Hello Reader! This archive contains the following files: * scottdec.exe A decoder for Scott Adams type games. It works as a filter, so don't forget to redirect input and output, e.g. SCOTTDEC < ADVLAND.DAT > ADVLAND.DEC Scottdec lists all the actions, rooms and objects (e.g. everything that is in the datafile). In fact, the output is rather redundant: for example, all messages are listed twice (in the message list and in the actions list). The Scott Adams datafiles must be in the TRS-80 format specified in the documentation of Alan Cox' interpreter "ScottFree". (Cp. the DEFINIT.TXT file.) ScottFree is available from the Interactive Fiction archive at ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/scott-adams/ * scottdec.c ANSI C source code for the decoder. * definit.txt Specifies the TRS-80 datafile format for Scott Adams games. Taken from the "ScottFree" distribution. * tasdiffs.txt Lists the differences between my command names and the ones used in TAS. * advland.dat Scott's first adventure. This datafile was extracted from the BASIC version which has been uploaded to the IF archive, which is apparently based on the version included in the PC-SIG library. I have changed "OXE" back to "OX" because this is the way it is spelled in the BASIC version published in the book "BASIC Adventures for the TRS-80". * pirate.dat Scott's second adventure. This datafile was extracted from the BASIC version published in Byte 12/1980. I have changed a few things. The Byte version was all uppercase; I have converted the texts to lowercase (and checked them against a C-64 PetBASIC version of the game). I changed the interpunction a little (adding a full stop here and there for better readability). * readme.txt This one. Please note that later versions of the two included games are commercial products which are not in the Public Domain. (Update: Scott Adams has declared all his adventure games as shareware in 1997.) Enjoy! Paul David Doherty January 15, 1998