Inside CoffinRoom "Coffin Room" with name "room" "hall" "hallway", description [; print "This long, cold hallway is lined on either side by five coffins propped against the walls. Exits lie to the west and east."; if (CoffinSlime in self) " A puddle of green slime blocks the east exit."; ""; ], before [; Smell: if (noun == nothing) "You detect a faint acidic odor."; ], w_to FourWay, e_to [; if (CoffinSlime in self) { CoffinSlime.death(); rtrue; } return MirrorRoom; ], cant_go "You can only go east or west."; Object -> Coffins "coffins" with name "coffins", description [; "You can see a marble coffin, a silver coffin, a stone coffin, a gold coffin, and a coffin made of dragon scales."; ], before [; Open: "You can only manage to open one coffin at a time."; Close: "You can only manage to close one coffin at a time."; ], has scenery pluralname; ! Banshee ! Object -> MarbleCoffin "marble coffin" with name "coffin" "marble", description [; if (self hasnt open) { "The cold, marble coffin lid seals an ancient death bed."; } "This is a bug. The marble coffin should never remain open."; ], before [; Open: "As you open the coffin a banshee flies out, emits an ear-shattering scream, and pulls the coffin closed again.^ ^ You're all right, but it is very hard to hear."; ], has scenery container openable; ! Slime ! Object -> SilverCoffin "silver coffin" with name "coffin" "silver", description [; if (self hasnt open) { "This tomb is sealed with a silver lid."; } "A disgusting green slime has flowed out of this open coffin and puddled across the eastern end of this hallway."; ], before [; Close: if (self has open) "You can't close the coffin with all that slime in the way."; Open: if (self hasnt open) { give self open; move CoffinSlime to parent(self); "A disgusting green slime flows out of the silver coffin and puddles all over the eastern end of this hallway."; } ], has scenery container openable; ! Empty ! Object -> StoneCoffin "stone coffin" with name "coffin" "stone", description [; if (self hasnt open) "It's a cold stone coffin."; <>; ], has scenery container openable; ! Contains leather pouch which contains three copper coins. ! Pouch is omitted. ! Object -> GoldCoffin "gold coffin" with name "coffin" "gold" "golden", description [; if (self hasnt open) { "The lid of this coffin is made of solid gold. It must be worth a fortune."; } <>; ], has scenery container openable; CopperCoin -> ->; CopperCoin -> ->; CopperCoin -> ->; ! Mummy with sceptre ! Object -> DragonscaleCoffin "dragon scale coffin" with name "coffin" "dragon" "scale" "scales" "dragonscale" "dragonscales", description [; if (self hasnt open) { "This standing sarcophagus is sealed with a dragon scale cover."; } if (CoffinMummy in self) { "A mummy stands silently before you in the upright coffin."; } if (sceptre in self) { "A jewel-studded sceptre leans against the bottom of the coffin."; } ; ], has scenery container openable; Object -> -> CoffinMummy "mummy" with name "mummy", description "This carefully-embalmed six-footer stands straight and still.", before [; Burn: if (second ~= nothing && second hasnt on) "You can't burn ", (the) self, " with ", (the) second, "."; move sceptre to parent(self); remove self; "The mummy bursts into flames, leaving behind a sceptre among the ashes."; ThrownAt: if (noun ofclass Torch && noun has light) { ; } else { print (The) self, " remains motionless and unharmed.^"; } move noun to CoffinRoom; print_ret "^", (The) noun, " clatters to the floor."; Attack: if (verb_word == 'kill') "The mummy is already dead, nor does it seem to be undead. It just lies there."; if (second == Sword) <>; if (second ofclass Torch && second has light) <>; if (second) { print "Hitting the mummy with ", (the) second; } else { print "Simply "; switch (verb_word) { 'punch': print "punching"; 'kick': print "kicking"; 'hit': print "hitting"; default: print "attacking"; } print " the mummy like that"; } " won't do any good."; Search, Open: "There seems to be something long, thin, and metallic buried in the wrappings near the mummy's back, but you can't really get at it."; Cut: "The resin-soaked wrappings are tougher than they look."; ], has animate; Object -> -> -> sceptre "sceptre" with name "jeweled" "sceptre" "scepter", description "This jewel-studded sceptre is truly made for a king."; Object CoffinSlime "puddle of green slime" with name "green" "slime" "puddle", description "This green slime is very thick and is radiantly warm.", before [; Smell: "It smells of rotting flesh and acid."; Take, Touch, Transfer, Taste: "The slime would very likely dissolve anything that touches it."; Listen: "It makes a faint bubbling sound."; ], death [; deadflag = 1; "You try to pass the slime but it engulfs your body, dissolving it in seconds.^ ^ You die instantly. No pain. No nothing. You were slimed."; ], has scenery;