Inside RiverStyx "River Styx" with name "river", ! description "You stand above a beach, looking down upon a ! river.", description "You're standing on the south bank of the River Styx. Its still waters support no life. You can go back up the well, if you wish.", u_to WellRoom, cant_go [; print "It looks like you can only go up"; if (Raft in self) " or board the raft."; "."; ]; Object -> Gong "gong" with name "gong", description "It's a great gold gong. Its beauty is enhanced by the intricate stand that supports it.", before [; Take: "It's far too heavy to carry."; Attack: if (verb_word == 'hit') { switch (second) { mallet: move Raft to RiverStyx; "After the gong sounds, a spectre piloting a tiny wooden raft materializes before your eyes.^ ^ The ghostly ferryman doesn't look friendly. You hear a faint voice ask for a fare."; Sword, Hammer: "The gong makes a faint ringing sound."; default: self.ring_fail(); rtrue; } } self.ring_fail(); rtrue; ], ring_fail [; "The gong makes a dull thudding sound."; ], has static; Object -> GongSupport "support" with name "support" "stand", description "Quite intricate.", has scenery; Object -> Mallet "mallet" with name "mallet", description "This mallet is made from, what appears to be, centaur hide."; Object -> River "river" with name "river" "styx" "water", description "The river's water is dead calm.", before [; Search: "You see nothing but dark and still water."; Smell: "It smells faintly of death."; Touch: "Its coldness doesn't seem natural."; Take, Transfer: "That's probably not a good idea."; Enter: "That's not a very good idea."; Receive: remove noun; "You throw ", (the) noun, " into the river, never to be seen again."; ], has scenery; Object Raft "raft" with name "tiny" "wooden" "raft", description "It's a wooden raft.", before [; Enter: if (Spectre has general) { print "You climb aboard the tiny raft. The ferryman pushes off the shore. Soon you reach the opposite bank.^"; PlayerTo(SkullGate); rtrue; } "The ferryman will not let you board. He is still waiting for a fare."; ], has static supporter enterable; Object -> Spectre "spectral ferryman" with name "spectre" "specter" "spectral" "ferryman" "ferry" "charon" "man" "skeleton", description "The spectral ferryman is wrapped in tattered rags. You can see a skeleton within the cloak.", before [; Smell: "He smells faintly of death."; Touch: "That's probably not a good idea."; ], life [; Show: if (noun ofclass GoldCoin) { "The ferryman reaches out a hand towards the coin and moans softly."; } Give: if (noun ofclass GoldCoin) { move noun to self; give self general; "The ferryman takes the coin and gestures you to board quickly."; } ], has animate;