Welcome to "Return to Ditch Day"! This is the second edition of RtDD, which is essentially the same as the original but has a number of bug fixes, and has been compiled with the latest TADS release (as of early 2013). To play, you'll need a TADS interpreter. You can find interpreters for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux/Unix systems at www.tads.org. I wrote this game partly as a demonstration of TADS 3, but mostly just for fun. I always enjoy hearing from people who've played my games, so feel free to drop me a note at mjr_@hotmail.com if you have any comments about it. --MJR April, 2013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Freeware License Information: Copyright 2004, 2013 Michael J. Roberts. All Rights Reserved. This is a copyrighted work, which means that the laws of the United States and other countries prohibit anyone from copying or distributing it without the express written permission of the author. The author hereby grants you permission to use, copy, and redistribute this software, without charge, if you agree to all of the following conditions: you may not alter or remove any copyright notice or license notice in the work; you may not collect a fee for copies of this software, except for a nominal fee to cover the cost of physically making the copy; you may not distribute modified or incomplete versions of this software; and anyone to whom you give a copy of this software receives the same rights that you have under this license and is bound by the same restrictions.