-- Alan Tutorial, Stephen Griffiths, 1998 -- file : library2.ala -- expanded standard verbs library for Alan tutorial examples SYNONYMS n=north. s=south. SYNTAX 'quit'='quit'. SYNONYMS q ='quit'. VERB 'quit' DOES SCORE. QUIT. END VERB. SYNTAX 'score'='score'. SYNONYMS sc ='score'. VERB 'score' DOES SCORE. END VERB. SYNTAX brief=brief. SYNONYMS b=brief. short=brief. VERB brief DOES VISITS 99. "$pNow using 'brief' mode - full descriptions will only be displayed the first time you visit a location$p" END VERB. SYNTAX verbose=verbose. SYNONYMS v=verbose. long=verbose. full=verbose. f=verbose. VERB verbose DOES VISITS 0. "$pNow using 'verbose' mode - full descriptions will be displayed each time you visit a location$p" END VERB. SYNTAX 'look'='look'. SYNONYMS l='look'. VERB 'look' DOES LOOK. END VERB. SYNONYMS place=put. SYNTAX put=put (obj1) 'in' (obj2) WHERE obj1 ISA Object ELSE "You don't have that." AND obj2 ISA Container ELSE "You can't put things in there." VERB put CHECK Obj1 IN Inventory ELSE "You don't have the $1." DOES LOCATE obj1 IN obj2. END VERB. SYNONYMS get=take. SYNTAX take=take (obj)*. VERB take CHECK Obj IS Takeable ELSE "You can't take that." AND Obj NOT IN Inventory ELSE "You already have it." DOES "You take the $o." LOCATE Obj IN Inventory. END VERB. SYNONYMS throw=drop. VERB drop CHECK OBJECT in Inventory ELSE "You don't have that." DOES "You drop the $o." LOCATE OBJECT HERE. END VERB. SYNTAX list_inventory=inventory. SYNONYMS i=inventory. VERB list_inventory DOES LIST Inventory. END VERB.