Inside BanquetBalcony1 "Banquet Hall Balcony" with name "balcony", description [; print "You are standing on a balcony stretching across the north end of the banquet hall. As big as this hall is, you don't see much more than you did on the floor. Stairs leading down to the floor are to the east. To the west is more balcony. To the north is a large wooden door."; if (Crest in self && Crest hasnt moved) print " A family crest of some sort hangs by the door."; if (Tapestry in self) " A silk tapestry hangs over the stairs."; ], n_to SphinxDoor, w_to BanquetBalcony2, e_to BanquetHall, d_to BanquetHall, cant_go "You can only go through the door to the north, west along the balcony, or east to go back downstairs."; Object -> Crest "family crest" with name "family" "crest", description "It's the family crest of Sir Dugan himself.", after [; Take, Transfer: give self ~concealed; ], has concealed; ObligingDoor -> SphinxDoor "door" with name "heavy" "wooden" "door", description "It's a heavy wooden door with iron hinges.", door_to [; if (self in BanquetBalcony1) return SphinxRoom; return BanquetBalcony1; ], door_dir [; if (self in BanquetBalcony1) return n_to; return s_to; ], found_in BanquetBalcony1 SphinxRoom, with_key TarnishedKey, has scenery static door openable lockable locked;