Inside SculptedRoom "Sculpted Rock Room" with name "rock" "room", description [; print "Cold water from the limestone drips on your neck, sending shivers down your spine. A huge, man-made slab of granite seals the north end of the cavern. On the floor is a raised stone square carefully carved into the stone floor. In the middle of the square is a small hole."; if (GemBlue in BlueHole) { " A blue gem is nestled in the hole."; } ""; ], e_to [; if (EporSecret hasnt open) { print "^An Implementor suddenly materializes and speaks to you with a tone of boredom and annoyance.^ ^ ~How did you manage to get here while secret passage was closed? Cheating again, hmm?~^ ^ The Implementor snaps his fingers and you suddenly find yourself in...^"; } return EporRoom; ], cant_go "Unless you figure out how to move that slab, you can only go east."; Object -> SculptedSlab "granite slab" with name "granite" "slab", description "It looks like it might be movable, but it's far too heavy for you to move yourself.", has scenery; Object -> SculptedSquare "square" with name "square" "stone", description [; print "Surrounding the hole in the middle are some fancy scrollwork and runes that you don't understand."; if (GemBlue in BlueHole) { " a blue gem is nestled in the hole."; } ""; ], has supporter scenery; Object -> -> SculptedRunes "runes" with name "rune" "runes" "writing", description "You have no idea what they say.", before [; Take, Transfer: "They're inscribed on the slab!"; ], has pluralname scenery; Object -> -> BlueHole "hole" with name "hole", description [; print "It's a small hole some three inches deep."; if (GemBlue in self) " A blue gem is inside."; ""; ], before [; LetGo: if (GemBlue in self) { "Some force prevents you from pulling the gem out of the hole."; } Receive: if (noun ofclass Gem) { if (noun == GemBlue) { move HumanaScroll to SculptedRoom; move noun to self; "As soon as you place the blue gem in the hole, you hear the sound of grinding stone.^ ^ The granite wall slowly rises to reveal a magical image of an old wizard.^ ^ ~Listen, warrior! The Warlock Lord can only be defeated by thy courage and the Staff of Ages. Remember, five to find. Three for the staff, one to be the key, and one to be thy pathway. Have thy wits about thee, warrior! Fare thee well.~^ ^ The wall slides back into place, hiding the image from your sight. A crumpled scroll appears!"; } "The gem seems to fit, but nothing happens, so you take it back out again."; } "It doesn't seem to fit."; ], has container open scenery; Scroll HumanaScroll "crumpled scroll" with name "crumpled" "scroll"; Spell -> humana_spell with name "humana", purpose "As the shadow of the wind, thou shalt be!", magic [; if (player in ChasmBridge && Troll in ChasmBridge && Troll.angry == true) { remove Troll; print "As soon as the magic is invoked, you lose sight of yourself. You're as invisible as the wind!^"; PlayerTo(Courtyard); rtrue; } "Uh oh, the wind has suddenly died down. Nothing happens. There must be something missing."; ];