INTRODUCTION You have heard stories since childhood about brave students from your country who have taken the trip across the ocean to the United States and enrolled in the English Language Institute of the University of Delaware. And you heard rumors that most of these students disappeared and were never heard from again. Now you have finished your high school work and it's time to prepare for your future. You have decided to pursue the goal that has eluded so many international students -- a certificate from the ELI of the University of Delaware. Your parents and friends have warned you not to take the risk. They want you to stay home and get a job. But you are a determined person and can not resist a challenge. Your application to the ELI has been accepted and you have received your F-1 visa. You've bought your plane ticket and are ready to go. Your study experience at the ELI will be filled with dangers. You will encounter many hostile forces. But if you are clever and keep your mind on your work, you might possibly succeed. Your mission, now that you've decided to accept it, is to show up at the ELI at the beginning of the September session, attend classes, do the required work, and receive the coveted ELI T-Shirt and certificate. It won't be easy. Good luck! END_INTRO ROOM 2 Delaware Express Shuttle WEST 3 (*Eli office*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 2 You arrived at the Philadelphia International Airport a few hours ago, went through customs, and are now riding in the Delaware Express Shuttle. You are coming down Main Street and are amazed at all the wonderful sights of this university town. Along the street you see Roy Rogers and the National Five and Ten. To the west is the University of Delaware and the English Language Institute. After months of preparation the big day has finally arrived. You can't wait to get started and make new friends. At this point you have only one possible choice of commands. Type the word WEST when the computer asks you What Now? END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 2 Choose a direction END_HELP ROOM 3 Front room of ELI office at 25 Amstel NORTH 4 EAST 2 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 3 You are in the ELI office. Chris Wolfe is sitting at his desk talking on the telephone. There are suitcases and packages piled almost to the ceiling. People are coming in and out of the door. You don't know anyone. Soon Chris tells you that he found an apartment for you at College Town. You can move in today. But first you have to go with the other students to the Opening Ceremonies in Kirkbride 206 where you'll meet your teachers and get your class schedule. You have several choices here. Choose one of these commands: -- examine the handbook -- read the handbook and take it -- North END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 4 Front porch of ELI NORTH 5 SOUTH 3 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 4 You are standing on the front porch of the ELI wearing your backpack. To the west is the visitors' parking lot. To the east is the Kappa Alpha fraternity house where you can hear some shouting and screams. Two students are sitting on the ELI porch talking in Spanish. Some other students are walking north to attend the Opening Ceremonies for the first day of Session I. Your choices are: -- examine the old paper -- read the old paper and take it -- North END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 5 Kirkbride 206 SOUTH 4 (*Amstel Ave*) EAST 9 (*South College Ave*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 5 You are in Kirkbride 206 to attend the opening ceremonies for Session I. There are a lot of new students sitting in the rows of seats. Some teachers are standing around a long table in the front of the room picking up their class rosters. There is another table with coffee, tea, and doughnuts. Dr. Stevens is writing the names of teachers and tutors on the board. A veteran ELI student introduces himself to you and asks you a few questions. Soon he will introduce you to the assembled group as his new friend. After you've met your teacher and the ceremonies are finished you have to go to the bookstore. Your choices are: -- examine the book list -- examine the class schedule -- read the book list and take it -- read the class schedule and take it -- East END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 5 Choose a direction END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 9 South College Avenue WEST 5 (*KB 206) UP 60 (*Overpass*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 9 You have just left the Opening Ceremonies wearing your backpack and are standing on South College Avenue. Next to you is Smith Hall. Above you is the overpass leading to the mall and the UD bookstore. You don't really understand where the bookstore is but you see other ELI students walking up the overpass. You have to decide what direction to go. Type the question mark key [?] to get a list of possible directions. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 60 Overpass EAST 61 (*east end of overpass) DOWN 9 (*South College Ave*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 60 You are on the overpass and it continues to the east. Below you can see the traffic on South College Avenue. To the east is the university mall area. There is only one direction in which you can go from here. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 61 Overpass WEST 60 DOWN 62 (*Mall*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 61 You are at the east end of the overpass. Down the stairs is the university mall. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 62 Mall EAST 63 UP 61 (*Overpass*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 62 You are now standing on the mall. Behind you is the overpass. The mall sidewalk continues east. North is Sharp Lab. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 63 Mall SOUTH 64 (*Mitchell Hall*) EAST 65 (*mall*) WEST 62 (*mall*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 63 You are continuing along the sidewalk. The sidewalk now branches off into several directions. South is Mitchell Hall. North is Sharp Lab. The other students seem to be going east. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 64 Mitchell Hall NORTH 90 (*mall*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 64 You weren't paying attention and followed the wrong sidewalk. You are now inside Mitchell Hall. The bookstore is not here. You made a mistake. A sign on the wall announces the schedule of plays in Mitchell Hall for the semester. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 233 book small There is a small book here SIZE WEIGHT LOCATION 64 (*Mitchell Hall*) READABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS title cover END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 233 This is a very small thin book with a blue cover displaying a picture of Newark's Main Street. There is a title with big red letters. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 233 The title of the book is "Exciting Things To Do In Newark, Delaware." All the pages are blank. END_TEXT ROOM 90 Mall WEST 63 (*Mall*) SOUTHEAST 37 (*Bookstore*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 90 You are lost now. Because you wandered off into Mitchell Hall you lost track of the other students and teachers. Around you are Brown Lab, Hullihen Hall, and Memorial Hall. The sidewalk goes off in different directions. You can't go north or northeast because there is construction going on. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 65 Mall WEST 63 (*Mall*) SOUTHEAST 37 (*bookstore*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 65 You are continuing on the Mall. Around you are Brown Lab, Hullihen Hall, and Memorial Hall. The sidewalk goes off in different directions. You can't go north or northeast because there is construction going on. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 37 UD bookstore NORTHWEST 65 (*mall*) DOWN 36 (*ELI book section*) POINTS 5 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 37 You have arrived at the UD bookstore. You see all kinds of clothing and souvenirs in the corner. Downstairs is the ELI book section. Northwest is the mall. END_ROOM_DESCR CREATURE 307 Dude Cool There is a Cool Dude standing here LOCATION 37 (*UD bookstore*) MAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS Huey END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 307 The Cool Dude is standing next to the entrance to the bookstore, by the shelves that hold books and bags. He has a large friendly smile and is surrounded by girls. He is wearing a baseball cap with large red letters saying HUEY. You've already seen a similar cap on the mall. You'd like to talk to the Cool Dude and introduce yourself. END_CREATURE_DESCR ROOM 36 ELI book section UP 91 (*bookstore entrance*) ROOM_SYNONYMS get buy END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 36 Here you see a lot of ELI students and teachers crowding around a bookshelf that says ELI. Here is where you buy your books for your classes. Suddenly you feel sick. Maybe it's from all the travel over the past few days. You haven't had much sleep. You think you'd better see a doctor. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 91 Bookstore entrance WEST 67 (*Hullihen Hall*) SOUTHWEST 7 (*Health Center*) DOWN 36 (*ELI book section*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 91 You are back upstairs at the entrance to the bookstore. You're still feeling sick. If you've finished buying your books, it's time to move on. To the southwest is the Health Center where you can see a doctor. To the west is Hullihen Hall, where you get your ID card. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 7 UD Health Center NORTHWEST 67 (*Hullihen Hall*) NORTHEAST 91 (*UD bookstore*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 7 You are in Laurel Hall -- the UD Health Center. You have seen a doctor. He gave you some medicine and you feel better. To the northeast is the UD bookstore. To the northwest is Hullihen Hall. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 67 Hullihen Hall SOUTH 39 (*library*) WEST 91 (*bookstore*) SOUTHEAST 7 (*Health Center*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 67 You are in Hullihen Hall. This building has all the important administrative offices, cashier, and ID office. You need to go to the library after you do your business in Hullihen Hall. The library is south. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 39 Morris Library NORTH 67 (*Hullihen Hall*) DOWN 66 (*Media room*) NORTHWEST 47 (*South College Ave by Hullihen*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 39 You are in the Morris Library. All around you are DELCAT computers, card catalogs, and students coming in and out. To the northwest is South College Avenue. You've decided to go downstairs to the Media Room to watch a movie on videotape. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 66 Media room WEST 94 (*media desk*) UP 39 (*library*) LIGHT 216 (*ID card*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 66 You are in the media room. You've shown your ID card and were given headphones and a video tape of "Back To The Future." It's time to relax and enjoy the movie. After the movie is finished you need to go west and return the film to the media desk. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 66 Did you forget to bring something important to the library? END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 94 Media desk EAST 66 (*media room*) UP 92 (*main floor*) LIGHT 216 (*ID card*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 94 You are at the media desk. You have returned the tape. Now it's time to go back upstairs. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 92 Morris Library NORTHWEST 47 (*South College Avenue*) NORTH 67 (*Hullihen*) DOWN 94 (*media desk*) LIGHT 216 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 92 You have finished watching "Back To The Future" and are back on the main floor of the library. To the northwest is South College Avenue. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 216 card ID Your student ID card is here WEIGHT 10 LOCATION 67 (*Hullihen Hall*) IS_LIGHT POINTS 10 NOUN_SYNONYMS ID END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 216 This is your valuable identification card. It has your name, student number, and picture on it. You will need it for using computers, going swimming in Carpenter, checking books out of the library, and writing checks at the bookstore. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 221 knife sharp There is a sharp knife here WEIGHT 30 LOCATION 15 (*By Chris' desk*) END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 221 This is a Bowie knife. It's large with a very sharp blade. It looks like the kind of knife bear hunters would use. It might come in handy for opening mail or cutting fruit. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 47 South College Avenue SOUTHEAST 39 (*Morris Library*) NORTHWEST 6 (*Amstel Ave*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 47 You are standing on South College Avenue by the library entrance. Southeast is the library. Northwest is Amstel Avenue and that's where you have to go now. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 6 Amstel Ave SOUTHEAST 47 (*South College Ave*) SOUTH 49 (*student mailbox*) WEST 8 (*Amstel Ave*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 6 You are now on Amstel Ave. This street begins at South College Avenue and runs west to Elkton Road. To the south is the student mailbox in the ELI office. You haven't checked to see if you have any mail yet. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 49 Student Mailbox NORTH 93 (*Amstel Ave*) EAST 15 (*Chris' desk*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 49 You are standing at the student mailbox in the front room of the ELI. To the east is Chris Wolfe's desk. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 15 Chris Wolfe's desk SOUTH 43 (*Polly's desk*) WEST 49 (*student mailbox*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 15 You are standing next to Chris' desk. It seems to be the local center of activity. He's on the phone trying to arrange a night for the annual hayride at Dempsey's Farm. Students are sitting on the sofas and standing around the desk. Papers and books are scattered on top of the desk. South, in the next room, is Polly's desk. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 202 paper secret A secret paper is here WEIGHT 10 LOCATION 15 (*Chris' desk*) READABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS combination END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 202 This is a piece of paper with a series of numbers. It looks like the combination to a lock of some type. It's lying on Chris' desk on top of papers. It has some mysterious writing on it. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 202 You can't read all the letters because they are faded. It says something like t-o- --x f-r ---is ---fe. Left 5 Right 12 Left 15. END_TEXT ROOM 43 Polly's desk NORTH 15 (*Chris' desk*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 43 Now you're standing in front of Polly's desk. She is busy on the phone, talking to someone from Italy who is interested in the ELI business program. Around her are other desks, two computers, a copy machine and a lot of people coming and going. END_ROOM_DESCR CREATURE 303 student cheerful A cheerful student is here LOCATION 15 (*Chris' desk*) MAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS Abdullah END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 303 The cheerful student's name is Adullah. He's very friendly and is happy to help new students. You should introduce yourself to him. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 304 shark land A land shark jumps out from behind a tree LOCATION 32 (*Amstel Ave*) HOSTILE WEAPON 221 (*sharp knife*) THRESHOLD 3 THING END_CREATURE CREATURE 306 student serious There is a serious determined student here LOCATION 20 (*Rodney lobby*) MAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS Tatsu END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 306 This student's name is Tatsu. He is wearing a hat that resembles the one that Indiana Jones wears. Although he is carrying a whip, he is very friendly and wants to meet you. All he asks, however, is that you do not call him "Junior." END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE_DESCR 304 You have never heard of a land shark, but you are looking at one now. It is tall with gray skin. Its teeth are large and sharp. Other UD students are running for their lives. The land shark is hungry and wants to have you for lunch. END_CREATURE_DESCR ROOM 8 Amstel Avenue EAST 6 (*Amstel Ave*) WEST 32 (*Amstel Ave*) SOUTH 46 (*President's house*) NORTH 84 (*orientation meeting*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 8 You are walking on Amstel Ave. The street runs east and west. West is the way to Rodney where you have some of your classes. To your right is Smith Hall, but the way is blocked because they are tearing up the ground to repair air conditioning pipes. To the south is the UD President's house. To the north is an important orientation meeting with Dr. Lomis that you must attend. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 93 Amstel Ave WEST 8 (*Amstel Ave*) SOUTH 49 (*mailbox*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 93 You are back on Amstel Avenue after leaving the office. This street begins at South College Avenue and runs west to Elkton Road. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 46 President's House NORTH 8 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 46 You are in the house of the University President. To the north is Amstel Avenue. The President gives you a tour of the place. You notice that all the sink and other fixtures are made out of silver. You think to yourself that someone probably spent a lot of money on plumbing in the house. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 84 Orientation meeting SOUTH 8 (*Amstel Ave*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 84 You are attending an important meeting with Dr. Lomis, the International Student Advisor. He welcomes you to the University of Delaware and explains some rules about study in the USA. You are not allowed to work. You are here to study. You must keep your visa up to date. If you leave the United States for a vacation, you must show your visa to the immigration officials upon your return in order to re-enter the country. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 32 Amstel Ave WEST 24 (*Amstel Ave & Elkton Rd*) EAST 8 (*Amstel Ave*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 32 You are continuing on Amstel Ave. To the north you see the Schilling-Douglas Hair Styling School. To the south is Amy Dupont Hall. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 215 book cook There is a cook book here LOCATION 63 (*mall*) READABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS cookbook title cover END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 215 The cook book has a red cover. There is a title. You might want to use this book for cooking cluster on Monday nights. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 215 The title says in fancy letters "Creative Cajun Cooking" by Linda Bigler -- University of Delaware. All Rights Reserved. END_TEXT NOUN 210 box pencil There is a small pencil box here LOCATION 201 (*inside backpack*) READABLE CLOSABLE CLOSED NOUN_SYNONYMS case END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 210 This is a white metal pencil box with a picture of Donald Duck on the cover. There are some printed words on the box. When you pick up the box you can hear something rattling inside. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 210 The writing says, "My name is Duckky. I am a good cook and I like very music. Explor this amazing world with full of curiosity. STRANGE FIELD" END_TEXT NOUN 220 boots rubber You see a pair of rubber boots here WEIGHT 20 LOCATION 52 (*College Town apt*) WEARABLE IS_LIGHT NOUN_SYNONYMS hip waders END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 220 These boots are hip waders -- very long boots that reach above the knees. They are the type fishermen wear when they wade in the lake. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 206 key brass There is a brass key here WEIGHT 5 LOCATION 210 (*pencil box*) READABLE IS_LIGHT END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 206 It is a rather heavy key for its size. It has some writing on it. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 206 The letters say, "It is unlawful to duplicate this key." END_TEXT NOUN 222 book pronunciation There is a pronunciation book here. SIZE WEIGHT 20 LOCATION 36 (*UD bookstore*) READABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS cover title END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 222 The book is large with a white cover. It is required for your pronunciation cluster with Jack Anderson. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 222 The title is "Improving Oral Communication: A Pronunciation Manual" END_TEXT NOUN 229 book red There is a red book here WEIGHT 5 LOCATION 36 READABLE IS_LIGHT NOUN_SYNONYMS title END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 229 This is the book you need for beginning listening lab. Your teacher gets unhappy when you forget it. The title is in black letters. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 229 The title is "Interactions II: A Listening/Speaking Skills Book" by Paul Most and Judith Tanka END_TEXT NOUN 203 paper old You see an old piece of paper on the sidewalk LOCATION 4 READABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 203 This paper looks like it's been lying here for a few days. But the interesting thing is that it has your name written on it. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 203 You pick up the paper and start to read: Hi. This is your friendly author introducing you to the ELI Adventure Game. I hope you have good luck in finding your way through the difficult situations and that you will succeed in graduating with honors from the ELI. I would like to suggest that you use some of the following commands -- EXAMINE, GET, TAKE, or GIVE an object -- as you play the game. Remember that some objects can be OPENed, UNLOCKed, PUSHed, PLAYed, TURNed, and READ. Some objects you can WEAR or PUT ON. Hostile (angry) people can be ATTACKed. Sometimes you may need to SHOW an object in order to move on. If you are carrying too many objects, the computer will tell you that you are "not strong enough" to add the item to your current load. When this happens, you will have to DROP one or more objects. Try to DROP items that you don't need anymore. Sometimes giving the command HELP will be useful. You can press the question mark key (?) to find a list of short cut keys. And when you don't know what direction to go, you can type the command LIST EXITS for advice. Anyway, I hope that you are the one who receives an award at graduation for solving this game. To receive your award please don't forget to tell me the special name on the certificate you receive when you "graduate" in the game. This will be proof that you have won the ELI game. END_TEXT NOUN 225 player tape There is small tape player in here LOCATION 201 (*in backpack*) PLAYABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS Walkman Sony stereo END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 225 This is a small Sony Walkman with headphones END_NOUN_DESCR PLAY_DESCR 225 You play the tape. It's a song by Chris and the Wolfetones. END_PLAY_DESCR NOUN 201 backpack blue You are wearing a blue backpack SIZE 70 LOCATION 1000 CLOSABLE CLOSED WEARABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS bag pack END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 201 The backpack is blue. It has straps so that you can carry it on your back. It has a flap that closes over the bag and is fastened with a buckle. It is typical of many of the bags that university students carry. There are various objects inside it. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 228 bracelet glittering There is a glittering bracelet here WEIGHT 5 LOCATION 36 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 228 This is an expensive-looking bracelet with red rubies. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 232 scarf red There is a red scarf here WEIGHT 2 LOCATION 35 (*Kinko's*) WEARABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 232 This is a red silk scarf and it looks quite expensive. It would make a nice gift for a girl friend or a sister. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 269 rings ear There is a pair of attractive earrings here WEIGHT 10 LOCATION 33 (*Crabtrap entrance*) PLURAL NOUN_SYNONYMS earrings END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 269 These earrings are very beautiful. They each have one small red stone. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 213 cap baseball There is a baseball cap here LOCATION 62 (*Mall next to overpass*) WEARABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 213 The cap is blue with a white front and a red bill. Big black letters reading HUEY are written across the front of the cap. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 217 note doctor's You see a doctor's note here WEIGHT 3 LOCATION 7 (*Health Center*) READABLE IS_LIGHT POINTS 5 NOUN_SYNONYMS excuse END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 217 The note is typed on official UD Health Center stationery. It looks important. At the end of the note there is a doctor's signature. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 217 You look at this note and read, "This ELI student has been running a fever and is very tired. I ordered him to stay home for two days. Please excuse his absence." It is signed by Dr. Marcus Kildare. You remember that your ELI Handbook said that you must have a good reason to be absent from class. END_TEXT NOUN 276 flashlight new There is a flashlight here. WEIGHT 10 LOCATION 8 (*Amstel Ave*) NOUN_SYNONYMS light END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 276 This is an Eveready flashlight with two fresh D Alkaline batteries in it. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 208 notebook spiral Your 8" by 11" spiral notebook is here LOCATION 30 (*022 Rodney - L/S class*) CLOSABLE CLOSED END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 208 The spiral notebook has a blue cover with a UD Chicken emblem. Your name is written on the cover. Something is written inside. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 209 page first There are some notes on the first page about your classes. UNMOVABLE LOCATION 208 (*inside notebook*) READABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS notes END_NOUN TEXT 209 Here are some of the notes you wrote during your first day of classes: "Listening/Speaking class begins at 8:00. Please be on time. If you are absent you must explain the reason to your teacher. I hope this class is not boring. I wonder who is the student with the hat that says HUEY. What means that?" END_TEXT NOUN 207 visa F-1 There is an F-1 visa inside LOCATION 205 (*inside passport*) READABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 207 This F-1 visa is an important document. You must not lose it. If you plan to visit your home, you can not re-enter the USA without it. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 207 The visa says in large capital letters: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NONIMMIGRANT VISA. Type F-1; Multiple; issued to Bearer(s); issued Oct. 17, 1989; valid till 17 OCT. 1994. END_TEXT NOUN 205 passport valid Your valid passport is in here WEIGHT 3 LOCATION 201 (*inside backpack*) CLOSABLE CLOSED NOUN_SYNONYMS END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 205 This is the passport you used to enter the United States. You are embarrassed by your picture because you had a funny look on your face when it was taken. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 218 card MAC You are given a MAC card WEIGHT 3 LOCATION 14 (*Wilmington Trust Bank*) READABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS bankcard MAC END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 218 You can use your MAC card to get money from almost any bank machine in Newark. Don't forget your PIN number. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 218 The card says MAC -- Money Access Card -- 24 Hour Teller. If found please return to Wilmington Trust Company. END_TEXT NOUN 214 eraser click There is a click eraser here LOCATION 210 (*inside pencil box*) END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 214 It is a pencil eraser in a blue plastic tube that you can wear in your pocket like a pen. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 212 pen felt-tip There is a felt-tip pen here LOCATION 210 (*inside pencil box*) END_NOUN NOUN 211 pencil fine-point There is a fine-point pencil here LOCATION 210 (*inside pencil box) END_NOUN NOUN 240 cheeseburger delicious There is a delicious cheeseburger here LOCATION 21 (*Roy's*) EDIBLE END_NOUN NOUN 242 fries French There are some tasty French fries here LOCATION 21 (*Roy's) EDIBLE PLURAL END_NOUN NOUN 243 coke ice-cold There is a large ice-cold coke here LOCATION 21 (*Roy's*) DRINKABLE END_NOUN NOUN 247 Handbook Student There is an important ELI Student Handbook here WEIGHT 2 LOCATION 3 (*ELI office front room*) READABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS book manual guide END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 247 Your Student Handbook is valuable and you should not forget to read it. It has information inside that you need to know while attending the ELI. END_DESCR TEXT 247 Inside on the first page you read, "Welcome to the ELI. We hope your study experience here will be profitable." You read some more friendly words and then you come to the rules. "You are expected to attend your classes every day. Listening/Speaking class begins at 8:00. Reading/Writing class begins at 10:00. If you are absent you must explain the reason to your teacher and ask about make-up work. If you are sick it's a good idea to have a note from the doctor. If you are absent without good reason for more than three days you might be expelled from the ELI and sent back home. And be careful not to lose your passport or visa. You'll need to show both of them to leave and re-enter the USA." END_TEXT NOUN 246 fan portable There is a small portable fan here WEIGHT 20 LOCATION 34 (*Crabtrap Restaurant*) IS_LIGHT NOUN_SYNONYMS blower END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 246 This is a small fan with an on/off switch. It might be useful because some rooms get hot in the summer. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 258 disk floppy There is a floppy disk here UNMOVABLE LOCATION 257 (*inside computer*) READABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS diskette END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 258 You are curious to know what is written on the floppy disk. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 258 "Welcome to the ELI Adventure. You will be going on a dangerous journey. Many students have enrolled in the ELI and were never heard from again. But don't worry. You have survived to make it this far. This shows that you are very clever. You have a good chance of solving the game. But be very careful." END_TEXT NOUN 255 letter important There is an important letter here for you WEIGHT 3 LOCATION 30 (*L/S class - 022 Rodney*) READABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS message notice note END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 255 Your teacher gives you this note. It says official University of Delaware MEMORANDUM with today's date and is from Mrs. Schneider. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 255 The note reads: "Your teachers report that you have been absent from class three days this session. Please make an appointment with Mrs. Schneider to discuss your attendance." END_TEXT NOUN 256 letter second There is a second important letter here for you WEIGHT 3 LOCATION 27 (*032 Rodney - TC room*) READABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS message note END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 256 This is another memorandum from Mrs. Schneider -- the second one you have received. You are afraid to read it and you think about throwing it away, but you realize that you had better take this one seriously. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 256 The note has today's date and reads: "Your teachers report that your class attendance has not improved. Please see Mrs. Schneider immediately." END_TEXT NOUN 257 computer IBM There is an IBM computer here UNMOVABLE LOCATION 31 (*Carpenter site*) CLOSABLE CLOSED NOUN_SYNONYMS PC IBM END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 257 This is a model PS/30 IBM Personal Computer just like twenty others in Carpenter. It is already turned on. You wonder if there is a floppy disk inside. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 251 card post There is a post card here for you WEIGHT 2 LOCATION 49 (*student mailbox*) READABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS letter postcard END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 251 The post card has colorful pictures of Goofy, Mickey Mouse, Pluto, and Donald Duck. On the back there is your name and address. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 251 The card is from your former roommate and says: "I had some good luck in Atlantic City and won a lot of money. So I decided to come to Disney World. You won't believe this place. I had dinner with Donald Duck last night. Tomorrow I'm having an interview with Gooofy. How are things at the ELI? I hope you win the ELI Adventure Game. I'll be back in Newark next month. See you then." END_TEXT NOUN 219 schedule class Your class schedule is here LOCATION 5 (*KB 206*) READABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 219 Your class schedule is neatly typed and tells you what classes you have. You don't understand everything that you read, so you'll have to ask your teachers some questions later. Your name is typed in capital letters. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 219 It says: Listening/Speaking II 8:00 - 9:45 Rodney 022 Reading/Writing III 10:00 - 11:45 NUMC 210 Tutoring T 2:30 LB R 1:30 JA (Pron Cluster) Listening Lab MW 4:30 - 5:30 SMITH 211 Reading Lab TR 3:30 - 4:30 Cooking Cluster M 5:30 Film Lab F 3:30 - 5:30 All Tutoring and Reading Labs are in Rodney. END_TEXT NOUN 262 pizza pan There is a delicious pan pizza here LOCATION 40 (*Halloween party*) EDIBLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 262 This is a small pan pizza with pepperoni, mushrooms, and extra cheese. Actually there are 29 more pizzas here piled on a table. They were delivered at 7 p.m. Everybody has been looking forward to this momentous event. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 227 dictionary English There is a Longman's English dictionary here LOCATION 36 READABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS Longman's cover title END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 227 Your book list tells you that this dictionary is required for your writing class. The dictionary has a yellow and orange cover with a long title. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 227 The title says "Longmans' Dictionary of American English: A Dictionary For Learners of English." END_TEXT NOUN 254 apples delicious There are some fresh delicious apples here LOCATION 40 (*Halloween party*) EDIBLE PLURAL END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 254 There are some fresh delicious apples hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 239 gun hand There is a handgun here loaded with silver bullets WEIGHT 5 LOCATION 40 (*Halloween party room*) CAN_SHOOT NUM_SHOTS 6 NOUN_SYNONYMS pistol handgun END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 239 This is a .357 Magnum loaded with silver bullets. You remember something in various horror movies about silver bullets being a good way to kill monsters END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 252 stick wooden There is a wooden stick here WEIGHT 10 LOCATION 234 (*inside Chris' toolbox*) NOUN_SYNONYMS stake END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 252 The wooden stick looks like a short broom handle and has a very sharp point. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 234 box tool Chris Wolfe's tool box is here WEIGHT 50 LOCATION 20 (*Rodney lobby*) CLOSABLE CLOSED LOCKABLE LOCKED KEY 202 (*secret combination*) NOUN_SYNONYMS toolbox padlock lock END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 234 This is a heavy green metal box with a padlock. You have heard that Chris has important tools in his tool box. He uses them for things like removing the office doors in Rodney when he moves in large desks. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 226 screwdriver yellow There is a yellow screwdriver here LOCATION 234 (*inside Chris' toolbox*) END_NOUN NOUN 253 journal weekly Your weekly journal is here WEIGHT 3 LOCATION 52 (*College Town apt*) NOUN_SYNONYMS homework END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 253 This is your weekly journal that Jeanette requires you to write. There are some grammar mistakes. You should ask your tutor to help you with it. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 224 hammer large There is a large hammer here WEIGHT 2 LOCATION 234 (*inside Chris' toolbox*) END_NOUN CREATURE 301 vampire menacing A menacing vampire suddenly jumps in front of you. LOCATION 41 (*church parking lot*) HOSTILE WEAPON 252 THRESHOLD 2 POINTS 5 THING CREATURE_SYNONYMS Dracula END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 301 The vampire looks like Count Dracula in the movies. He has greatly frightened you with his shrill "GOO-OD EVEE-NING!" He's wearing a long black cloak with red lining and a stiff collar around his neck. His teeth are long and sharp. He is hungry and he seems to harbor few honorable intentions toward you. Your friends back home warned you that the United States cities might be dangerous but you had no idea that Newark had vampires. END_CREATURE_DESCR NOUN 245 list book There is a book list here LOCATION 5 (*KB 206*) READABLE POINTS NOUN_SYNONYMS paper END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 245 This is a small slip of paper on which are typed the names of the books you need for your classes. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 245 Listening/Speaking: "Interactions II (Listening)" Reading/Writing: "Writer's Workbook" "Grammar For Use" "Longman's Dictionary" Tutoring: "Improving Oral Communication" END_TEXT NOUN 237 radio large There is a large radio here UNMOVABLE LOCATION 52 (*College Town apartment*) PLAYABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS ghetto-blaster END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 237 This is a ghetto-blaster type of radio. It weighs about 20 kilograms and has two large speakers. You like to play the radio to hear rap music and important news that your listening teacher requires you to listen to each night. END_NOUN_DESCR PLAY_DESCR 237 You listen to the hourly news report. "Today's big news continues to be about the new adventure game created by Lowell Riethmuller at the ELI here in Newark. Teachers report that many students are absent from class this week. Everyone is at computer terminals trying to solve the game. We tried to interview Mr. Riethmuller but he has been so pressured by requests to give the game solution that he has gone into hiding. Even Dr. Stevens, Director of the ELI, does not know where he is. However we did manage to interview Chris Wolfe, an ELI faculty colleague about this phenomenon that is taking the ELI by storm." QUESTION: "Mr. Wolfe, can you tell us something about this mania for adventure games?" ANSWER: "Yes. We have never seen anything like this before at the ELI. Only three days ago Lowell released the ELI game. Over fifty copies are circulating around the campus. Teachers are unable to conduct normal classes because their students want to only do the adventure game. So the faculty has decided to devote the class time to strategies for solving the game." Q: "What kind of strategies?" A: "Students are forming study groups, like in law schools, and are creating maps to find their way through the mazes. They're making lists of weapons, key nouns, ways to enter rooms." Q: "What do you think the outcome will be?" A: "That's a good question. I am confident that somebody will solve the game. After all, over 40 groups of students and teachers are working practically day and night at the game. A breakthrough has to come soon. We will be relieved when the game is solved so that we can relax and unwind by doing things like Christmas preparations for our families." Q: "Do you have any idea where Mr. Riethmuller is hiding?" A: "No. Nobody knows where he is. So we're all on our own with the game." "Thank you, Mr. Wolfe." END_PLAY_DESCR clock alarm There is an alarm clock here UNMOVABLE LOCATION 52 (*College Town apt.*) END_NOUN ROOM 24 Elkton Road & Amstel Ave SOUTH 25 (*Elkton Road*) EAST 32 (*Amstel Avenue*) NORTHEAST 33 (*Crab Trap entrance*) NORTHWEST 16 (*Rodney entrance*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 24 You are standing at the intersection of Elkton Road and Amstel Ave. Elkton Road runs north and south. Rodney is to the northwest. Northeast is the Crab Trap Restaurant. It's a little messy walking along Amstel Avenue because there was a big rain storm last night. To get to your apartment you have to walk south on Elkton Road. END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 33 Crab Trap entrance SOUTHWEST 24 (*Elkton Rd. and Amstel Ave*) EAST 34 (*Crab Trap Restaurant*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 33 You are in front of the Crab Trap Restaurant. There are tables outside the door on the patio but the weather is bad and you don't want to sit outside. In addition the traffic is very noisy. The restaurant is east. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 34 Crab Trap Restaurant WEST 33 (*Crabtrap Entrance*) ROOM_SYNONYMS get buy order END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 34 You are inside the Crab Trap. There are booths on both sides of the room. At the back is a long bar in front of a large mirror. Above the bar the TV is showing a football game. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 274 manual instruction There is a valuable instruction manual here LOCATION 84 (*Dr. Lomis meeting*) READABLE CLOSABLE CLOSED END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 274 You're in luck. One of the booklets Dr. Lomis hands out to new students is called "How To Win The ELI Adventure Game." You just received your copy now and you eagerly open it up to read it. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 274 You look through the little book with anticipation, but unfortunately the pages are all blank. Ha! Ha! Very funny, you think to yourself. END_TEXT NOUN 204 beer imported There is a bottle of beer here LOCATION 34 DRINKABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 204 This is a bottle of Guiness Stout, a heavy dark beer. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 298 sandwich crab-cake There is a tasty, mouth-watering crab-cake sandwich here LOCATION 34 (Crab Trap Restaurant) EDIBLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 298 The Crab Trap has delicious crab-cake sandwiches. You should order one. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 25 Elkton Road NORTH 24 (*Elkton Road & Amstel Ave*) SOUTH 26 (*Elkton Road*) WEST 35 (*Kinko's*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 25 You are going along Elkton Road, which continues north and south. To the east you see Pizza Hut and a Conoco station. West is Kinko's Copy Store. To get to your apartment you need to go south. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 35 Kinko's EAST 25 (*Elkton Road*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 35 You are in Kinko's Copy Store. There are six copy machines. Four are out of order. There is a line of students waiting to use the two machines. Lowell is giving his Listening Lab packet to the man behind the desk so that it can be printed up for lab. Against the wall is a row of Apple Macintosh computers. To the east is Elkton Road. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 26 Elkton Road NORTH 25 (*Elkton Road*) EAST 50 (*College Town building*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 26 You are continuing south on Elkton Road. In various directions are apartments, restaurants, and markets. To your left is the College Town Apartments building where you live. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 50 College Town Building WEST 26 (*Elkton Road*) UP 51 (*College Town lobby*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 50 You are standing at the entrance of the College Town building. Your apartment is upstairs. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 51 Lobby of College Town DOWN 50 EAST 52 (apartment) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 51 You are in the lobby on the second floor of your building. Your apartment is on the east. The door to your apartment is locked. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 52 College Town apartment WEST 51 (*lobby*) POINTS 5 LIGHT 206 (key) ROOM_SYNONYMS GET WEAR PUT ON END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 52 This is your very own apartment. The first time you've lived away from your parents. Your roommate is from Costa Rica. The apartment has a long sofa. Posters of Japan, Costa Rica, and Bon Jovi are on the wall. You have a telephone but it's not hooked up yet. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 52 Do you have something to unlock your apartment door with? END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 16 Rodney entrance SOUTHEAST 24 (*Elkton Road*) DOWN 20 (*Rodney lobby*) LIGHT 220 (*rubber boots*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 16 You are wading through the flooded entrance to Rodney. But classes will be held anyway, as long as everyone is wearing their rubber boots. Down the stairs is the Rodney lobby. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 16 Don't you hate rain storms? You should have been prepared. Didn't people tell you about the rainy weather in Delaware? END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 20 Rodney lobby EAST 59 (*Pronunciation Cluster - 030 Rodney*) WEST 30 (*R/W class - 022 Rodney*) SOUTHWEST 22 (*028 Rodney*) UP 16 (*Rodney entrance*) LIGHT 220 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 20 You are in the lobby of Rodney. There are students sitting on the sofas talking in Japanese. The walls are covered with maps, a giant crossword puzzle, tutoring schedules, a wanted poster, and announcements. To the west is Rodney 022. Southwest is Kathy Vodvarka's office. Upstairs is the entrance to Rodney. To the east is 030 Rodney, Jack Anderson's pronunciation cluster room. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 30 Listening/ Speaking class - 022 Rodney EAST 20 (*Rodney lobby*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 30 You are in 022 Rodney. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 22 Rodney 028 NORTHEAST 20 (*Rodney lobby*) LIGHT 246 (*fan*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 22 You are in Kathy Vodvarka's office. Now that the smoke has cleared away you can see better. Jack Anderson is in here relaxing before his pronunciation cluster. There is a computer in the corner and a blackboard on the wall. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 22 Everybody uses this room for a smoking place. END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 59 Pronunciation Cluster WEST 20 (*Rodney Lobby*) NORTH 27 (*032 Rodney - tutoring room*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 59 You are in Jack Anderson's pronunciation cluster now. Jack is trying to help you distinguish the high front vowels from the mid front and mid central vowels. You are having a difficult time with them. North is 032 Rodney -- another tutoring room. You have to go there for tutoring with Linda Bigler. Jeanette wants you to go over your journal with Linda. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 59 OK. Here's a hint. You need to attack Jack with something you bought in the UD bookstore. END_HELP_DESCR CREATURE 302 tutor irascible There is tall irascible tutor with a beard and long hair here LOCATION 59 (*Pronunciation Cluster*) HOSTILE WEAPON 222 (*pronunciation book*) THRESHOLD 3 TIME_THRESH 8 MAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS teacher Jack END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 302 Your pronunciation tutor is tall with long hair and a beard. He is angry at you because you are not pronouncing your high front, mid front, and mid central vowels correctly. He won't let you leave the pronunciation cluster room until you figure out how to pronounce them satisfactorily. END_CREATURE_DESCR CREATURE 308 woman smiling Suddenly an attractive smiling woman appears LOCATION 30 (*Rodney 022*) HOSTILE WEAPON 269 (*earrings*) THRESHOLD 3 POINTS 10 WOMAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS Akane END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 308 The smiling woman is named Akane. You have heard that she loves red things. She is wearing a red blouse and red shoes. She's carrying a red book bag. Even her Japanese dictionary has a red cover. She starts talking to you and appears at first to be very friendly, but suddenly she changes her character and seems to want something from you. Maybe she believes the ELI rumor that you are rich. END_CREATURE_DESCR ROOM 27 Tutoring room NORTHEAST 10 (*Smith Lobby*) SOUTH 59 (*Pronunciation cluster*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 27 You are in 032 Rodney. Various tutoring sessions are being conducted now. In the back of the room are the desks of Dick Badger and Jo Rayyan behind portable walls. Joan Libera is tutoring the Cool Dude at her desk. Linda Bigler is helping you with your journal. It's really difficult to concentrate because somebody upstairs in the dormitory is practicing his bass guitar at Spectrum rock concert volume. After your tutoring hour is over you have to go northeast to Smith Hall for listening lab. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 10 Smith Hall lobby NORTH 12 (*KB entrance*) SOUTHWEST 27 (*Rodney 032 - TC room*) UP 11 (*Smith 211*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 10 You are in the lobby of Smith Hall. There is a window next to you with a display about studying in Spain. Nearby are coke and junk food machines. UD students are sitting and lying on the steps, and it's hard to get past them. Some ELI friends are sitting on benches talking in Japanese. Upstairs is the listening lab. You have to hurry. You don't want to be late. After listening lab you want to go north -- to film lab in Kirkbride . END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 11 Smith 211 Listening lab SOUTH 89 (*Smith lobby*) DOWN 10 (*Smith lobby*) LIGHT 229 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 11 You are in listening lab. There are four rows of booths, each one with a pair of headphones. On the bulletin board is a map of France. There is VCR and TV in front of the room. You have to sit in row one because you are using the red book. Lowell is starting the lesson now. You open up your red book to Chapter 2. The lesson is about a policeman talking to a group of neighbors about neighborhood security. The Smith lobby is south. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 89 Smith Lobby UP 11 (*listening lab*) NORTH 12 (*entrance to KB*) SOUTHWEST 27 (*Smith 032*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 89 You are back in the lobby of Smith. To the north is the entrance of Kirkbride. It's time to see the UDELI Movie Of The Week. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 12 Kirkbride entrance SOUTH 10 (*Smith lobby*) DOWN 13 (*KB 005 film lab*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 12 You are standing at the entrance to Kirkbride. There is a large circular garden separating the various buildings. Smith Hall is to the south. You see some ELI students going down some stairs. They seem eager to see today's movie -- "Rainman" and a special cartoon that Chris Wolfe has rated with four stars. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 13 Kirkbride 005 -- film lab SOUTHEAST 31 (*Carpenter site*) UP 12 (*Kirkbride entrance) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 13 You are sitting in KB 005. Here is where you see your Friday UDELI movie. It is a lecture-style classroom with about 100 seats arranged in rows ascending from the front of the room. The large blackboard has been pulled down revealing a green screen. Unfortunately, you have arrived too late to see the special cartoon about Bambi. Everyone is discussing how wonderful it was. The feature movie is about to start after the Pepsi commercials and previews are finished. The next place you have to go is the Carpenter computer site. You have a reservation there after the film is over. Carpenter is somewhere in an easterly direction. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 31 Carpenter Computer Site NORTHWEST 13 (*KB 005*) SOUTH 57 (*Cooking cluster*) EAST 17 (*Main Street*) LIGHT 216 (*ID card*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 31 You are in the Carpenter computing site. To the east is Main Street. To the south is the cooking cluster. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 57 Cooking Cluster NORTH 31 (*Carpenter*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 57 You are now in Linda Bigler's cooking cluster located in Allison Hall. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 261 letter personal There is a personal letter here for you LOCATION 57 (*Cooking Cluster*) READABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 261 This is a personal letter to you from Linda Bigler. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 261 It says: "Welcome to the Cooking Cluster. I hope you learn some helpful things about preparing food. Remember that it's important to attend every lesson. I look forward to working with you." [signed] Linda Bigler END_TEXT NOUN 266 bread banana There is some delicious banana bread here LOCATION 57 EDIBLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 266 This banana bread looks tasty. It was made by Kazu Watanabe in the cooking cluster. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 17 Main Street SOUTH 21 (*Roy's*) NORTH 23 (*National Five & Ten*) EAST 18 (*Main Street*) WEST 31 (*Carpenter*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 17 You are on Main Street. North you see the National Five and Ten. South is Roy Rogers. Main Street continues east. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 23 National Five & Ten SOUTH 17 (*Main Street*) ROOM_SYNONYMS GET BUY END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 23 You are in the National Five & Ten. You see two rows of school supply products, household items, sweatshirts, and a lot of Halloween products. You're excited about the upcoming ELI Halloween party and need to buy something to wear. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 272 snake rubber There is a rubber snake here LOCATION 23 (*National Five & Ten*) END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 272 This is a long green rubber snake that might be useful for jokes. It only costs $4.95. A real bargain. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 271 makeup theatrical There is some theatrical makeup here WEIGHT 3 WEARABLE LOCATION 23 (*National Five & Ten*) END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 271 This is the kind of makeup they use in horror movies. There is some fake blood, sharp teeth, and other objects in the package. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 270 mask ugly There is an ugly mask here WEIGHT 3 LOCATION 23 (*National Five & Ten*) END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 270 This is a really ugly, repulsive mask. It looks worse than a werewolf. There is hair all over it. The nose is grotesque and the teeth are pointing in different directions. This would scare even Freddy Kruger. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 21 Roy Rogers NORTH 17 (*Main Street*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 21 You are in Roy Rogers. There is one long line of customers. There are four cash registers but only one is being used. To your right Roy's Fixin's Bar. Beyond that is the seating area. You see a few ELI teachers and most of the ELI students taking a break between classes. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 18 Main Street NORTH 14 (*Wilmington Trust*) SOUTH 54 (*entrance to NUMC*) SOUTHEAST 42 (*Orlando airport*) WEST 17 (*Main Street*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 18 You are on Main Street. North is Wilmington Trust. South is the church entrance. Southeast is the Orlando Airport. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 236 ticket airplane There is an airplane ticket here LOCATION 17 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 236 You are lucky. You have won a round-trip ticket to Orlando, Florida as a lottery prize. Your friend is there and you want to visit him. You've been bored in Newark and want to take a vacation. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 42 Orlando Airport NORTHWEST 18 (*Main Street*) GAME_END END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 42 OH NO!! Why did you do that? You have made a bad mistake. You skipped classes to go to Orlando, Florida. You were warned by Mrs. Schneider not to be absent anymore. But you didn't listen. So now you have been thrown out of the ELI and sent back home. You have lost the game. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 14 Wilmington Trust SOUTH 18 (*Main Street*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 14 You are in Wilmington Trust. You are waiting in the back room to see someone about opening an account. In the front room are two MAC machines, a counter with deposit slips, and one teller on duty. To the south is Main Street. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 54 Entrance to NUMC NORTH 18 (*Main Street*) UP 45 (*NUMC 210*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 54 You are standing at the entrance to the Methodist Church. Upstairs is room 210 where you have reading/writing class with Jeanette. After Jeanette's class is finished you will need to get ready for the Halloween party tonight. Did you remember to go to National Five and Ten and buy things to make your costume? END_ROOM_DESC ROOM 45 Writing Class - NUMC 210 DOWN 54 (*NUMC entrance*) SOUTH 40 (*Halloween party*) LIGHT 223 (*desk lamp*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 45 You are in room 210 of the church building, in your reading/writing class. It's a good thing you brought your own desk lamp with you. The lighting in this room is terrible. There is only one window. Outside there is a lot of noise from construction vehicles. There are five long tables and various chairs. The blackboard is 100 years old. On the wall are drawings made by young children. After class it's time to prepare for tonight's Halloween party, located to the south. END_ROOM_DESCR CREATURE 305 teacher Reading-writing Your reading writing teacher is angry with you. LOCATION 45 HOSTILE WEAPON 217 (*doctor's note*) THRESHOLD 3 WOMAN CREATURE_SYNONYMS Jeanette END_CREATURE CREATURE_DESCR 305 Jeanette is angry because you have been absent from class too much. You told her you were sick but she doesn't seem to believe you. END_CREATURE_DESCR NOUN 223 lamp desk There is a desk lamp here WEIGHT 20 LOCATION 23 (*National Five and Ten*) IS_LIGHT POINTS 5 NOUN_SYNONYMS light END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 223 This is a small desk lamp with a 60 watt bulb. You might need it for your study desk. It's made in Hong Kong. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 265 umbrella stylish There is an stylish umbrella here LOCATION 45 (*NUMC 210*) CLOSABLE CLOSED IS_LIGHT POINTS 3 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 265 This is an expensive umbrella. You had lost it, but Tatsu found it and returned it to you in your writing class. You are very grateful to him. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 40 Halloween party NORTHEAST 41 (*parking lot*) UP 54 (*NUMC entrance*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 40 You are attending the annual ELI Halloween party. Around you are all kinds of creatures -- three pirates, the Joker and Queen of Spades, Tom Sawyer, the Statue of Liberty, a fisherman, two Indian maidens, and an ugly pregnant woman with bright lipstick. Some of your friends are standing around a table carving up pumpkins. To the northeast is the parking lot. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 41 Parking lot NORTHEAST 19 (*Bus interior*) SOUTHWEST 40 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 41 You are in the parking lot of the church. Southwest is the Halloween party. Northeast is a UD bus and the beginning of some exciting ELI trips. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 41 What do you remember from vampire movies? How do you kill a vampire? END_HELP_DESCR ROOM 19 UD bus NORTH 70 (*NYC*) SOUTHWEST 41 (*church parking lot*) SOUTH 74 (*Washington DC*) SOUTHEAST 77 (*ELI Xmas party*) WEST 68 (*Dempsey's Farm*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 19 You are now inside a UD blue bus. Southwest is the church parking lot. It's time to relax and take some trips. In various directions are a number of interesting places to go to. South is Washington D.C. North is New York City. Southeast is the ELI Christmas party. And west is a hayride at Dempsey's Farm. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 68 Dempsey's Farm NORTH 69 (*1st haywagon*) EAST 19 (*bus*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 68 You have just arrived at Dempsey's Farm. To the east is the UD bus. In front of you is a large barn. Some cows are lying around taking it easy. Farmer Dempsey, wearing a brown cap, bib overalls, and a red checkered flannel shirt, is explaining the ground rules to Chris Wolfe. Chris nods his head as he listens attentively. To the north are the haywagons. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 69 haywagon NORTH 56 (*2nd haywagon*) SOUTH 68 (*Dempsey's Farm*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 69 You are now beginning your ride in one of the haywagons. There are fifteen people with you. Some of them are children of various teachers. The surroundings are very quiet. The road is unpaved, with only one lane. Both sides of the road are lined with trees. There are no houses. Signs saying NO TRESSPASSING appear frequently along the road. This is truly relaxing. You feel like you are a million miles from nowhere. Chris asks for your attention as he gives you the Farmer Dempsey ground rules. No Smoking! No Standing! No Throwing of Hay! The hayride continues in a northern direction. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 248 hay dry The haywagon is filled with dry hay LOCATION 56 (*2nd haywagon*) END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 248 The hay is very dusty. It's all over the wagon. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 56 Haywagon SOUTH 69 (*haywagon*) SOUTHEAST 19 (*bus*) SPECIAL 58 KEY 248 (*dry hay*) ROOM_SYNONYMS CHANGE_LOCATION throw END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 56 You are now having a good time riding in the haywagon. South is the beginning of the hayride. The bus is southeast. All your friends are laughing and jumping up and down. Someone throws some hay at you and it gets all over your hair and into your clothes. You remember that Chris reminded everyone that Farmer Dempsey said there is to be no standing up or throwing hay outside the wagons. However you see that Farmer Dempsey is too busy watching the road while driving the tractor and he can't see what you are doing. The guy who threw the hay at you continues to laugh. You decide to throw some hay at him. END_ROOM_DESCR SPECIAL 58 OH NO! You shouldn't have thrown that hay. Farmer Dempsey must have eyes in the back of his head because he abruptly stops the tractor, stands up and yells, "NOW WE'RE IN TROUBLE WITH THE POLICE. YOU HAVE DESTROYED A PARK!" All of a sudden fifteen police cars with sirens blasting pull up beside the wagon. Forty armed SWAT policemen order you to get down. Everyone stares at you as you are being taken away in the lead car. END_SPECIAL ROOM 58 jail cell WEST 56 (*Haywagon*) LOCKED_DOOR GAME_END END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 58 And before long you are sitting in a jail cell in the headquarters of the New Castle County Police. Dr. Stevens is forced to throw you out of the ELI because you are a criminal. Sorry, but YOU LOSE! END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 70 New York City NORTH 71 (*Rockefeller Center*) SOUTH 19 (*bus*) EAST 72 (*Chinatown*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 70 You are in New York City at 49th St. and Sixth Avenue. To the south is the UD bus. To the north is Mitsubishi Center. East is Chinatown. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 71 Mitsubishi Center SOUTH 70 (*49th St. & Sixth Ave*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 71 You are in Mitsubishi Center. South is 49th St. and Sixth Avenue. Around you are large buildings -- RCA building, St. Patrick's Cathedral. There are people ice skating on a rink in front of you. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 72 Chinatown SOUTHWEST 73 (*Statue of Liberty*) WEST 70 (*49th St. & 6th Ave*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 72 You are in Chinatown on Canal Street where it intersects Mott Street. West is 49th St. & Sixth Ave. To your left is Mulberry St. and Little Italy. All along the sidewalk you see fruit stands. People are selling umbrellas because it's raining very hard. The traffic is very noisy. You want to visit the Statue of Liberty. You ask a policeman directions and he tells you it is southwest of here. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 73 Statue of Liberty NORTHEAST 72 (*Chinatown*) UP 83 (*crown*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 73 You have just stepped off the boat from Battery Park and are now standing inside the entrance to the Statue of Liberty. Northeast is Chinatown. You can see a model of her torch in the room. Up a long winding set of stairs is the crown. You want to go up there to see what it's like. There is a long line of people waiting to go up. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 83 Statue crown DOWN 73 (*Statue of Liberty*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 83 You are standing at the top of the Statue of Liberty in her crown. It is very cramped up here. You can't stand up straight. You are very disappointed in what you see. "There's nothing here," you say out loud. You wasted three hours waiting in line. You wish you would have gone to "Chorus Line" at the Shubert Theater. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 74 Washington DC NORTH 19 (*bus*) EAST 76 (*Natural History Museum*) WEST 75 (*Meskerem Restaurant* END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 74 You are in Washington D.C. at the Lincoln Memorial. The UD bus is north. To the east is the Natural History Museum. To the West is the Meskerem Restaurant. You heard that Linda Bigler, Chris Wolfe, and Lowell are going there for dinner this evening. You want to go there too. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 75 Meskerem Restaurant POINTS 5 EAST 74 (*Washington D.C.*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 75 You are in the Meskerem Restaurant. It serves Ethiopian food. The hostess has seated you in the upstairs dining room. There are no chairs. You and 13 others are sitting on the floor with small pillows around you. Some new customers have also just arrived. One of them thinks you are a waiter and asks for a drink. Linda is explaining the restaurant food to you as you look at the menu. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 259 menu Meskerem A Meskerem menu is here UNMOVABLE LOCATION 75 (*Meskerem Restaurant*) READABLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 259 You don't understand any of the words on the menu. You'll have to ask Linda for some advice. Linda tells you that it is against the law in the United States to take a menu home for a souvenir. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 259 It says: "Today's special is a Wat sampler with enjira. $8.75 a person." END_TEXT ROOM 76 Natural History Museum WEST 74 (*Washington D.C.*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 76 You are in the National Museum of Natural History. To the west is the UD bus. You see a giant elephant in the lobby. In the room on the left you see the famous whale hanging from the ceiling. This is the same whale you've heard Ben Wolfe talk about. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 263 envelope small There is a small envelope here LOCATION 75 (*Meskerem restaurant*) CLOSABLE CLOSED END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 263 Linda Bigler gives each of you a small red envelope. Your name is written on the outside. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 264 invitation party There is a Christmas party invitation here WEIGHT 10 LOCATION 263 (*inside small red envelope*) READABLE IS_LIGHT NOUN_SYNONYMS CARD END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 264 The invitation is on a small card with a picture of Santa Claus. You smile as you read the words. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 264 It says, "The faculty of the ELI request your presence at the Annual ELI Christmas Party to be held December 19 at 7:00 pm in the Bacchus room of the University Student Center. This is a formal affair. Formal dress is required. Invitation cards must be presented at the door." END_TEXT ROOM 77 ELI Xmas party NORTH 78 (*Niagra Falls, Ontario*) NORTHWEST 19 (*bus*) LIGHT 264 (*Xmas party invitation*) POINTS 10 END_ROOM HELP 77 You need to have an invitation card to the Xmas party. Didn't you get one when you were in Washington? END_HELP_DESCR ROOM_DESCR 77 You have just presented your invitation at the door and you are now in the Christmas party room with all your ELI friends. To the northwest is the bus. You hear a thunderous applause as the faculty has just performed their famous "Twelve Days of Christmas" for the EIGHTH consecutive year. You heard from previous students that this performance is always a highlight of the school year. Santa Claus is sitting on the stage handing out gifts to everyone. You are happy that Session II is over and you wonder what you can do during the Christmas vacation. Some ELI friends say Niagra Falls is very beautiful in the winter. They are going there and have invited you to go along. Since this is during the vacation you won't get in trouble with Mrs. Schneider for being absent from class. You decide to go. Niagra Falls, Ontario is to the north. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 78 Niagra Falls, Ontario EAST 79 (*US Immigration office*) SOUTH 77 (*Xmas party*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 78 You are in Niagra Falls, Ontario. To the south is the Christmas party you left a few days ago. Now you are overlooking the Horseshoe Falls. It's spectacular. The trees along the street behind you are coated with ice, as the mist from the Falls freezes on the branches. Across the street is the Skylon Tower. You were up there earlier to see the panoramic view of the Falls. Now it's time to return to Newark for Session III. To the east is the USA Immigration office on Rainbow Bridge. This is the only way you can get back to Newark and continue your studies. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 79 US Immigration Office WEST 78 (*Niagra Falls, Ont*) SPECIAL 80 (*Niagra Falls, NY*) KEY 207 (*F-1 visa*) POINTS 10 ROOM_SYNONYMS CHANGE_LOCATION SHOW END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 79 You are sitting on a bench in the office of the US Immigration Service at the end of the Rainbow Bridge. West is Niagra Falls, Ontario and the memories of a nice vacation in Canada. East is Niagra Falls New York. You have shown your passport to the immigration official, but he won't let you through to Niagra Falls, New York. He has told you to sit on the bench and wait. Above you is an American Flag. END_ROOM_DESCR HELP 79 What did your ELI Manual and Dr. Lomis say about leaving and re-entering the USA? END_HELP_DESCR SPECIAL 80 You show your F-1 visa to the official. It is valid and everything is OK. He thanks you and says you can leave. You go outside to Niagra Falls, NY. You are relieved. END_SPECIAL ROOM 80 Niagra Falls, NY. WEST 79 (*immigration office*) SOUTH 81 (*ELI Student Council meeting*) POINTS 15 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 80 You are in Niagra Falls, New York. West is the Immigration office. South is Newark. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 81 ELI Student Council NORTH 80 (*Niagra Falls, NY*) WEST 88 (*final essay room*) END_ROOM ROOM 81 ELI Student Council NORTH 80 (*Niagra Falls, NY*) WEST 88 (*final essay room*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 81 You are back in Newark now. To the north is Niagra Falls, New York. Six weeks have passed. Session III will be over in two weeks. You are sitting in a meeting of the ELI Student Council. Vania Hu, Chris Wolfe, and Dr. Stevens are explaining what needs to be done before you can graduate. First, you must take the Michigan Test. Second, you have to write your final essay in your writing class. Third, you must fill out a departure form and give it to Diane Baker. Finally, before you can graduate you have to have an official letter from Dr. Stevens stating that you have had at least 90% attendance during your time at the ELI. To the west is the room for your final essay. END_ROOM_DESCR NOUN 267 letter official There is an official letter here for you LOCATION 22 (*028 Rodney*) READABLE IS_LIGHT END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 267 This is an official letter from the ELI. It looks important. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 267 It's from Dr. Stevens and it says, "This letter officially confirms that you have had 95% attendance during your three sessions at the ELI. I hope you keep up the good attendance. It's been a pleasure to have you as a student at the ELI." END_TEXT NOUN 249 form departure An official ELI departure form is here. WEIGHT 20 LOCATION 88 (*final essay room*) END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 249 This is the official departure form you must fill out before you graduate. END_NOUN_DESCR ROOM 88 Final Essay SOUTH 29 (*Diane Baker's desk*) EAST 81 (*Student Council meeting*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 88 You are in your reading/writing class writing your final essay. Even though you "killed" Jeanette earlier in the game, her ghost has returned to give you the essay assignment. The topic is "How to win adventure games." You are able to write a lot about this topic because you are almost to the end of the ELI game and are about to win. After your essay you must see Diane Baker in the ELI office and give her your departure form before you're permitted to take the Michigan Test. Her desk is to the south. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 29 Diane Baker's desk NORTH 88 (*final essay room*) SPECIAL 38 (*Michigan Test room*) KEY 249 (*departure form*) ROOM_SYNONYMS CHANGE_LOCATION GIVE END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 29 You're in the ELI office standing at Diane Baker's desk. She's talking on the phone with a teacher. You wait a minute or so. She hangs up and says to you, "Hi. Can I help you?" END_ROOM_DESCR SPECIAL 38 You have given Diane Baker your departure form. She checked it and looked at your file. Everything is okay. Now you're in the listening lab taking the Michigan Test. It is a lot easier today than it was the first time you took it because you've learned a lot of English since then. END_SPECIAL ROOM 38 Michigan Test room NORTHEAST 48 (*party at Cool Dude's apt*) POINTS 10 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 38 You are almost finished with the Michigan Test. You're going to be very busy between now and graduation. You have to go to the Christiana Mall to buy some souvenirs for your friends and family. You also have to buy some clothing. In addition there's a party in Rodney F dormitory given by the Cool Dude. You decide to go to the party next. The party is to the northeast. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 48 Cool Dude's party EAST 53 (*Christiana Mall*) SOUTHWEST 38 (*Michigan Test room*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 48 You are at a party in Rodney F dorm. The Cool Dude and Tatsu are the hosts. Everyone is laughing and having a good time. You are a little sad because soon you will have to say goodbye to your friends. Tomorrow you have to go to the Christiana Mall. It's to the east. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 53 Christiana Mall WEST 48 (*Cool Dude's party*) SOUTH 85 (*apartment*) END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 53 You are in the Christiana Mall to do some shopping. It's not nearly as crowded now as it was when you were here in December. You remember that your teacher Lowell warned you never to go to Christiana Mall in December. After you finish your shopping you have to go back to your apartment at College Town to pack your clothes and things. Your airplane leaves tomorrow night. Graduation is tomorrow morning. You are confused and don't know how to get back to your apartment. You have to experiment with different directions. END_ROOM_DESCR ROOM 85 College Town apartment NORTH 53 (*Christiana Mall*) EAST 55 (*graduation room*) POINTS 15 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 85 You are back in your apartment now and have a lot of things to pack up. Your Costa Rican roommate is sad to see you go. There are a lot of memories of the ELI that you will take with you. You won't have a chance to get much sleep tonight. Besides you are very excited about graduation tomorrow. The graduation room will be in Kirkbride 204. END_ROOM_DESR NOUN 244 message friendly There is a friendly message here READABLE LOCATION 85 END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 244 This friendly message was taped to your door. You take it down to read it. END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 244 It says, "Hi. This is your friendly author again. I am very pleased that you made it this far in the ELI game. That shows that you are very hard-working. You are almost to the end. Good luck. I am confident that you will succeed." END_TEXT NOUN 241 book photography There is a photography book here LOCATION 53 (*Christiana Mall*) END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 241 This is a large book with photos of Delaware. It's called "Small Wonder." END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 238 colada pinata There is a tasty "pinata" colada here LOCATION 53 (*Christiana Mall*) DRINKABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS drink pinata END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 238 This is a drink made from cream and coconut. "I thought it was 'pina ' colada," you say to yourself. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 273 sushi tasty There is a plate of tasty sushi here LOCATION 48 (*dorm party*) EDIBLE END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 273 The sushi looks good. It is pieces of raw fish wrapped in rice. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 275 T-shirt ELI There is an ELI T-shirt here LOCATION 55 (*graduation room*) WEARABLE NOUN_SYNONYMS shirt END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 275 This is the famous ELI T-shirt which is given only to those students who graduate with honors. It is a medium size, red, with a drawing of a circle, the ELI logo, and a skeleton key. You are very proud to receive it. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 250 envelope large There is a large blue envelope here WEIGHT 50 LOCATION 55 (*graduation room*) CLOSABLE CLOSED END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 250 Dr. Stevens gives you a large blue envelope with your name typed on it. You are eager to open it to get your certificate. END_NOUN_DESCR NOUN 268 certificate ELI Your ELI certificate is here LOCATION 250 (*inside large envelope*) READABLE GAME_WIN END_NOUN NOUN_DESCR 268 This is your ELI certificate. You have worked hard for this. Now the big day has arrived. Now you have to READ and remember the name of the award so that you can prove to Lowell you have won the game END_NOUN_DESCR TEXT 268 You have graduated from the ELI with honors and have received the famous GEORGE DEAN AWARD for Outstanding Scholarship. CONGRATULATIONS! Now you should TAKE the certificate and tell Lowell the name of the award so that you can be named as the official winner. END_TEXT ROOM 55 Kirkbride 204 - Graduation Room WEST 85 (*College Town apt*) LIGHT 267 (*official letter*) POINTS 20 END_ROOM ROOM_DESCR 55 You finally made it. You are in Kirkbride 204. The graduation ceremony has started. Ruth's class has just performed "Madam Butterfly." Dr. Stevens is passing out the legendary ELI T-shirts to those who are graduating with honors. Soon he announces your name as class valedictorian and hands you your certificate . . . . END_ROOM_DESCR