Inside BehindFalls "Behind the falls" with name "room", description [; print "The damp walls of this tiny cave are rough and irregular."; print " A small boulder"; if (FallsNiche notin BehindFalls) { " sticks out from the wall."; } else { " sits beneath a niche in the wall it once occupied."; } ], out_to WaterfallRoom, w_to WaterfallRoom, cant_go "The only exit seems to be west."; Object -> fallsgravel "wet gravel" with name "wet" "gravel" "pebbles" "pebble", description "These pea-sized pebbles have been smoothed and rounded by centuries of being churned by the waterfall.", before [; Take, Transfer: "The gravel is too slippery to get a decent handful."; ], has scenery; Object -> FallRock "small boulder" with name "small" "rock" "boulder" "stone", description [; if (FallsNiche in BehindFalls) "It seems to sit loosely in the wall."; else "It sits right beneath the niche in the wall."; ], before [; Slide, Push, Pull: "It rocks back and forth a bit."; Attack: if (verb_word == 'kill') "It's not alive."; move FallsNiche to BehindFalls; "You hit the rock as hard as you can. The loose rock falls down as if hinged to the wall. In the niche, you see a dirty leather pouch partially buried in wet gravel."; ], has scenery; Object FallsNiche "niche" with name "niche" "hole", description [; "It's a small hole in the wall previously concealed by a boulder."; ], describe [; print "^In ", (the) self, " is "; if (child(self)) { print (a) child(self), ".^"; rtrue; } "nothing but wet gravel."; ], before [; Receive: if (noun hasnt is_tiny) "It won't fit."; ], capacity 1, has static container open; Object -> GemPouch "leather pouch" with name "leather" "pouch", capacity 3, description "It's a leather pouch.", has container openable; Gem -> -> GemWhite "white gem" with name "white" "diamond", description "It's a white gem of unknown origin. A fine thing to gamble away in a good card game.", has is_tiny; Gem -> -> GemRed "red gem" with name "red" "ruby", description "It's a fine red ruby. Its color reminds you of your adventure across the Sea of Blood.", has is_tiny; Gem -> -> GemBlue "blue gem" with name "blue" "sapphire", description "It's a dark blue gem that is as big as the pommel of a sword.", has is_tiny;