------------------------- Welcome to the TADS (Text Adventure Development System) documentation in HTML. ------------------------- These files were converted from TeX and Ami Pro format into HTML by N. K. Guy, tela design, as a public service for the interactive fiction community. Copyright with these files remains in its entirety with their author, Michael J. Roberts. THE READER ASSUMES FULL RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR USE OF THESE FILES. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS TELA DESIGN LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, RESULTING FROM USE OF THIS DOCUMENTATION. For more information on the copyright status of these files please consult the file "LICENCE.HTM" ------------------------- There. Now that that quasi-legal nastiness is out of the way, we can move on to more fun things. These files represent the entire TADS documentation supplied by TADS' publisher, High Energy Software, when TADS was still a shareware product. Now that TADS is a freeware program, author Mike Roberts has made the documentation available online. These files are a direct HTML translation. Please note that much of the translation work had to be done manually for aesthetic consistency and so on. As a result some conversion errors may have crept in along the way. If you find any problems, *please* drop me a line. My email address is: tela@tela.bc.ca The latest, and hopefully most accurate, version of these files will be kept online at: http://www.tela.bc.ca/tela/tads-manual/ Note that that URL points to a version of the manual that uses curved (typographical) quotation marks. This archive contains a version of the manual that uses plain quotation marks, because many Web browsers don't support them. (they aren't officially part of HTML) If you prefer the plain version use this URL: http://www.tela.bc.ca/tela/tads-manual/plain/ You'll also be able to find various versions of the TADS documentation in various formats in the IF-archive, at: ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/programming/tads/manuals/ That site is in Germany. If you find the connection a little slow the US mirror for the site is: ftp://ftp.wustl.edu/doc/misc/if-archive/programming/tads/manuals/ and the Canadian mirror is: ftp://ftp.io.org/pub/mirrors/if-archive/programming/tads/manuals/ ------------------------- In addition to the manual tela design also maintains the TADS Page, which is intended to be a central index of TADS resources on the Web. Its URL is: http://www.tela.bc.ca/tela/tads/ Feel free to email me with any comments or suggested links. ------------------------- Have fun! - N. K. Guy, October 29. 1996