t3read by James Mitchelhill Version 1.0, 3rd December 2005 t3read.py, as the name suggests, is a program for reading t3 image files, also known as TADS 3 games. If you have no idea what one of those is, then you probably have no use for this program. t3read takes a t3 game and outputs a (very) long text, describing everything the game includes -- static objects, functions, etc. It can optionally include any debugging information found in the file, as well as disassembling methods to t3 bytecode. None of these things are incredibly useful. t3read can also extract multimedia resources from t3 image files (as well as .3r0 files). Hopefully people will find this little utility useful. It was fairly enjoyable writing it. Although I've tested it on a few games, I'm sure there's still a fair few bugs lurking in it. If you find any, please email me. t3read is distributed in several different flavours. The pure python version (requires python 2.4 or above) is distributed using distutils. Unpack the archive and run: python setup.py install Windows users who already have python installed may like to use the installer provided for them. Windows users who do not have python and who have no wish to download it will want to use the full installer. These flavours should all be available at the ifarchive . usage: t3read.py [options] path options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -m, --methods Include decompiled methods in output. -d, --debug Include debugging information in output. -r, --rip Rip multimedia resources. -v, --version Print program information and version, then exit. (Note for Windows users and those of a GUI disposition: t3read is run from the command line. It's also a python script, so unless you have the windows executable version you'll need python installed. . Most systems include python by default these days.)