Hunter, in Darkness by "Dave Ahl Jr." (Andrew Plotkin) [Notes originally written to include with my '99 IFComp game reviews. I didn't get around to it at the time. Now I have.] I suppose I should say a few words about this one, too. (Warning: this section contains SPOILERS. Authorial spoilers are the worst.) _Hunter_ was sparked by a MUD conversation, somewhere way back in May or June of 1999. Yes, before the newsgroup discussions of "the definition of IF", which frequently turned to Wumpus as an example. I don't remember the exact topic of the conversation, but it was probably along the same lines: does Wumpus count as early interactive fiction? (I tend to think it's not; the world is too rule-based, too much of a simulation. You've read all the text in the game long before you win.) Like most good ideas, the phrase "Do Wumpus *as* IF" appeared full-formed and obvious. The original game has no real story; but there's *room* for a story. Who is the Hunter, who is the Wumpus, and what was it really like? Not that I *answer* the first two questions. That wouldn't be any fun. :-) A bunch of ideas went into the mix: * Copy as many elements as possible from the Wumpus game. (Crossbow, bats, pits, three exits per room.) * Don't use the word "Wumpus" until after the player has been drawn into complicity. * Make sure that complicity works. Make the player feel claustrophobic, scared, exhausted, and in pain. * No compass directions. * A maze. This was a purely technical challenge; could I design an algorithmically-generated maze, unbounded in extent, which still felt like hand-written rooms on a hand-designed map? * Several different levels of darkness and light, instead of just two. * Several possible paths to winning. I've always avoided this in the past; I wanted to try it. * Players should guess that "Dave Ahl, Jr." is a pseudonym, but not who the real author is. * In-medias-res beginning. * Big surprise at the end; the Wumpus is not a mindless animal. It's pointing your crossbow at you. How'd I do? Overall, I think it worked, although (as I write this) the scores and reviews have not yet appeared. I wound up deciding to introduce the word "Wumpus" when the player wounds the critter. This can be on the second move, or very late in the game, depending on which path the player takes. No doubt the early appearance will let the Wumpus-nature out of the bag long before most players have figured it out. Not ideal, but acceptable. (Stephen Granade figured it out before he'd even started it up -- just from the game's title and pseudonym.) I certainly hope the sense of there-ness works. I was inspired by many sources. One large one was Alan Garner's _Weirdstone of Brisingamen_, which contains a scary-as-hell chapter about crawling down a horribly narrow passage underground. I deliberately did *not* re-read that before writing the game. Unconscious stealing is too easy. I did, however, spent an amusing evening crawling across my living room floor, under chairs and tables. An educational experience; how can you write about crawling unless you study how it works? In case you're curious, the narrow point in the cave crawl is just barely larger than one of the gaps in the base of a papasan chair. There are indeed three levels of light in the game, but the difference between "bright" and "dim" is never important and I doubt anyone noticed. Oh well. The left/right/fore/back navigation turned out to be doable. (Although the code got fairly messy.) In a small game like this, with a very constrained map, I could get away with it. Note that you *never* enter a room turned around. Two-way connections between rooms are rare, and every one is either an up/down connection or an explicit "you go forwards / you back up". Either way, you wind up facing the same direction. I also made sure every room had a clear "forward" direction, so that one's facing within the room was always obvious. The maze is a bit of an exception, but I still erred on the side of never turning around. A "left" exit is always left, no matter how you enter the room. Since the topology is entirely indeterminate, and most of the connections are one-way anyhow, I don't think this causes much (extra!) confusion. The generated maze-rooms aren't very convincing to my eye; too many common elements. But I did find that beta-testers wandered around a lot before noticing that. So I guess it's a partial success. There are, in fact, 32768 rooms -- which is to say, a "room" is an integer value between 0 and 32767, and the room description and exits are both computed from that key value in a deterministic way. The algorithm which generates the exits was a stone bitch to get right. I wanted three exits from each room (of course). Each room has one "correct" exit, and you have to make six correct moves in a row to get out, so the chance of getting out by random wandering is negligible. But more than that: I wanted each room to connect only to "nearby" rooms in some sense. So that if you wandered around at random, you'd stay in a smallish cluster of rooms. You could even map it, although there would always be unexplored paths leading farther out. Furthermore, if you wandered around by a fixed pattern (e.g. "left if possible, else up, else forward") you should quickly get into a small closed loop. However, if you followed the *correct* path, you should *never* get into a closed loop -- at least not for hundreds of moves. The correct path should always move through new territory. After a great deal of swearing, I got all that to work. (I won't go into the details here -- ask if you're interested.) Pseudonymity... I didn't try to disguise my writing style, but I tried to throw in other uncharacteristic touches, like the flashy opening screen. "Score" actually gives meaningful output. :-) I even resisted the temptation to put in my usual smartass "[BUG]" messages, in case someone disassembled the game file. The story itself is pretty straightforward, I hope. I kept the focus very tight; it's all about blood and pain. I originally had ideas about luring the bats around with bits of fruit, or worms, for example. But that would lose the focus. I stuck to blood. By the time you read this, we'll know how it did. [Eighth, as it turned out. Plus an XYZZY for Best Setting and Best Individual Puzzle of 1999.]