This is a collection of maps to the interactive fiction game Kingdom of Hamil. It was originally created by Jonathan Partington on the Phoenix mainframe at Cambridge University, then commercially released by Acornsoft in 1983, then later by Topologika in 1987. These maps were made with Microsoft Powerpoint, then converted to PNG images These maps were mostly completed in 2007. The only one that was not finished was the map to the Labyrinth. However, after my painful experience making maps of Philosopher's Quest / BrandX, with two horrible mazes (the M.E. Passages and the Whale's Stomach), I was very reluctant to tackle Hamil's Labyrinth (which in all fairness is quite a bit simpler). I ended up putting this project down, forgetting about it for almost 13 years until I was recently inspired to revisit my interactive fiction maps. I have finally finished the map for Kingdom of Hamil, plus also updated, corrected, and tweaked some of my other maps that I have previously submitted to the Interactive Fiction Archive. The source code to Kingdom of Hamil is available on, which was invaluable in completing these maps. I would also refer the gamer to the walkthroughs of the Topologika games written by Richard Bos. He has made helpful maps of his own for most of these games, and his walkthroughs are an invaluable tool. He has also helpfully pointed out some of the errors in my own maps. I am very interested in hearing about any mistakes, inaccuracies, or other quibbles about my maps, no matter how trivial. Marco Cavagna 5 January 2020 Archive Contents: Readme.TXT this file Notes.DOC notes on specific maps 0_Legend.PNG map legend 1_Underground.PNG main regions, Maze of Hamil 2_Outdoors.PNG castle, museum, Enchanted Maize maze 3_Plain.PNG rocky plain 4_Lost.PNG lost world 5_Labyrinth.PNG labyrinth version 1 1/23/2020