Inside LavaChamber "Lava Chamber" with name "room", description [; print "Sulfurous fumes rise from the hot molten lava some thirty feet below you. Swimming would not be wise. A narrow, stone bridgeway extends halfway across the lava ending in a ring. A huge grotesque statue stands in the middle of the ring"; if (LavaStatue hasnt general) print "."; else print " and has sunk nearly up to its eyes."; print " A doorway is on the north wall"; if (LavaStatue hasnt general) print ", surrounded by lava and inaccessible."; else print " with a bridgeway leading from the ring to it."; " You can go back the way you came by going south."; ], before [; Smell: if (noun == nothing) "You can barely tolerate volcanic fumes."; ], s_to GargoyleRoom, sw_to GargoyleRoom, n_to [; if (LavaStatue hasnt general) { deadflag = 1; "Shouting a battle cry, you catapult yourself off the platform. You are brave, warrior, but stupid! Your body explodes as you plunge into the lava."; } StartDaemon(LeverCylinder); return LeverRoom; ], cant_go [; print "You can only go southwest"; if (LavaStatue has general) " or north."; "."; ]; Object -> LavaStatue "statue" with name "statue", description [; print "This huge statue is made of precious metals. It holds a basin of smoldering coals."; if (self has general) " It has sunk into beneath the level of the bridgeway nearly up to its eyes."; ""; ], has scenery supporter; !Object -> -> LavaBasin "basin of smoldering coals" ! with name "basin" "coals" "smoldering", ! has static;