WELCOME to "MOP AND MURDER"!!! I will try to be brief here because I know you are anxious to get right to things. If you have never played a text adventure you will want to read on, BUT EVEN IF YOU ARE FAMILIAR WITH TEXT ADVENTURES keep reading. Certain commands will be unique to this game only! Each command you enter at the prompt should include a VERB and a NOUN of some type. You might also want to include a PREPOSITION and an OBJECT in certain instances. For example, all of the following would be logical commands: GET BUSINESS CARD PICK UP ROCK EXAMINE (or EX) THE CLOSET CHOP ONION WITH KNIFE SPRAY WALL WITH SPRAY PAINT TELL SAM ABOUT THE SCREAMING WOMAN LIFT THE CHEESE WHEEL WITH THE STEEL CROWBAR etc... You may use the word AND (or a comma) to put more than one command on a line. In additions to commands like this, there are also certain commands that you can enter that only require one word. Directions of movement for one thing. e.g. EAST (or E) e.g. NORTH e.g. GO SOUTH e.g. LOOK (or LOOK at SOMETHING) All of these are acceptable. Typing INVENTORY (or I) will give you a list of items you are carrying. You may also want to SAVE your game at anytime, particularly if you are about to do something dangerous. To do so, just type SAVE and you will be given prompts to SAVE the game at this point under a certain name. Anytime you wish to RESTORE back to that same point, just type RESTORE and you will be given a list of the previous SAVES that are on the disk. Also, you may QUIT (or Q) at anytime. Now, there are two things for everyone to keep in mind. EVEN IF YOU ARE AN OLD PRO AT TEXT ADVENTURES! Due to the current limitations in the Adventure Game Toolkit: 1) The status line on top lists your score. However, in this game the SCORE will always be 0 because it's not about points. It's about justice and solving the crime - period. 2) In order to LOOK UNDER, ABOVE or BEHIND things, make sure to NOT USE THE WORD "LOOK" in the command. e.g. To LOOK ABOVE (or on top of) a door - type: ABOVE DOOR e.g. To LOOK UNDER or BELOW a rock - type: UNDER ROCK e.g. To LOOK BEHIND (or in back of) a picture - type: BEHIND PICTURE In other words, just do what you want to do but drop the word LOOK in these situations. If you just want to LOOK AT something then you can use the word LOOK. Finally, if you'd like to make a case for something, you'd better be able to prove it, so the collection and analysis of evidence is of the utmost importance. If you would like to print out a hard copy of this stuff, type SCRIPT at anytime and the game will be echoed to your printer. Conversly, UNSCRIPT, will stop the process. Try various verbs and discover which ones are helpful. TO USE POPHINTS: Type at any time during game. They are "progressive" hints, meaning that when you choose a topic to get a hint, you will get any easy hint. Hit and you will get a more specific hint and so on until you will just be given the answer to that specific puzzle. returns you to the topic menu and takes you back to the game. I hope you like this game. It's my first and I would love to here from you with questions, comments, or complaints. Please send any correspondence to: Brad Friedman 279 Mott St., #3R New York, NY 10012 Any donation (a dollar or two or five) would be appreciated. But don't let it stop you from contacting me. Have fun, good luck and keep your head low.