Constant Story "Dr NudeMount's Wild Whats'Is Name"; Constant Headline "^An Impossible Insane & Silly ^Ripoff of Dr Dumont's Wild P.A.R.T.I.^^"; Release 1; Serial "000001"; Replace ScoreSub; Replace EnterSub; Include "Parser"; [DeathMessage; if (deadflag == 3) print "The game is over.";]; Include "Verblib"; Include "Grammar"; [Initialise; Banner(); location=Bedroom; print " You pull on a pair of bikini briefs and a diving helmet, collect your puss bucket and head out for class. Graygor NudeMount, DDT is giving one of his crash courses in animal molestation and you were told by the Dean not to cut any more classes or your sorry huge ass would be kicked out the door and neverallowed in the not so hallowed halls of this institution of depraved lower learning.^^ As you approach the classroom the smell of rotting horseflesh drifts through the door, and you find NudeMount inside,destroying a projector with a very large machinegun.^^ All of a sudden you realize you realize you're in the wrong game. You had a specific appointment this morning with Graham to get thoroughly pissed off at ~Curses~ ~Jigsaw~ and ~Sherbet~.^^";return 2;]; Object Bedroom "Bed Room" with description "This is your bedroom where you start and end this blatant rip-off of Dr Dumont's Wild Parti.", has light; Object -> Chair "Chair" with name 'chair' 'seat', description "Blank description of a dumbell chair.", describe [; "^A plain chair sits here (on the floor).";], before [; examine,take,pull,push,turn: deadflag=3; "You ",(address)verb_word," the chair.";], has supporter enterable ; [ScoreSub; "The game has NO score.";]; [EnterSub; "You can't ",(address)verb_word," there.";]; [ThrowSub; "You can't throw that.";]; verb 'see' ='examine';