-- attack.i -- Library version 0.5.0 -- 0.4.1 - converted to ALANv3 Add to every thing Is not shootable. End add. Add to every object Is Not weapon. Not shootable. End add. Synonyms kill, fight, hit = attack. fire = shoot. Syntax attack = attack (act) Where act IsA thing else "You can't attack that." Add to every thing Verb attack Does "Violence is not the answer." End verb. End add. Syntax attack_with = attack (act) 'with' (obj) Where act IsA thing else "You can't attack that." And obj IsA object else "You can't attack anything with that!" Add to every thing Verb attack_with When obj Check obj in hero else "You don't have that object to attack with." And obj is weapon else "No point attacking anything with that!" Does "Violence is not the answer." End verb. End add. Syntax shoot = shoot (obj) Where obj IsA thing else "You can't shoot at that." shoot = shoot 'at' (obj). Add to every thing Verb shoot Does If obj is shootable then "You need to specify what to shoot at." else "You need to specify what you want to shoot" say the obj. "with." End if. End verb. End add. Syntax shoot_at = shoot (obj) 'at' (act) Where obj IsA object else "You can't shoot that." And act IsA thing else "You can't shoot at that." shoot_with = shoot (act) 'with' (obj) Where obj IsA object else "You can't shoot that." And act IsA thing else "You can't shoot at that." Add to every thing Verb shoot_at When obj Check obj in hero else "You don't have that." And obj is shootable else "You can't shoot anything with that." Does "Violence is not the answer." End verb. Verb shoot_with When obj Check obj in hero else "You don't have that." And obj is shootable else "You can't shoot anything with that." Does "Violence is not the answer." End verb. End add.