-- Alan Tutorial, Stephen Griffiths, 1998 -- file : library1.ala -- standard verbs for Alan tutorial examples SYNONYMS n=north. s=south. SYNTAX 'quit'='quit'. SYNONYMS q ='quit'. VERB 'quit' DOES SCORE. QUIT. END VERB. SYNTAX 'score'='score'. SYNONYMS sc ='score'. VERB 'score' DOES SCORE. END VERB. SYNTAX brief=brief. SYNONYMS b=brief. short=brief. VERB brief DOES VISITS 99. "$pNow using 'brief' mode - full descriptions will only be displayed the first time you visit a location$p" END VERB. SYNTAX verbose=verbose. SYNONYMS v=verbose. long=verbose. full=verbose. f=verbose. VERB verbose DOES VISITS 0. "$pNow using 'verbose' mode - full descriptions will be displayed each time you visit a location$p" END VERB. SYNTAX 'look'='look'. SYNONYMS l='look'. VERB 'look' DOES LOOK. END VERB.