4x4 Galaxy, by Agnieszka Trzaska Description: 4x4 Galaxy is a space exploration game with 16 planets that are different every playthrough thanks to procedurally generated content. Discover new worlds, battle space pirates and strange beasts, sell goods, explore abandoned mines, go on quests, buy equipment and upgrade your starship; gain enough power to complete your main objective, which is also procedurally generated! Author Statement: This game started as a simple exercise in generating randomised planet descriptions, but quickly grew to include much more! System: Twine Entered In: Main Festival Tags: space, exploration, procgen, combat Download: https://www.springthing.net/2020/stories/4x4Galaxy/4x4Galaxy.zip (278 KB) This story was entered in the 2020 Spring Thing Festival of Interactive Fiction. More info is available at http://www.springthing.net/