherwise providing a text-only game. But Scapeghost displays pictures in five major graphic modes: VGA, MCGA, EGA, CGA and MGA. Obviously, there is not enough room on disc for five complete sets of graphics, so they are stored as compressed EGA pictures. If a picture is displayed in CGA mode, it is expanded to use the bigger CGA pixels, and its colours are converted to the CGA palette. If it is displayed in MGA mode, the picture's colours are replaced by shaded areas of black-and-white. When you are using colour CGA graphics, press TAB (the key may look like an arrow hitting a wall) to switch between picture and text. When the picture is displayed, press cursor keys to slide the visible area around; TAB, returns to the text. This display mode uses the 'Low-Resolution Colour Graphics Mode' (160x100 pixels) which is not implemented on some CGA clones. COPYRIGHT. Please remember that Level 9 games are protected by copyright and take a long time to produce, so only make one copy, for your own use, to keep only as long as you have the original game. Happy Adventuring!