"Sources" = "Source Files"; "Includes" = "Include Folders"; "Libs" = "Libraries"; "Consts" = "Constants"; "LANGUAGE=en_us" = "LANGUAGE=en_us"; "MESSAGESTYLE=neu" = "MESSAGESTYLE=neu"; "No Errors or Warnings." = "No Errors or Warnings."; "Ready." = "Ready."; "No such file." = "No such file."; "The file '%@' does not exist." = "The file '%@' does not exist."; "OK"="OK"; "Can't build game." = "Can't build game."; "The project file needs to be saved to disk once before the game can be built." = "The project file needs to be saved to disk once before the game can be built."; /* E-Mail Address where feedback messages will be sent: */ "FEEDBACK_EMAIL" = "tadsworkbench@zathras.de"; /* Prefix for e-mail's subject: */ "FEEDBACK_SUBJECT_PREFIX" = "[Feedback about TADS Workbench] "; /* URL where the user can provide feedback. */ "FEEDBACK_URL" = "mailto:tadsworkbench@zathras.de?subject=Feedback%20about%20TADS%20Workbench";