"Life of A Librarian" by Timewalker The Library is a room. "A dimly lighted room, with books lying all over the floor. It has very few people around. There is the sound of another librarian hushing up the kids, many page turnings, and the occasional chair scrapings. The carpet under you is just as silent as this place - a recently-cleaned for that too. The shelves are grouped into many categories: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Adventure, Sci-Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Adult, Romance and Comics." The maximum score is 5. Some books are scenery in the Library. Some shelves are scenery in the Library. The shelves are containers.The description of the shelves is "Many wooden 'shelves', grouped into Fiction, Nonfiction, Adventure, Sci-Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Adult, Romance and Comics. There are three levels in every shelf: and since you are a good librarian, each shelf is listed from smallest to largest." A thing can be scanned or unscanned. A thing is usually unscanned. Scanning is an action applying to one thing. Understand "scan [something]" as scanning. Carry out scanning: say "This book cannot be scanned." Instead of scanning the fiction book when the fiction book is scanned: say "That'll unscan it!" Instead of scanning the fiction book: say "You scan the book."; now the book is scanned; award 5 points Release along with the source text. Understand "nonfiction shelf" as the shelves. Understand "non-fiction shelf" as the shelves. Understand "nonfiction" as the shelves. Understand "non-fiction" as the shelves. Understand "adventure shelf" as the shelves. Understand "adventure" as the shelves. Understand "sci-fiction shelf" as the shelves. Understand "science fiction shelf" as the shelves. Understand "scifiction shelf" as the shelves. Understand "science-fiction shelf" as the shelves. Understand "sci-fic shelf" as the shelves. Understand "science-fic shelf" as the shelves. Understand "mystery shelf" as the shelves. Understand "mystery" as the shelves. Understand "thriller shelf" as the shelves. Understand "thriller" as the shelves. Understand "adult shelf" as the shelves. Understand "adult" as the shelves. Understand "romance shelf" as the shelves. Understand "romance" as the shelves. Understand "comics shelf" as the shelves. Understand "comic shelf" as the shelves. Understand "comics" and "comic" as the shelves. The Fiction shelf is scenery in the Library. The shelf is a container. The description of the shelf is "Many wooden 'shelves', grouped into Fiction, Nonfiction, Adventure, Sci-Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Adult, Romance and Comics. There are three levels in every shelf: and since you are a good librarian, each shelf is listed from smallest to largest." The bookdrop is a container in the library. The description of the bookdrop is "A small window like thing invented by this library. A book is dropped and it falls into the inside part of the bookdrop. Not as innovative as the auto-scan ones, but still, there is that certain feeling when your group invents something." The bookdrop is fixed in place. There is a fiction book in the bookdrop. The description of the fiction book is "A Tale of Two Cities is the book. It is a hardcover edition, and some pages are written on. Page 36 has also been ripped off. There should be a rule punishing these things." Understand "book" as the fiction book. The scanner is a thing in the Library. The printed name of the scanner is "book scanner". The description of the scanner is "A red device lying here. It has a voice over who says 'This book has been issued' or 'This book has been returned' in the scanner. There is also a red light that is supposed to scan the book's ISBN." The scanner is fixed in place. Understand "book scanner" as the scanner. Instead of inserting something into the scanner: say "This book cannot be scanned." Instead of inserting the fiction book into the scanner: say "You scan the book."; now the fiction book is scanned; award 5 points Instead of inserting the fiction book into the scanner when the book is scanned: say "That'll unscan it!" Instead of inserting the fiction book into the shelf when the book is scanned: say "You put the book into the fiction book. After some time you go home to lead a quiet life."; end the game saying "YOU WIN THE GAME!" Instead of inserting the fiction book into the shelf when the book is unscanned: say "You need to scan the book first." Instead of inserting the fiction book into the shelves: say "Wrong shelf! Put it in the fiction shelf."