The Lost Stone Mansion You stumbled upon a huge mansion deep in the woods while on a hiking expedition. In order to escape the impending darkness and cold, you entered the seemingly-abandoned chƒteau. While exploring, you found a hidden doorway and a "secret" side to the big house. You continue to search around, finding odd items and encountering various creatures. You try to find your way out of the mansion alive. While exploring the mansion and its dark subterranean reaches, you discover a mystery. Apparently, treasure is hidden somewhere in the big house. You discover something else: there seems to be evidence of experiments, or hidden knowledge, concerning certain rare gems. It appears that something is occurring (or occurred in the past) in the mysterious chƒteau regarding "photogenerative properties of rare gems." Photogenerative properties -- the creation of light from gems! Your mission becomes twofold: escape with your life and solve the mystery about the gems. There seems to be no way to return to the front entryway of the mansion and depart the way you came. Or is there? You try to solve the riddles of the spooky old estate. Soon the riddles grow. There seems to be evidence that someone else is wandering through the mansion with you! Or at the least, someone was in the house recently. You strive to solve the puzzles. At each turn of events, the mystery grows. Why is there a secret part of the mansion, anyway? How can you get back to the original entrance? What sort of treasure is hidden in the chƒteau? What is the secret about the gems? Who else is wandering around the house, and are they friendly or menacing? Are there dangerous animals in the mansion? Why are there so many curios in the house? Who owns this mansion, anyway?! These and other questions haunt you as you maneuver through the big chƒteau. Fare thee well, fellow traveler. I wish you great success on your fated quest -- into the unknown -- of The Lost Stone Mansion ....