ZipCE version 2.21 (C)1999, by Kevin Buchanan, Mark Howell What is ZipCE? ------------------ In the 80's, a company called Infocom released many high quality text adventure games. They wrote these games using an imagined 'z-machine' computer, and then wrote interpreters for this z-machine for all the popular computers of the day. ZipCE is such an interpreter, written for Windows CE. It is based on the excellent Zip by Mark Howell, and ported to Windows CE. There are many new infocom type games written by other people now, using the Inform compiler. What are some of its features? -------------------------------- The main highlights of this program are its resizable proportional fonts in the text area (vastly improves game readability), and its 8x8 font in the status area (makes games like bureaucracy playable). It also supports the graphics font used by Beyond Zork and has full color support. A bug that could cause Beyond Zork to crash towards the end of the game is also caught. The arrow keys and function keys are supported. Function Keys: Windows CE Key Translated to alt-q F1 alt-w F2 alt-e F3 alt-r F4 alt-t F5 alt-y F6 alt-u F7 alt-i F8 alt-o F9 alt-p F10 alt-[ F11 alt-] F12 These keys come in handy in Beyond Zork as shortcut keys (use 'define' to change the shortcuts in Beyond Zork). Save and restore is done with Martin Frost's Quetzal code, resulting in much smaller save files. Is it free? ------------- Yes! You can distribute ZipCE to anyone you want, as long as you do not get any monetary profit from it, and include all files in the original ziped file. Where can I get some games? --------------------------- Have a look at: Look in either the zcode directory, or one of the competition directories. There are many high quality games at this site, and they are all free! Note that Activision still holds the copyright to the original Infocom games, so there is nowhere you can get these for free (except the Zork trilogy, which they have released for free as a promotion for one of their new games). If you want to buy some of the original games, have a look at the following site for info on where to get them: Partial release history ----------------------- Version 2.20 : First stable, full featured version. Supports color, timed input, etc. Version 2.21 : Fixed bug which didn't allow a carriage return to be printed in the lower text window. Also allow input_character function to accept anything for the first parameter (instead of immediately returning if it is not 1). As far as I know, these two bugs only showed up in the invisiclues z-code. Standard Legal Disclaimer ------------------------- ZipCE is provided as-is with no warranties expressed or implied. You use this software at your own risk. This software has only been tested on a Velo 500 and an HP 620LX, so I don't know how it will run on other systems. Acknowledgements ---------------- Many thanks to Cameron Bowes for help testing ZipCE. I probably would not have caught half the bugs without his help. And of course, thanks to Mark Howell for making the source for zip available. Contacting me -------------- Please send questions/comments/bug reports to: Kevin Buchanan