Outside WyvernTower "Wyvern Tower" with name "tower", description [; if (Wyvern in self) { print "As you stand on the turret, an eerie blue dragon (a wyvern!) appears in the clear starry sky."; } else { print "You can see all around for miles on this clear starry night."; } " There is a low metal pedestal standing near the wall of the turret."; ], d_to CircularRoom, cant_go "Unless you can fly, the only direction you can go is down."; Object -> Wyvern "wyvern" with name "wyvern" "dragon", description "It's a wyvern! This beastie is a distant cousin of a dragon, but is smaller and fiercer!", before [weapon; Attack, ThrownAt: if (noun == self) weapon = second; else weapon = noun; if (weapon == Star) { remove weapon; remove self; "The star becomes a flash of light as you launch it. It strikes the wyvern and it explodes into a million pieces!"; } deadflag = 1; self.attack_msg(); rtrue; ], attack_msg[; "With the speed of lightning, the wyvern wraps its tail around your neck.^ ^ You die screaming silently."; ], has animate; Object -> TalismanPedestal "pedestal" with name "pedestal", description "This pedestal is some thirteen inches tall and made of some unknown metal.", has scenery supporter; Object -> -> Talisman "talisman" with name "talisman" "bladed" "sun", description "This rather heavy talisman is in the shape of a stretched six-pointed star. It's made of gold and is extremely sharp along its edges. It shines with an incredible brilliance.", before [; Take, Transfer: if (Wyvern in WyvernTower) { deadflag = 1; print "The wyvern sees you reach for ", (the) self, ".^^"; Wyvern.attack_msg(); rtrue; } ], bad_placement [; "You have placed the bladed sun in the wrong hole.^ ^ You did not heed the warnings and now the Warlock Lord's defenses end your life. Shafts of red light shoot out of the eye sockets of the skull and burn you to a crisp."; ];