! A giant snake confronts you in this cave. ! It's a giant snake. It doesn't move. Perhaps it's getting ready to ! strike! ! You wait for the creature to kill you but it still has yet to move. ! Upon close inspection, you laugh at your foolishness. It is only a ! statue! ! This huge state is carved in the shape of a giant snake. It is ! extremely life-like, Inside SnakeRoom "Snake Room" with name "snake" "room", description [; if (Snake in self) print "A giant snake confronts you in this small cave."; else print "You are in a small cave."; " The only exit is south."; ], s_to TwoBridges, cant_go "You can only go south."; ! You wait for the creature to kill you, but it still has yet to move. ! ! Upon closer inspection, you laugh at your foolishness. It is only a ! statue! Object -> Snake "large green snake" with name "large" "green" "snake" "statue", look_count 0, description [; if (self.look_count <= 0) { self.look_count++; "It doesn't move. Perhaps it's getting ready to strike."; } if (self.look_count == 1) { self.look_count++; "Upon closer inspection, you laugh at your foolishness. It is only a statue!"; } "This huge statue is carved in the shape of a giant snake. It is extremely lifelike."; ], before [; Attack, ThrownAt: if (self.look_count < 2) { self.look_count = 2; "As you strike the snake, you notice it's not a real snake at all, but an extremely lifelike stone statue."; } "It's still a stone statue."; ], has static; Object Staff "staff" with name "staff", short_name "staff", article "a", description [; if (Blade in self) { if (SilverOrb in self) { "Power emanates from the staff! The three are, now and forever, one."; } "The Golden Thorn is permanently bonded onto the staff."; } "Druidic script winds its way around this staff. You can feel power emanating from it!"; ], before [; Receive, Tie: if (verb_word == 'tie') rfalse; if ((noun == Blade && second == self) || (noun == self && second == Blade)) { move Blade to self; "The golden spike slides smoothly onto the staff and locks into place."; } if ((noun == SilverOrb && second == self) || (noun == self && second == SilverOrb)) { if (Blade notin self) { "The orb doesn't fit quite right, so you take it off the staff again."; } move noun to self; self.short_name = "Staff of Ages"; self.article = "the"; give self general; "Light cascades through the room as the staff becomes a living entity! The Staff of Ages is now complete."; } rfalse; Wave, Point: if (second ~= Behemoth && Behemoth in parent(player)) { Warlock.killplayer(); rtrue; } if (second == Behemoth && Behemoth in parent(player)) { if (self has general) { Behemoth.victory(); rtrue; } Warlock.killplayer(); rtrue; } ];