Pirate Adventure - v1.1.0 - Monday, 11th August 1997 Developed for HC v2.4 (beta Gr), library v2.4.0 By Alexis & Scott Adams, c. 1979 Ported to Hugo by Julian Arnold (jools@arnod.demon.co.uk) ________________________________________________________________________ PART A - INTRODUCTION ________________________________________________________________________ This is a Hugo port of the classic text adventure, "Pirate Adventure". I have tried to keep this port as faithful to the original as possible, even so far as emulating the original's screen model, and somewhat crippling Hugo's parser. Of course, there are differences, but these should be minor and should not noticeably affect gameplay. My main purpose in writing this port was to bolster the library of available Hugo source. Contained in this distribution are the following files: PIRATE.TXT: You're reading it. PIRATE.HUG: The Hugo source for "Pirate Adventure". PIRATE.REC: A step-by-step solution to "Pirate Adventure" (should work for both the Hugo port and the original--you won't be able to use this with Hugo's playback feature, due to certain random events such as the changing of the tides). ________________________________________________________________________ PART B - COMPILING ________________________________________________________________________ "Pirate Adventure" should compile with Hugo v2.4 beta Gr and library v2.4.0 or later. It will also compile with the non-Gr edition of v2.4 and the appropriate library. A small bug in this version means that a few objects (the torch, for instance) will be called, ie, (torch) rather than their proper name. This is only a superficial problem, and should not affect gameplay. ________________________________________________________________________ PART C - LINEAGE ________________________________________________________________________ "Pirate Adventure" (a.k.a. "Pirate's Cove") was Adventure International's (Scott Adams' company) second game. This port is modelled on a datafile extracted, from the BASIC version of "Pirate Adventure" published in Byte 12/1980, by Paul David Doherty. ________________________________________________________________________ PART D - LICENCE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ________________________________________________________________________ This port is by Julian Arnold. It was modelled on a datafile extracted from the BASIC version of the original published in Byte 12/1980. My understanding is that this datafile is in the public domain, and so, so is this port. This means you can modify it, steal from it, and redistribute it as you like. Which is nice for you. And so, on to the acknowledgements. Fighting it out for first place we have, in the red corner, the double whammy of Alexis and Scott Adams, who co-wrote the original, as well as several other classic games, and, in the blue corner, Kent Tessman, the heavyweight who fashioned Hugo from finest C. Colin Turnbull graciously fixed some bugs in his Acorn port of Hugo, while Cardinal Teulbachs told me how much he disliked the colour scheme and did some last minute testing. Paul David Doherty is responsible for the datafile on which this port is based, and the utility ScottDec, which turned the datafile into something I could read. I could also play the datafile on ScottFree, the "Scott Adams"-format adventure player written by Alan Cox. ________________________________________________________________________ PART E - HISTORY ________________________________________________________________________ Sunday, 10th August 1997 - v1.0.0 Monday, 11th August 1997 - v1.1.0 o Changed SL_TEXTCOLOR from WHITE to BRIGHT_WHITE. This was necessary because of a bug (now fixed) in Hugo 2.4 Gr beta where BROWN appeared as yellow, rendering WHITE text on a BROWN background unreadable. Thanks to Cardinal Teulbachs and Paolo Vece for pointing this out (repeatedly in the former case--oops!). o Removed an unnecessary call to ClearScreen() from DescribePlace() which was causing the upper window to be redrawn twice per turn--only noticeable on slow machines. o Changed the window block in DescribePlace() so that it draws the upper window according to display.statusline_height, and not as a flat 10 lines high.