Grackle 0.4 beta release by David Lodge Grackle is a dumper and play for adventures written using the Graphics Adventure toolkit. At the moment it supports games from the following systems: * Spectrum (in .sna format) * CPC (as extracted files with the AMSDOS header from a disk image or as a .sna) * BBC Micro (as the raw datafile extracted from the disc image, usually called $.DATA) Both of these are the runnable versions of the files, rather than the raw data files. The BBC Micro datafile works both in the native interpreter and runner. The command line format is: grackle [dump] If you specify "dump" as the second parameter then the adventure database will be dumped and it will not try to play through it. If this is missing it will try to play the adventure. You'll probably want to save the dump to a file, this can easily be done via the > output operator (in both Linux and Windows), see the last example below. For example: grackle "Winter Wonderland.sna" grackle ransom.sna dump grackle 12lost grackle $.DATA >ransom.txt The are probably lots of bugs, if you find issues, please report them using the sourceforge tracker for grackle at: Current LOAD, SAVE and wait for a key press are unsupported. grackle-draw.c is included in this version, this is my basic messing code to redraw the graphics on the BBC Micro from the graphics data file (usually $.GDATA). The BBC Micro used a different format than other platforms. The image drawing code is very basic and there will be errors in the output. I have plans to support C64 adventures, plus some code to redraw the graphics, but this is way in the future. In the archive are the source code and DOS executable (command line only). The code can be compiled on other systems (and has been written and tested on Linux) by using: gcc -o grackle grackle-play.c