-- take.i -- Library version 0.5.0 -- 0.6.0 - removed guard for taking things from animate containers since -- Alan v3.0.29 supports Extract clause on containers -- 0.5.0 - cleaned up formatting, made use of "." not making a leading space -- 0.4.1 - converted to ALANv3 Add to every thing Is inanimate. End add. Add to every object Is takeable. End add. Add to every actor Is not inanimate. End add. Synonyms get, carry, obtain, grab, steal, confiscate, hold = take. Syntax take = take (obj) * Where obj IsA object else "You can't take that with you!" Syntax pick_up1 = pick up (obj)* Where obj IsA object else "You can't take that with you!" pick_up2 = pick (obj)* up Where obj IsA object else "You can't take that with you!" Add to every object Verb take, pick_up1, pick_up2 Check obj is takeable else "You can't take that!" And obj not in worn else "You've already got that - you're wearing that." And obj not in hero else "You've already got that." And weight Of obj <=50 else "That is too heavy to lift." Does Locate obj in hero. "Taken." End verb. End add. Synonyms discard = drop. Syntax drop = drop (obj)*. Syntax put_down1 = put (obj) * down. Syntax put_down2 = put down (obj)*. Add to every object Verb drop, put_down1, put_down2 Check obj in hero else "You aren't carrying that." Does Locate obj here. "Dropped." End verb. End add. Syntax take_from = 'take' (obj) 'from' (holder) Where obj IsA object else "You can only take objects." And holder IsA thing else "You can't take things from that!" And holder IsA container else "You can't take things from that!" Add to every object Verb take_from When obj Check obj not in hero else "You already have" say the obj. "." And obj in holder else Say the obj. "is not there." Does If holder=hero then "You don't need to take things from yourself!" else Locate obj in hero. "You take" say the obj. "." End if. End verb. End add.