Inside Hall "Hall" with name "hall", description [; print "You stand in a long corridor. Huge stone archways line the entire hall. At the north end of this room is an impressive hall door covered with sheets of steel. A small door is to the east. "; if (self hasnt visited) { "^^A huge pair of disembodied eyes appear high in the air above you, glaring angrily. The booming voice of the Warlock Lord bursts forth from nowhere.^ ^ ~That pitiful wizard Lakmir was a fool to send a buffoon like you to stop me. You will surely regret it for the only thing here for you is a horrible death!~^ ^ The eyes fade away as if made of smoke. Maniacal laughter echoes in your ears."; } ""; ], n_to HallDoor, e_to HallClosetDoor, s_to OuterDoor, cant_go "You can only go north, east, or south."; UnlitTorch ->; UnlitTorch ->; Rug -> HallRug "rug"; Object -> HallArches "archways" with name "huge" "stone" "archway" "archways" "arch" "arches", description "They're quite impressive.", has scenery pluralname; ObligingDoor -> HallClosetDoor "small door" with name "closet" "door" "small" "narrow", description "The small door is very narrow. Even though it's only an inch thick, it is very sturdy.", door_to [; if (self in Hall) { return HallCloset; } return Hall; ], door_dir [; if (self in Hall) { return e_to; } return w_to; ], before [; Search, LookUnder: "Perhaps entering the closet with be more useful (it's actually a walk-in closet)."; ], found_in Hall HallCloset, with_key skullkey, has scenery door openable lockable locked; ObligingDoor -> HallDoor "hall door" with name "hall" "door" "steel", description "This door is reinforced with heavy sheets of steel.", door_to [; if (self in Hall) return StonePassage; return Hall; ], door_dir [; if (self in Hall) return n_to; return s_to; ], found_in Hall StonePassage, with_key ironkey, has scenery door openable lockable locked;