NOTE: This is a beta version of ZedFunge. There are some known bugs. These are listed in the file bugs.txt. Send any bug reports or comments to ZedFunge v0.7.3 beta -------------------- Funges are a multi-dimensional programming languages. They're kind of fun and twisted. Some people play with them to see if it is possible - whether you could really make an operating system or computer based on one. Others use them as a tool to get a creative buzz, to play with the unusual. For more information see Inform is a compiler/library for Interactive Fiction (text adventure games). There is a renaissance of text adventure games; they blossomed again in the early 90s, and there are many excellent, modern and free IFs published, many surpassing the quality of professional works from the 1980s. Inform creates Z machine game files, which are the same format as Infocom used for their games, and they run on most computer platforms (including palmtops). For more information see ZedFunge is a Concurrent Funge interpreter for 1 to 3 dimensions, attempting to and almost succeeding in implementing the Funge-98 specification. It is written using the Inform compiler, and runs on any Z machine. For information about getting a Z machine interpreter to run ZedFunge, follow the links from the inform page above. Documentation can be found within the programme, accessed with F1. I've also included a copy of the official Funge98 specification as further documentation. See F9 of the help for non-compliances. ZedFunge is released under the GNU general public licence. See the file copying.txt (which should be always distributed with the program). To satisfy the licence, the source code is also included in the distribution. The various .inf files can be compiled into the .z5 file using Inform - the script zfmake might help if you use a unix, though it needs configuring slightly. Recompiling allows you to set compile-time options concerning memory usage and such. Edit config.h to change these. Any feedback on ZFunge is welcome! You can email me at Have fun, Martin Bays. [This document based on one by Francis Irving]