! This table is in order and complete from code 155 to 223 inclusive. Array AccentList table [; "a-umlaut:@:a"; "o-umlaut:@:o"; "u-umlaut:@:u"; "A-umlaut:@:A"; "O-umlaut:@:O"; "U-umlaut:@:U"; "sz-ligature:@ss"; ">>-quotes:@@162"; "<<-quotes:@@163"; "e-umlaut:@:e"; "i-umlaut:@:i"; "y-umlaut:@:y"; "E-umlaut:@:E"; "I-umlaut:@:I"; "a-acute:@'a"; "e-acute:@'e"; "i-acute:@'i"; "o-acute:@'o"; "u-acute:@'u"; "y-acute:@'y"; "A-acute:@'A"; "E-acute:@'E"; "I-acute:@'I"; "O-acute:@'O"; "U-acute:@'U"; "Y-acute:@'Y"; "a-grave:@`a"; "e-grave:@`e"; "i-grave:@`i"; "o-grave:@`o"; "u-grave:@`u"; "A-grave:@`A"; "E-grave:@`E"; "I-grave:@`I"; "O-grave:@`O"; "U-grave:@`U"; "a-circumflex:@^a"; "e-circumflex:@^e"; "i-circumflex:@^i"; "o-circumflex:@^o"; "u-circumflex:@^u"; "A-circumflex:@^A"; "E-circumflex:@^E"; "I-circumflex:@^I"; "O-circumflex:@^O"; "U-circumflex:@^U"; "a-ring:@oa"; "A-ring:@oA"; "o-slash:@/o"; "O-slash:@/O"; "a-tilde:@~a"; "n-tilde:@~n"; "o-tilde:@~o"; "A-tilde:@~A"; "N-tilde:@~N"; "O-tilde:@~O"; "ae-ligature:@ae"; "AE-ligature:@AE"; "c-cedilla:@cc"; "C-cedilla:@cC"; "thorn:@th"; "eth:@et"; "Thorn:@Th"; "Eth:@Et"; "pound-symbol:@LL"; "oe-ligature:@oe"; "OE-ligature:@OE"; "inverse-!:@!!"; "inverse-?:@??"; ]; [ TestAccents ix opt; print "This displays all the accented characters (encoding values 155 to 223). You will have to inspect your interpreter's display to make sure they appear correctly.^^"; print "For the record, an umlaut is two dots; an acute accent is the one that slants up to the right; a grave accent is the one that slants down to the right; a circumflex is a pointy hat; a tilde is a squiggly hat; a ring is a ring; a cedilla is the little hook that hangs down below the C. Thorn looks like a capital D whose vertical bar extends both up and down, and Eth looks like a D with a little cross-stroke.^^"; print "NOTE: Inform 6.11 contradicts the Z-Spec 0.99 document, on the subject of the European angle-quotes (the ones that look like '>>' and '<<'). The Z-Spec says that the character '>>' is code 162, and '<<' is 163. However, Inform 6.11 (following the Z-Spec 0.2) compiles '@@64>>' as 163, and '@@64<<' as 162. The consensus is that the Z-Spec 0.2 and Inform 6.11 are wrong, and Z-Spec 0.99 and later are correct.^^"; !ix = '@>>'; !print "(This version of TerpEtude was compiled with Inform "; !inversion; !print ", which compiles '@@64>>' as ", ix, ", which your interpreter ! displays as '", (char)ix, "'. Got it?)^^"; opt = 0; while (1) { if (opt >= 0) { if (opt & 4) font off; if (opt & 2) style underline; if (opt & 1) style bold; for (ix=1: ix <= AccentList-->0: ix++) { print (string) AccentList-->ix; if (ix % 4 == 0) new_line; else print " "; } if (opt & 4) font on; if (opt & 3) style roman; new_line; new_line; } print "Type a digit (0..7) to repeat this list in a different text style, or ~.~ to end this test.^"; print "Options: 0: normal; 1: bold; 2: italic; 3: bold italic; 4: fixed-width; 5: fixed bold; 6: fixed italic; 7: fixed bold italic.^"; print "^Accents> "; @read_char 1 ix; new_line; if (ix == '.') return; new_line; if (ix >= '0' && ix <= '7') opt = ix - '0'; else opt = -1; } ];