Inside WarlockCave "Warlock Cave" with name "room", description [; print "The cavern that you have entered is by far the largest your eyes have ever gazed upon. A path and steps lined with flaming braziers leads to a stone platform jutting out over an enormous pit."; print "^^From the depths "; if (Behemoth has moved) { give Behemoth moved; print "has risen"; } else print "rises"; " the most powerful creature that has ever existed: The Behemoth! Your stomach knots up as you stare at this new horror. The beast is indeed incredible. You wonder, for a moment, how you can defeat such a creature as this.^ ^ The Warlock Lord is on a huge stone platform that extends into the pit. He stands with his arms outstretched holding his staff aloft and facing the Behemoth."; ], before [; Smell: if (noun == nothing) "There is a strong sulfurous smell coming from the pit."; ], e_to SkullGate, n_to [; print "You step forward through the braziers and onto the steps leading to the stone platform.^^"; Warlock.killplayer(); rtrue; ], u_to [; print "You step forward through the braziers and onto the steps leading to the stone platform.^^"; Warlock.killplayer(); rtrue; ], cant_go "You can either exit this cave to the east or go up the stairs to the north."; Object -> Behemoth "Behemoth" with name "behemoth" "beast" "monster" "titan", description "Your jaw drops and you stare in awed silence at the sight of the great titan. Acid drips from his jaws and sizzles on the ledge below.", before [ weapon; Smell: "The beast smells of volcanic fumes."; Attack: if (noun == self) weapon = second; else weapon = noun; if (weapon == Staff && Staff has general) { self.victory(); rtrue; } print "You step forward "; if (weapon) print "wielding ", (the) weapon, ".^^"; else print "shaking a fist.^^"; Warlock.killplayer(); rtrue; ], victory [; deadflag = 2; WinMessage(); rtrue; ], article "the", has animate; Object -> Warlock "Warlock Lord" with name "warlock" "lord", description "Although his back is turned, you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's the Warlock Lord. It seems that his staff is controlling the creature, keeping it at bay.", describe [; ], before [; Attack, Smell, Touch, Receive, Wave, Point: self.killplayer(); rtrue; ], killplayer [; deadflag = 1; "The Warlock Lord feels your presence and knows that you are the seed that must be destroyed. Flame shoots forth from his staff and engulfs your body. You have failed!"; ], article "the", has animate; Object -> WarlockPlatform "stone platform" with name "stone" "platform", description "It's a huge stone platform with stairs descending from it.", has scenery; Object -> WarlockStairs "stairs" with name "stairs", description "Stone stairs leading from the brazier-lined path to the stone platform.", before [; Climb, Enter: print "You step forward through the braziers and onto the steps leading to the stone platform.^^"; Warlock.killplayer(); rtrue; ], has scenery; Object -> WarlockBraziers "braziers" with name "braziers", description "Many braziers line the path to the stone platform. They seem to be there in celebration of the Dark One's victory.", has scenery; Object -> WarlockBrazier "brazier" with name "brazier", description "Flame burns intensely within this brazier as if in celebration of the Dark One's victory.", has scenery; Object -> WarlockPit "pit" with name "pit" "abyss" "chasm" "void", description "It goes a long way down.", has scenery; Object -> BehemothAcid "acidic spittle" with name "acid" "spittle" "saliva" "spit", description "It's a puddle of acidic spittle from the jaws of the Behemoth. It sizzles and fumes as it dissolves the stone of the ledge.", before [; Take, Touch, Attack: "The spittle can dissolve stone. It will probably dissolve your flesh or anything else you touch it with."; Smell: "The fumes are painful to inhale."; ], has scenery;