-- wear.i -- library version 0.4.1 -- 0.4.1 - converted to ALANv3 Add to every object Is not wearable. End add. Syntax wear = wear (obj) Where obj IsA object else "You can't wear that." wear = put (obj) 'on'. wear = put 'on' (obj). Add to every object Verb wear Check obj is wearable else "You can't wear" say the obj. "." And obj not in worn else "You are already wearing" say the obj. "." And obj is takeable else "You can't pick" say the obj. "up." Does If obj not in hero then Locate obj in hero. "(You pick" say the obj. "up.)$n" End if. Locate obj in worn. "You put on" say the obj. "." End verb. End add. Syntax 'remove' = 'remove' (obj) Where obj IsA object else "You can't remove that." 'remove' = take (obj) off. 'remove' = take off (obj). Add to every object Verb 'remove' Check obj in worn else "You are not wearing" say the obj. "." Does Locate obj in hero. "You take off" say the obj. "." End verb. End add. Syntax undress = undress. Add to every object Verb undress Does If Count in worn, IsA thing > 0 then Empty worn in hero. "You remove all the items you where wearing." else "You're not wearing anything you can remove." End if. End verb. End add.